Do you support a cure for deafness?

Do you support a cure for deafness?

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I am trying Bott. He got me right in the heart with that one.

heed this famous long line by Rocky - "Let me tell you something you already know. The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It's a very mean and nasty place and I don't care how tough you are it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain't about how hard ya hit. It's about how hard you can get it and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done!"

I voted no and I don't have to give a reason. I was born with this problem and it got progressivly worse. In my opinion, "If the Good L*RD wanted me to be different than I am now, he would have done it, I am the way I am, because that's the way he made me."

Ok that's fine for you and many others. But would you deny a cure to someone that wants to be cured?

Like I said in my original post. I could not stand in the way of a cure for someone else whether I wanted it for myself or not.
Ok that's fine for you and many others. But would you deny a cure to someone that wants to be cured?

Like I said in my original post. I could not stand in the way of a cure for someone else whether I wanted it for myself or not.

I would not deny a person their fundamental right to choose, but I would want to make sure they know all the true facts before making the decision. I can't know what's in their heart of their beliefs, I can only hope.
Ok that's fine for you and many others. But would you deny a cure to someone that wants to be cured?

Like I said in my original post. I could not stand in the way of a cure for someone else whether I wanted it for myself or not.

I think standing in the way of a cure for deaf people that do want to be cured is like the homophobic people that stand in the way of right of same-sex couples to marry. That's why I would say "yes" to the cure, but just to be careful about how it's implemented.
I think standing in the way of a cure for deaf people that do want to be cured is like the homophobic people that stand in the way of right of same-sex couples to marry. That's why I would say "yes" to the cure, but just to be careful about how it's implemented.

Makes perfect sense to me. :ty: to you and Kristina for your answers.
You are nuts and I am very disappointed in you. :mad:

I was responding that it'd be impossible for Deaf culture to go *poof* and disappear so quickly once a cure is found for deafness. That's why I said it'd be impossible for that too happen.
Ok that's fine for you and many others. But would you deny a cure to someone that wants to be cured?

Like I said in my original post. I could not stand in the way of a cure for someone else whether I wanted it for myself or not.

I'll bring you up to speed on general ADers' consensual agreement and frustration on this issue. Nobody (maybe a few) is denying anybody an access to cure. Nobody is preventing cures from being researched to fix the deafness. This thread is extremely misleading and selective. In short - disregarding this hastily-built thread and a poorly-constructed poll... Kokonut has failed to provide me a specific post that we do not support cure for deafness from any other threads.

We have ALREADY supported people seeking a tool to regain their hearing - either HA or CI as long as they make informed decision.
We have ALREADY embraced them in our deaf community.
We have ALREADY accepted them - regardless of their hearing damage.

The only beef we have is the audist approach on deaf issue. It's the audism we have an issue with, not the cure. That's all.
I was responding that it'd be impossible for Deaf culture to go *poof* and disappear so quickly once a cure is found for deafness. That's why I said it'd be impossible for that too happen.

I understand. :ty: It obviously won't go "poof" once the cure is found. Do you think that deaf culture will slowly disappear once the cure is found?
I was responding that it'd be impossible for Deaf culture to go *poof* and disappear so quickly once a cure is found for deafness. That's why I said it'd be impossible for that too happen.

I hope you are right and I hope not for the Deaf Culture to go "poof" and to keep ASL. Now I have read some later threads that it is okay for some of the late deafened and any one who wanted to be cure for deafness is fine. Just leave us culturally Deaf alone if we don't want to become hearing. This is the last post I am going to say. I had enough. :roll:
DY accepted them - regardless of their hearing damage.

The only beef we have is the audist approach on deaf issue. It's the audism we have an issue with, not the cure. That's all.

Same here. It would be awful to see the cure used as some attempt to wipe the Earth of deafness.
I'll bring you up to speed on general ADers' consensus agreement and frustration on this issue. Nobody (maybe a few) is denying anybody an access to cure. Nobody is preventing cures from being researched to fix the deafness. This thread is extremely misleading and selective. In short - disregarding this hastily-built thread and a poorly-constructed poll... Kokonut has failed to provide me a specific post that we do not support cure for deafness from any other threads.

We have ALREADY supported people seeking a tool to regain their hearing - either HA or CI as long as they make informed decision.
We have ALREADY embraced them in our deaf community.
We have ALREADY accepted them - regardless of their hearing damage.

The only beef we have is the audist approach on deaf issue. It's the audism we have an issue with, not the cure. That's all.

Great. :ty: I understand. That is the way I feel as well.

Edited. A quote was accidentally included that did not belong
Originally Posted by Bebonang
You are nuts and I am very disappointed in you.
I was responding that it'd be impossible for Deaf culture to go *poof* and disappear so quickly once a cure is found for deafness. That's why I said it'd be impossible for that too happen.

To Kokonut: But when you said that, it sounded like and attack on me , a hearie, wouldn't be accepted into the deaf culture.

I can see what Jiro is saying. You purposely like to make your posts misleading. You like to make controversy. You can be vague and condescending when other ask you to make yourself clear.
But when you said that, it sounded like and attack on me , a hearie, wouldn't be accepted into the deaf culture.

I can see what Jiro is saying. You purposely like to make your posts misleading. You like to make controversy. You can be vague and condescending when other ask you to make yourself clear.

You have my back on this. I agree.
I hope you are right and I hope not for the Deaf Culture to go "poof" and to keep ASL. Now I have read some later threads that it is okay for some of the late deafened and any one who wanted to be cure for deafness is fine. Just leave us culturally Deaf alone if we don't want to become hearing. This is the last post I am going to say. I had enough. :roll:

Same here. It would be awful to see the cure used as some attempt to wipe the Earth of deafness.

Great. :ty: I understand. That is the way I feel as well.

Edited. A quote was accidentally included that did not belong

I believe that ASL and deaf culture are here to stay for vvvvveeeerrryyyyyyy long time even after the cure for deafness is here now. The most most most important thing in here is - a choice.

As long as we deafies are given a choice to choose a tool (or cure) or not.... we'll be fine :) After all.... even after CI has been around for a long time and there are tons of deaf kids being implanted... ASL and deaf culture are still here and growing strong! It is however unfortunate that hearing people continue to deny our basic needs.

As CJB puts it nicely in his signature - "Why are we chained, forced to accept those dancing shadows on the cave wall as the only reality?"
To Kokonut: But when you said that, it sounded like and attack on me , a hearie, wouldn't be accepted into the deaf culture.

I can see what Jiro is saying. You purposely like to make your posts misleading. You like to make controversy. You can be vague and condescending when other ask you to make yourself clear.

Smart bastard, ain't he? Not exactly the wisest one though.

And I second PFH.

Edit: Or third him.
I would not really support it simply because diversity is a good thing. It makes us innovative and better able to meet future challenges.

Then a cure for paralysis, blindness, Alzheimer, Parkinson, hearing loss, and whole host of other conditions too numerous to mention here are not worth going for because there'd be less diversity. No?
I believe that ASL and deaf culture are here to stay for vvvvveeeerrryyyyyyy long time even after the cure for deafness is here now. The most most most important thing in here is - a choice.

As long as we deafies are given a choice to choose a tool (or cure) or not.... we'll be fine :) After all.... even after CI has been around for a long time and there are tons of deaf kids being implanted... ASL and deaf culture are still here and growing strong! It is however unfortunate that hearing people continue to deny our basic needs.

As CJB puts it nicely in his signature - "Why are we chained, forced to accept those dancing shadows on the cave wall as the only reality?"


This is how I feel also. TY for putting it into words for me. So I am not tasting my knee, because I would have put my foot into my mouth so far.