Do you feel sorry for any hearing loss

Frisky Feline

Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2003
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For Any hearing loss (Deaf, sometimes HOH or deaf) who dont speak and is ASL user???

Are you?

In some ways, but I'm a little jealous too though ;) I don't exactly pity them, but it is sad that they're cut off a bit from talking to just anybody. And i dont mean just writing dien "where the bathroom" or somethinG like that. BUT using ASL would be a far easier means of communication. Oral communication is work. Too bad everybody doesn't do both, but it is what it is. We all just got to do the best we can, live life to the fullest. :)
not now, i did years ago.i get very frustrated at times.half my life was hearing other deaf.i not good lip reader get awful head aches..i live in rural area and only two young boys who deaf do grandson first language be welsh he not going find many people in england speak it yet it native uk language.same for bsl..if signers around i use it if not i dont.
my current Deaf teacher ask us this, too...I responded - NO Many stares from deer-in-headlights students-
my current Deaf teacher ask us this, too...I responded - NO Many stares from deer-in-headlights students-

Really?! awesome. i m glad that teacher asked you that question. PM Me who is this teacher. im curious!
one of the things she discussed was the basic terms.
Sadly I've forgotten so much vocab. - and also due to scheduling constraints with my new job and that I wanted a daytime class - I took another beginning class. I looked for a Deaf teacher. Because of folks on here I did learn about those terms when I first started on here but it was new to most people.

Example: hoh, deaf, Deaf, "hearing impaired". I responded "hearing impaired" = audism - no one knew of that term. She explained.
Awesome class-
I think deaf cats aren't sorry. They're probably happy to be deaf. That way, they won't be distracted by sounds when they play with cat nips.
Hell no! My brother is one and he is doing fine. He is getting married in 3 weeks, owns a house, and has a career. His life is a lot better than many hearing people's lives.
i use be cub scout helper and i showed little boys how to sign they got badge if could do alphbet
I feel sorry? Nah! I am happy to be Deaf and strong ASL user. Zero skills with speaking and listening. Zero is best for me as I know.

However, in the last few years I start to open my eyes up and got curious about what I am missing out from Hearing world. What is it there that they considered extremely important and can't live without them. Whats so darn special about it? It does not make me want to be able to hear because I know for sure that if I were able to hear I would be in complete shock and will not be able to handle them.
No, I feel sorry for usher syndrome and IBS.
You miss what you know. Yes I am sad I lost all my hearing. I miss my daughters piano music, their voices, being able to have a conversation with anyone, my goddaughters first words. So many more too. BUT being deaf hasn't stopped my life. I still can do everything I use to except for being able to hear.
No more than I feel sorry for someone for having blonde hair or brown eyes or any other characteristic.

Edited to Add: It took me a while to get there. My son's hearing loss was quite a shock.