Do you regret anything?

I regretted that I bought the scoop of chicken salad and it tastes soo bland. I ate it all and don't feel good about it. ugh!
i regret doing all my work the last minute yesterday.. took me 4 hours to complete it. thank god it turned out pretty good
Big regrets or small regrets?

Big regret: I regret going straight to an insignificant state university populated with nimwits because I wanted the dorm experience and to be a true college freshman. I should have gone to junior college and worked my way though and then transferred to UC Berkeley. Could have save a lot of money and been around people who really inspired me. Oh well.

Small regret: I regret eating all that General Tso's chicken from the cheap carry-out place the other night. :D
Big regret: I regret putting my passions aside because, at the time, I always thought it was the "right" thing to do.
Small regret: I regret not making the time to go skydiving again this year while the weather was still warm enough.
Big regret: Not changing my major in college sooner (back when I was in college, that is). But it all worked out, I guess :)
Small regret: Being too lazy to work on significant landscaping this year. Now I have to wait until next spring.
I want to say I regret getting married. But I cannot there were some good times.
I want to say I regret not finishing college, but I started my own business instead.
I want to say I regret not having kids, but I would have stayed in an unhappy marriage if I did.
I want to say I regret being deaf, but knowing the folks on AD makes it all worthwhile, and I am very comfortable with who I am today.

Overall I am happy with the choices I've made in my life, they have all somehow worked out well.
Pretty close to how I feel, Cheetah. I've done most of what I really wanted to do, maybe missed a few opportunities here and there, but I'm pretty happy with how my life turned out too.

Like the Frank Sinatra song: "Regrets, I've got a few, but then again, too few to mention..."
I have a few regrets....but know that time is too short to dwell on "what could have been."....I do try to accomplish some good every day in my life and have a kind word to those that I'm angry or disappointed at.
I havent regret about anything, lately.

I regret I ordered magazines last yr. I got tired of them after a while. I'd much rather pick up a magazine once a while. I hope this helps. :)
I regret being a trouble some teenager and giving my mom literal hell. She died when I was 19 from cancer and lived only 1 month after the diagnosis. I never got the chance to tell her I was sorry, her death was sudden and I never got the chance to have the adult realtionship that most treasure with their parents after they grow up.

Oh, I also regret that cheese cake I had last night. Heh...went straight to my thighs.
regret eating that garlic bread for dinner.. it was disgusting and left a gross aftertaste in my mouth

*eats a whole box of altoids*
I regret not taking enough risks. Looking back, if I had taken those risks sooner, I might be in a different place today. Maybe not necessarily better, but maybe different at least.

I'm very seriously contemplating quitting work just to go to school full-time, but I know my parents will shit golden bricks if I do.

Life is about choices and the results of those choices which leads us to other choices.
I regret regrets. Seriously, regrets are not very useful.

But I still have regrets, but I try not to think about them.
Dixie, my advice to you: don't not do something because of fear of what your parents will think. You're living your life, not your parents' lives.
Dixie, my advice to you: don't not do something because of fear of what your parents will think. You're living your life, not your parents' lives.

Yeah and in doing so, I will very likely get thrown out of the house without my apartment being available which leaves me no place to go. I'm not going to put my DD in that position.

It would be nice if I could work something out with someone where I can temporarily rent from someone until my apartment becomes available and just come back and announce that I'm quitting work to go to school full-time on student loans and that I have a place for my DD and I. But reality is - that never happens. I just really want to get off the farm and go back to school.
I regret not taking enough risks. Looking back, if I had taken those risks sooner, I might be in a different place today. Maybe not necessarily better, but maybe different at least.

I'm very seriously contemplating quitting work just to go to school full-time, but I know my parents will shit golden bricks if I do.

Life is about choices and the results of those choices which leads us to other choices.

watch Steve Jobs' final message - "Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life."

If you were told you have 6-12 months left to live.... what are you going to do? Now Stay hungry... Stay foolish...
watch Steve Jobs' final message.

"Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life."

See my above post for my reasons - mainly, I don't want my DD and I out on the streets with no where to go. That's how rabid my parents are about maintaining a full-time job while under their roof. When I don't work - shit hits the fan around here and I'm reminded that I've failed another time.

I just feel like if I finish that degree and get me a good paying job, my parents will finally be proud of me. But they watch me screw up and they think I will never get any better. Heck, they didn't even plan on me going to college at all, dad just wanted me to go to junior college for a while then drop out and either go to work in the chicken plant or get on disability. I found that out through my mom.

I just want to be more than last place. Plus, I was giving myself a refresher on the resume thing and I'm thinking "Crap!" Why? Because it's said you should include the previous 10 years employment history. I've had too many jobs in the last 10 years with gaps in my work history. This can't look good at all. I'm finding I just like the traditional work application where I only have to include the previous 5 years, most of which looks pretty good minus the termination from Tyson. I'm thinking BOA HR managers are going to look at that think, "This person can't keep a job, let's not even fuck with them." I feel like I would just be wasting my time and other people's time.