Do you judge people because of the looks or the character but....

Oh please. I seriously believe that everyone is at least lil bit judgemental in their lives. Im sure we all have had our shares, otherwise how do we learn from our mistakes? :)

For one, yes I do judge, BUT I don't let it doubt my feelings to meet the person... half-way. I don't mean to sound like a bitch. But I've shed few tears, heart-breaks, and enemies in all walks of life. If we hit it off, great. If not.. why bother wasting my time? Friends and strangers comes and go. I once was a friendly person, but I'm not too sure about that now though? So I'm just going to enjoy my life, if I run into a bum on the street and i find him ugly but with attractive personality, and we hit it off... there we go. Because that bum has a BIG heart to give. That's all I care about. But sure, I'd like to marry a doctor... but who wants to be a lower-class wife who bows to their rich husbands? Guess its someting for me to seek out in the world... so my point is, yes we all are judgemental.... either in good or bad ways.
I like to be myself. A care-free minded person and chat away with a person as usual. I like to make a person to feel good about themselves knowing that they are liked/loved. :)
