Do you guys gamble?


New Member
Jun 2, 2003
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For me, I don't gamble at all. I think it's a waste of money to do that and I would rather buy clothes or things like that. Too much gambling can get u in trouble and ruin your life. Just curious if you gamble or not. It's ok to gamble once in a while but not all the time. Just be careful. :D
I only do gamble like once or twice a year with 20 bucks limits as it is good enuff for me !!
Originally posted by knightwolf68
I only do gamble like once or twice a year with 20 bucks limits as it is good enuff for me !!

Ahh...that's good.. by the way in the picture on your look so much like Kevin Richardson of the Backstreet Boys! :shock: :naughty:
yup, i do when i am on vacation. two wks ago i helped my friends to share driving from ca to hotlanta and we stopped in shervaport, la and we played some slots.. i just spent approx. 10 dollars on a quarter slot and i won 159 dollars. i think it was fun ! in 1989 i went to reno for a night with my ex and i played a nickel slot and i won 89 dollars.

i learned some tricky tips from my friend at college.
Originally posted by WildKaTReSS
Ahh...that's good.. by the way in the picture on your look so much like Kevin Richardson of the Backstreet Boys! :shock: :naughty:
Thanks for the comment about me as look like Kevin richardson ... sound like ur huge fans of Backstreet Boys aren't u ?
Originally posted by knightwolf68
Thanks for the comment about me as look like Kevin richardson ... sound like ur huge fans of Backstreet Boys aren't u ?

Yep I sure am! :)
Do those cheap-ass $1 scratch-off lottery tickets count? I go through maybe 5 a week.
I only have gambled once, and won 50 dollars out of 10 dollars worth of attempts. Heh. I don't gamble though.
10 years ago while living in Califunny I used to bet on the horse races at the off track betting place.

Man that brings me memories of my winning days and losing days at the off track. I lost more $ than I was winning.

Nowadays I dont gamble anymore cuz its just a waste of good $ after bad and the odds are so atrocious!
I do play gamble. Prefered Powerball/State Lotteries, real life Poker, Roulette, and BlackJack.

Usually go casino once or few times per year. That's good enuff.

Went to Las Vegas twice in 2000 and last Aug. Only spent average $10 every time I visited there. Lot of lights stole my attention and wandering around.
Originally posted by WildKaTReSS
For me, I don't gamble at all. I think it's a waste of money to do that and I would rather buy clothes or things like that. Too much gambling can get u in trouble and ruin your life. Just curious if you gamble or not. It's ok to gamble once in a while but not all the time. Just be careful. :D

what make you post a form here? becuz u watch "GOING FOR BROKE" on lifetime channel? i'll watch it tonight! :)
Originally posted by WildKaTReSS
Ahh...that's good.. by the way in the picture on your look so much like Kevin Richardson of the Backstreet Boys! :shock: :naughty:

I would start gambling a little bits if Lasza or KnightWolf68 can take me there lol
daprilz..I watched it yesterday and it was good but it's true cuz it does happen to anyone who is a addicted gambler. Yeah .. that's why I asked and that I was curious. :)

When I was still working the overnight shift in radio, I got off work at 5:30am on Super Bowl Sunday and knew I had no chance of seeing my current boy that day, so I called up my best friend and said "Hey, wanna go to Canada?" Completely sleep deprived, we made the 4 hour drive to Niagra Falls in cold-as-hell January weather with just under $40 between the both of us. There wasn't much to do because all the tourism spots were closed, except for the casino. Out of curiosity, we cashed in about $5 and split it. On my first slot, I won $40. I went crazy! I ended up abandoning her in the middle of a casino (because she was bad luck) and getting crazy amounts of free alcohol (I was 19) and cigarettes. Eventually, I won $120 and we went to the Hard Rock Cafe attatched to the casino and ate/drank all of our money. Suddenly, she said "Oh shit... the gas tank is almost empty and we only have $3 left" We cashed in our $3 took $1.50 each and thank GOD she won $36 American and we were able to get home.

I desided I shouldn't gamble anymore because I obviously don't know when to stop....
sometimes i play game and my fav game is slots i only put 20 buck that it i am not hook to it
Vamp thinks I need to go to some help group for addicted gamblers! Nah..

Whenever I go home to Illionois for my vacation, my father always brings me to the "boat" on the Mississippi river. There are like at least 4 casino boats. My father tends to play there once a week with his poker buddies. SO whenever I am at home, he always gives me about 20 or 40 dollars for me to have fun. (mind you it's not my money) so he just let me have fun with it. Whether I lose or win, my dad doesn't care, what matters is that I have fun.

One time I won 200 dollars on poker, lost 20 dollars on blackjack, won something like 30 or 40 on slot machines. The worse thing I have ever lost was 45 dollars. The highest I won was 200.

I do this maybe once a year.
I don't gamble, however I've played games for money once. I won 65 bcks at the echure game. :)