Do most girls that are hearing find hearing impaired guys weird?

MaxUFC said:
Yeah for "some reasons". What I seen their common reasons : better finances and their parent's approvals and love, too.

So far, I knows of these ladies had their win-lost sitauton with hearing hubbies. All I say to them "wish you happy and health marriage".

Yes! - Hearing men has more chance to find a job, than deaf men, eg phone jobs. He is breadwinner.

Being with hearing ones as most chance :

Woman > Man

What I seen in my lifetime : more deaf women married hearing men than deaf men. And more deaf men divorced hearing ladies more than deaf women.


Also Hearing woman, wife of deaf husband become more "Boss" "organiser" and "control" everything, putting deaf husband down. Very few I came across they are equal.

One Deaf man I know married to a hearing lady, she loves to learn BSL and even tell him off for using wrong sign language!!! Pfffftt :ugh2:
Bluerobin said:
I am a "hearing person" and recently dated a deaf man. I found him to be no different than a man who was hearing to be honest. Inside and out a man is a man..inside is who you are. If women ignore you because you are deaf-well then they are being prejudiced and closed-minded. You need not to put your head down in shame or anything because of your deafness...hang your head high and be proud to be a decent and noble man inside and out. That is what matters. The right kind of woman will come around eventually.
you are sooo right about that...... it doesn't matter rather he/she is deaf or hearing... You got a point there
Bluerobin said:
I am a "hearing person" and recently dated a deaf man. I found him to be no different than a man who was hearing to be honest. Inside and out a man is a man..inside is who you are. If women ignore you because you are deaf-well then they are being prejudiced and closed-minded. You need not to put your head down in shame or anything because of your deafness...hang your head high and be proud to be a decent and noble man inside and out. That is what matters. The right kind of woman will come around eventually.

for sultan2979 :

hey, you are not alone! I am on the same level of profound hearing loss and it is difficult to mix with hearing people, as well as the deaf culture, especially if you dont know the ASL. I dont know the ASL, and I have never had any deaf friends, but I do try to meet up with some from time to time. I live and interact mostly with hearing people, and yeah, it has been my greatest challenge to date.

Well, it is difficult to describe but initially I used to hide my disability from others, and luckily I made alot of friends. It was quite stupid, but I had no choice because some people dont want to hang around with those who wear " some weird device behind their ears " !!! Now, I have learnt to be more open about my problem. I feel maybe, you just need a little more confidence. Just remain cool, and speak normally like you do with the guys, and the girls will see how cool you are. LEt them notice hearing aids or cochlear implants if you wear any, but trust me, THEY WILL NOT CARE ABOUT IT. And you have to prove to people, that your disability is not a BIG DEAL to you (how to do this - dont discuss about your problem too much! keep it to yourself, but if a girl wants to know about you curiously, then speak out!) . I know it is not easy, but it requires alot of patience and you should be cheerful and friendly. Most girls dont understand how to deal with hearing impaired guys, but as they grow older things change and get better. Not to forget, girls mature faster than boys. I guess you are not deaf, but with a profound Hearing Loss, and so just talk casually. If you dont follow anything too clearly, just say - hey, would you mind repeating it or speaking a little softly please. This way, the girl is likely to think that you are very cool and you have alot of self-confidence!

Hope this helps, and I am also trying out the same - I have had almost a dozen failed attempts at girls who just misunderstood me !! Dont give up, but dont be desperate either. Enjoy!


and yeah, i have never dated !! haha... am happy enjoying being single, but i look forward to finding the right partner who would understand me. as for friends, i do have sufficient. Not too many girls again, because most of them are reluctant to communicate the way I do. Some are understanding, some are not. but it is all good. the world is not always going to be nice, i guess. we ourselves have got to find a way out. good luck Sultan!!
Yeah, I understand what you're going through. I am still going through it.

Every year get a bit better because more people take ASL in my school and it's easily one of the most popular classes ( For other reasons than signing....)

Girls tend to be more self-conscious about their surrounding than males tend to be.

Don't sweat it, I got your back, it's pretty likely that you will find someone in your future.
Girls tend to be more self-conscious about their surrounding than males tend to be.

stated by winternight

Really? Where do you get the fact that girls tend to be more self conscious than males?
Gemtun said:
Girls tend to be more self-conscious about their surrounding than males tend to be.

stated by winternight

Really? Where do you get the fact that girls tend to be more self conscious than males?

Well, no offense to you, but the girls at my school are WAY self-conscious with some notable exceptions. And after being exposed to this side of the female, I just assumed that females was more self-conscious than males were because some girls I know ALWAYS say 'I'm fat!!' despite the fact that they were skinny.

And also, my mother told me that girls had more things to worry about than boys. Like trying to attract someone of the opposite sex, and trying to look your best, and to ride the 'popular wave'. BTW are you angry with me?

*Looks sad*

Lol, joking but anyways. I guess I just always had this prejudice with me for a while now. Sorry if I offended you.

BTW I said 'TEND' this means that it isn't a fact etched in stone.
Tend means how likely you are to do something, not like it is a stated fact.
thewinterknight said:
Well, no offense to you, but the girls at my school are WAY self-conscious with some notable exceptions. And after being exposed to this side of the female, I just assumed that females was more self-conscious than males were because some girls I know ALWAYS say 'I'm fat!!' despite the fact that they were skinny.

And also, my mother told me that girls had more things to worry about than boys. Like trying to attract someone of the opposite sex, and trying to look your best, and to ride the 'popular wave'. BTW are you angry with me?

*Looks sad*

Lol, joking but anyways. I guess I just always had this prejudice with me for a while now. Sorry if I offended you.

BTW I said 'TEND' this means that it isn't a fact etched in stone.
Tend means how likely you are to do something, not like it is a stated fact.

Nah you didnt offend me - was just curious where you got that opinion from. Believe me, you will be amazed to see how women really think rarely think...but women OVER ANALZYE ....yes we are guilty of asking " Are we fat " but blame it on media and porn! ;)
Cynical Vez said:
Solution: Stay away from hearing gals. I know it sounds harsh but from my experience, they were nothing but problems.

Errr....can you come up with something to prove this as a fact, not as your opinion?

Hearing men sucks too so it goes both ways.
Gemtun said:
Nah you didnt offend me - was just curious where you got that opinion from. Believe me, you will be amazed to see how women really think rarely think...but women OVER ANALZYE ....yes we are guilty of asking " Are we fat " but blame it on media and porn! ;)

I dont know the mentality of a woman, but I guess they are more worried about their stand in society today. And so I was quite wondering why would a hearing girl choose to be with a HOH guy, who is cool, good lucking and pretty confident! Either they dont know how to deal with them, or they want to create any further hassle in life. I can understand, women have more problems to worry about, but why do most of them keep away from HOH, etc. ? Maybe they are just around to given sympathy, nothing else. I must say, that I am from a different part of the world, where acceptance from society is very challenging. I went to a normal school, and since people werent aware of my nature, they continued to be friends with me and gradually understood me over the years. But, the girls have this kind of mentality : a strict no-no for those who are physically impaired! What they think is : either sympathize with someone who is slightly disadvantaged or just dont attempt to even speak with them! This is really weird!

Any girls up in this forum, who could explain to me what girls "actually think" about HOH guys ? I am curious to know, because I am quite optimistic about changing what women actually think of HOH guys.
Cynical Vez said:
Solution: Stay away from hearing gals. I know it sounds harsh but from my experience, they were nothing but problems.

Really? What kinds of problems do they give to you?
MaxUFC said:
Yeah for "some reasons". What I seen their common reasons : better finances and their parent's approvals and love, too.

So far, I knows of these ladies had their win-lost sitauton with hearing hubbies. All I say to them "wish you happy and health marriage".
Yep. one of the reasons I dont ever want to get married either. :whistle:
Cynical Vez said:
Solution: Stay away from hearing gals. I know it sounds harsh but from my experience, they were nothing but problems.
I prolly have more experience than you and I sure have dated a lot of hearing guys and they were good to me and I never dated a deafie expect one time he had little bit hearing loss, but he did more just like a hearing person so I think of him hearing.. Just because one hearing person does somthing wrong it doesn't mean you have to all sudden drop hearing gals and only date deafies? I personally think everyone needs to give everyone a chance. I could say this... STAY AWAY FROM DEAFIES.... I KNOW IT SOUNDS HARSH BUT FROM MY EXPERIENCE THEY WERE NOTHING BUT PROBLEMS!!! Now tell me how you would feel about that? Thats nuts :crazy: Because it's what is inside of the person regarless rather if the person is hearing or deaf.....There are deafies are there that cause nothing but trouble and as far as I seen.. DRAMA DRAMA! Which I can't stand that fricking drama!! It's very immature... (Im not talking about you) Im talking about those deafies I've met...I just perfer it in hearing world and Im happy with it.. Hopfully I will find a good hearing gal who wants to spend the rest of his life with me. But don't judge if one hearing gal turns you down or whatever is going thru your mind. Someone will come along for you
Opal said:
Yes! - Hearing men has more chance to find a job, than deaf men, eg phone jobs. He is breadwinner.


Also Hearing woman, wife of deaf husband become more "Boss" "organiser" and "control" everything, putting deaf husband down. Very few I came across they are equal.

One Deaf man I know married to a hearing lady, she loves to learn BSL and even tell him off for using wrong sign language!!! Pfffftt :ugh2:
maybe its not the right person for him..... maybe they have a situtation that they need to handle. Who Knows?? :dunno: