Do you feel that people should be more educated about on-line dating?


New Member
Sep 10, 2011
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You never really know who you are talking to online. The person could be anybody- a pedophile, serial killer, or a con artist.

Also, do you have a lot of knowledge about human traffickers?
women, a question for you all: have you ever been in an online relationship with a guy that you suspected was a criminal? if so then please tell me all about it if you don't mind sharing
I always do a little investigation ;) before meeting someone that I first met online.
Know of a 30-something year old that could use some "education" pronto!....But she's still in "denial"....

As for online dating....nah!...Then again, even if you meet someone at Church, they could still be a criminal and have a record!...So, all in all, it's risky business....I watch a lot of Investigate ID....and have met a lot of con artists, and some sleezy characters out there!....Seems it looks as if we're gonna have to have our Criminal record ready along with our STD testing!...
rockin' robin is right. You never know who you're meeting! But I used to meet up with lots of people I met on (I know, haha) when I was in my TEENS. Thank God nothing bad ever happened and I made some good friends but it could have gone way worse.
rockin' robin is right. You never know who you're meeting! But I used to meet up with lots of people I met on (I know, haha) when I was in my TEENS. Thank God nothing bad ever happened and I made some good friends but it could have gone way worse.

:lol: I think it's a given you only meet very safe people on a Star Trek site!

Live long and prosper!
:lol: I think it's a given you only meet very safe people on a Star Trek site!

Live long and prosper!


Actually, besides my mom, I met my first deaf friend on that site! She is still my friend today.

But I also met lots of creepy old desperate guys. It got intense sometimes.
i met this guy on some forum and we got super close.. we talked for a year. he was so cruel&controlling with me and called me all kinds of filthy names. he was from a foreign country and i almost went there but decided to not to!! had a bad feeling about this guy and realized he wasn't in love with me at all.. he just wanted me to be his lil slave

i totally regret wasting a year of my life because of him :(

so please be careful of who you fall in love with online.. you can never trust anything a person tells you. i'm entirely positive horrible things would've happened to me if i actually went over there
i met this guy on some forum and we got super close.. we talked for a year. he was so cruel&controlling with me and called me all kinds of filthy names. he was from a foreign country and i almost went there but decided to not to!! had a bad feeling about this guy and realized he wasn't in love with me at all.. he just wanted me to be his lil slave

i totally regret wasting a year of my life because of him :(

so please be careful of who you fall in love with online.. you can never trust anything a person tells you. i'm entirely positive horrible things would've happened to me if i actually went over there

Glad you got out of that situation! I hope you don't talk to him anymore.
Wirelessly posted

People definitely have to be more aware and wary of online dating. I know of someone on here who obviously got scammed but was in denial about it. Online dating should be part of sex education in all high schools.
Glad you got out of that situation! I hope you don't talk to him anymore.

oh it's definitely done with him! it's been three months

if i want a guy i'm not going to find him online.. i'd rather meet him in real life
Wirelessly posted

People definitely have to be more aware and wary of online dating. I know of someone on here who obviously got scammed but was in denial about it. Online dating should be part of sex education in all high schools.

wow, i feel bad for that person. it seems that scammers target deaf people more because they think we're easy :roll:

and i agree, i wish they'd teach teenagers about online dating. they also should make them watch the movie "megan is missing"
wow, i feel bad for that person. it seems that scammers target deaf people more because they think we're easy :roll:

and i agree, i wish they'd teach teenagers about online dating. they also should make them watch the movie "megan is missing"

Beware of Nigerian scammers. They are always after naive Deaf people on all sites where the Deaf people mingle.
Beware of Nigerian scammers. They are always after naive Deaf people on all sites where the Deaf people mingle.

Beware of ANYONE asking for your personal information, bank account info and/or for you to invest in something.
I think encountering psychotic people is one of life's lessons for people born from the 80-90's, and onward. Since they are likely to be used to the internet moreso than older people. The use of the internet is pretty strong today and when it comes to finding people you may share things in common with, it's not hard to communicate and pick up the go from there.

I had some similar troubles myself when I was younger, still fresh out of my teens.
I was apart of a team in an massive-online multiplayer type of game. Think of it as getting 20-40 real people playing to slay one big dragon together, that kind of an event.

Well after being around there for a year or two I came to learn that the 'leader' of the group treated his then-live-in girlfriend like poop, pretty bad. I had talks with her and began to understand what she dealt with, that he came home and would verbally abuse her, physically too, that sort of stuff. It eventually came to a point after talking to her for awhile I suspect she got interested in me, I presume for being around for her and showing her the compassion she wanted. I even sent her some birthday gifts and stuff to cheer her up. That didn't change much between her and her boyfriend, she supposedly kept the same cycle - getting harassed, verbally abused, complained about the days and hoped that she could run away and live in a new place, etc. I tried to help her by telling her to go to talk to the police for help or her family, but she always turned it down passively with some excuses. She never did it (to my knowledge).

Part of this is why I read up and studied on a lot of social psychology during my college years, because these sort of situations made me want to understand people and why they do what they do.

Anyway, beside that tangent - I that was my lesson learned dealing with people online. From that point on I realized there's something the reality has that the internet can't replace. Body language, verbal clues and these things are important for friendships, families, relationships, whatever. Being deprived of the little things reality offers, is what makes online virtual realities really fragile.
I gave up on on-line-dating. All I found were young girls in other countries that wanted money (you know they were using fake pictures)... or girls on web cams that want me to use a credit card to view them. I gave up and shortly later I met my current girlfriend. I was all broken up at the time (recent divorce) and all the crazy shit going on with the on-line-dating web site just frustrated me. If I break up with my gf, I am not sure I would have the patience to go back to an on-line-dating web site.
I used to be shy about telling people that I was deaf. I would tell everyone that my first language was ASL. I was trying to give them a hint. Maybe they'll realize I was deaf. Well, I went out and met one of them. That person was upset when she found that she'll have to write instead of having verbal conversation. We never saw each other again.
I did try online dating for about a year over 10 years ago and learned something. Men always lie about three things: age, weight and height. It almost never fails. But I did become best friends with one guy who did not lie about anything and we've been very good friends for over 12 years.

It's the lying that turns me off the most. I don't care if they're rich or accomplished or what kind of car they drive, if someone lied to me about themselves before we even met in person, then forget it, I'm not interested.
Online dating in some way that can find a perfect mate, unless if they are more "trained" of how to do "catch-22". I met my wive through online dating twice, my ex and my current one. It just that there are real people in the dating site and too many false people in this world. It take time and patience to weave fake people out. I get it all the time when I find scammers because of simple series of questions and proof.
Now as far as criminals goes.. there are many websites you can get for background check but of course you have to pay for it. I will use it as a last resort if you have some sort intuition that there's something wrong with it. You know that online dating still a popular tools to find someone "a perfect mate" but it pissed me off about how scammers take advantage of under-educated deaf communities lost their funding.

So, joining online dating.... the requirement are "are you smart enough?" if Not.. stay away from online dating.
Beware of ANYONE asking for your personal information, bank account info and/or for you to invest in something.

I am very much aware of them. It is real easy for me to notice that they are scammers so I play mind games in order to get more information from them.

The scammers tend to use more Yahoo e-mail addresses or instant messengers than MSN Messenger & Hotmail, AIM and others.

The scammers already have swarmed one of the Deaf online dating websites so they can prey on innocent people. The operator/owner of this site have done nothing or little to deal with them.