Do Jews believe in Jesus and still be Jewish?

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Reba said:
:rofl: Too funny! :rofl:

Being up-to-date on what's currently going on in the world is funny?

You may have misunderstood what I meant. I refuse to read texts that are too old as academic fact. That does not mean I reject their validity outright or that I don't read them at all.
This is just SO funny...(but sad, too)

I've been reading this thread for awhile now, and some of you are really making me laugh, but you also don't get it.

Some of you who are coming down on Teresh for her beliefs just don't get it. She has her own theology that she is happy with. You're not gonna change her mind about her beliefs. Prostelyzing to her and disrespecting her isn't gonna cut it, either. Guess what, folks. SHE DOESN'T CARE!! She pretty much said it in one of the above posts. She's content with her beliefs, so why are you trying SO HARD to discredit her, or make her think her beliefs are wrong????

Methinks, it's to bolster your own confidence in your beliefs. Typical Christian view and prostelytizing. You must spread your "good news". Well, what if she doesn't want what you have? Then, what? Are you gonna beat it to death?

Come on, guys...Cut it out. Its getting tiresome to read the disrespectful remarks and such. If you can't be respectful, don't bother. You're not going to win anybody over that way.
Oceanbreeze said:
I've been reading this thread for awhile now, and some of you are really making me laugh, but you also don't get it.

Some of you who are coming down on Teresh for her beliefs just don't get it. She has her own theology that she is happy with. You're not gonna change her mind about her beliefs. Prostelyzing to her and disrespecting her isn't gonna cut it, either. Guess what, folks. SHE DOESN'T CARE!! She pretty much said it in one of the above posts. She's content with her beliefs, so why are you trying SO HARD to discredit her, or make her think her beliefs are wrong????

Methinks, it's to bolster your own confidence in your beliefs. Typical Christian view and prostelytizing. You must spread your "good news". Well, what if she doesn't want what you have? Then, what? Are you gonna beat it to death?

Come on, guys...Cut it out. Its getting tiresome to read the disrespectful remarks and such. If you can't be respectful, don't bother. You're not going to win anybody over that way.
Amen! Reba, Throwstones, and everyone cant shake your neck! GOSPEL to Teresh! It very hard DONKEY's HEAD. you all pray for her. Teresh NAIL to Jesus on cross!!! Teresh kill and split and push Jesus's face down!!! Jesus died on the cross for your sins! God love you so much! Teresh!
EagleCherokee63 said:
Amen! Reba, Throwstones, and everyone cant shake your neck!

Indeed. I have my own meaningful spirituality. Trying to convert me to something else is a waste of your energy that could be better served doing something positive.

EagleCherokee63 said:
Teresh NAIL to Jesus on cross!!! Teresh kill and split and push Jesus's face down!!!

Nonsense. Jesus wasn't a bad teacher.
Teresh said:
Indeed. I have my own meaningful spirituality. Trying to convert me to something else is a waste of your energy that could be better served doing something positive.

Nonsense. Jesus wasn't a bad teacher.
Teresh, the way you said how christians view and treating thr jews is absolutely erroronous. But yes, some christians did horrible things, which high rating doesn't approve the behavior. And most of all, christians doe NOT ignore the Torah and its based all the laws in our hearts, and not only that, I have seen lots of erroronous view you believe how christians does and how you shortshighted what Bible is saying. And you know some of what christians believe, NOT ALL. I don't care how you were raise and what you were growing up of, and I myself have seen, some misunderstood many ways. And obvious, you are one of em. And not only that, like you claimed you know more than anyone else, its pure pride. All of us learned in many ways, but each of met different society, and learned from them. No, christians does not made them up and by you saying you don't lie and christians made them up. I don't believe by saying I go to heaven and you go to hell attitude. But only message is this, and facts, God has a place for all of us, the only way is thru the blood for atonement.
EagleCherokee63 said:

OK. I'm blind from you perspective, but from mine, I can see quite well.

EagleCherokee63 said:

That's fine. Hate me all you want. I don't hate you, though.

EagleCherokee63 said:

Um, in my body?
Oceanbreeze said:
I've been reading this thread for awhile now, and some of you are really making me laugh, but you also don't get it.

Some of you who are coming down on Teresh for her beliefs just don't get it. She has her own theology that she is happy with. You're not gonna change her mind about her beliefs. Prostelyzing to her and disrespecting her isn't gonna cut it, either. Guess what, folks. SHE DOESN'T CARE!! She pretty much said it in one of the above posts. She's content with her beliefs, so why are you trying SO HARD to discredit her, or make her think her beliefs are wrong????

Methinks, it's to bolster your own confidence in your beliefs. Typical Christian view and prostelytizing. You must spread your "good news". Well, what if she doesn't want what you have? Then, what? Are you gonna beat it to death?

Come on, guys...Cut it out. Its getting tiresome to read the disrespectful remarks and such. If you can't be respectful, don't bother. You're not going to win anybody over that way.

All I am saying is that her beliefs are not Jewish beliefs. Easily proven if one just talks to a large enough random selection of Jews.
Oceanbreeze, in some way you think just christians, but who start mouth? Teresh. Very offensive by what she said. But, no, I will not, make anyone to believe same way I do, and no, I will not have any bitterness or hatred against her. In my perspective, I have my views as much as hers. No, I will not have any bitterness toward u either.
I am going to abandon this post to the heckhole it is going to. Goodbye.
Teresh said:
OK. I'm blind from you perspective, but from mine, I can see quite well.

That's fine. Hate me all you want. I don't hate you, though.

Um, in my body?

Teresh, I know you are very hard head stubborn to bull to everyone and lies to them about our GOD's Word and Jesus. Because you do not believe that Jesus is the Messiah of Israel therefore why you are here to continuing argue with us till you win the case from us. No way, Jesus is our winner because it is so truth He is our King of Kings and Lord of Lords therefore He is TRULY JEWISH Messiah. You can't beat Jesus for that! Because Jesus is our GOD. We do believe in Monotheism! He tells you that The bible is all truth then why you blame on Jesus for no reason because you won't admit the truth Jesus is Savior for us! Please quit bully to everyone and twist/crash the truth on Jesus' name!

We Christian are praying for you, Teresh! If you keep continuing to argue with this, we will have to stop debating with you and ingore you. That is your waste time for nothing!

Throwstones said:
Teresh, I know you are very hard head stubborn to bull to everyone and lies to them about our GOD's Word and Jesus.

No, I just represent a point of view that you (and the other Christians on this thread) do not know and do not understand. Jew or not, you don't understand the Jewish view. You are brainwashed into thinking that I'm out to lie or confuse people, something that I'm not.

Throwstones said:
Because you do not believe that Jesus is the Messiah of Israel therefore why you are here to continuing argue with us till you win the case from us. No way, Jesus is our winner because it is so truth He is our King of Kings and Lord of Lords therefore He is TRULY JEWISH Messiah.

As I recall, Jesus did not rebuild the Temple, he did not bring the Ten Lost Tribes back into the Jewish fold, and he did not bring world peace. He's the Christian Messiah, but not the Jewish one.

Throwstones said:
You can't beat Jesus for that! Because Jesus is our GOD. We do believe in Monotheism!

If you believe in monotheism, then you also have to accept that you're not the only religion that worships the One God. If you think other monotheistic religions worship a different god, you are polytheistic as you are stating that there is more than one God.

Throwstones said:
If you keep continuing to argue with this, we will have to stop debating with you and ingore you. That is your waste time for nothing!

That's fine by me. I don't have a problem with you ignoring me. In the eyes of the average reader, your inability to respond to charges I raise will only validate the idea that I'm right.

If you can't defend your ideas rationally and intelligently then stop debating.
Whoa, whoa. Ok, as christians, I know how she said and stuff, but not need just shut her off. The word is reasoning together. Yes, we can stick our beliefs as she has hers, and yes, she has timidation words, but can point her back the issues, but no need to hold against her and don't say she killed jesus. God has a purpose for His death for salvation for all mankind, God doesn't expect for the blame against other and yes, its not easy, but must let God help us. And shared, u remember paul said, one plant other water and God does the rest? Smile love and forgive each other with all cost. Yes, it get bumpy along the way. Mwahs
Teresh said:
No, I just represent a point of view that you (and the other Christians on this thread) do not know and do not understand. Jew or not, you don't understand the Jewish view. You are brainwashed into thinking that I'm out to lie or confuse people, something that I'm not.

As I recall, Jesus did not rebuild the Temple, he did not bring the Ten Lost Tribes back into the Jewish fold, and he did not bring world peace. He's the Christian Messiah, but not the Jewish one.

If you believe in monotheism, then you also have to accept that you're not the only religion that worships the One God. If you think other monotheistic religions worship a different god, you are polytheistic as you are stating that there is more than one God.

That's fine by me. I don't have a problem with you ignoring me. In the eyes of the average reader, your inability to respond to charges I raise will only validate the idea that I'm right.

If you can't defend your ideas rationally and intelligently then stop debating.

Hey Teresh, you are out of discussion therefore it is already out of order with your issue recently.

You have your own problem not us because you already choice to reject the Messiah Jesus because you did not hear the truth what we give you a presentation of our Gospel of Jesus Christ our Lord. Therefore, we will not share with you anymore at all till you have to reconsider with your own heart to open and believe in Him. If not, please leave this room!

hottiedeafboi said:
Whoa, whoa. Ok, as christians, I know how she said and stuff, but not need just shut her off. The word is reasoning together. Yes, we can stick our beliefs as she has hers, and yes, she has timidation words, but can point her back the issues, but no need to hold against her and don't say she killed jesus. God has a purpose for His death for salvation for all mankind, God doesn't expect for the blame against other and yes, its not easy, but must let God help us. And shared, u remember paul said, one plant other water and God does the rest? Smile love and forgive each other with all cost. Yes, it get bumpy along the way. Mwahs

Who are you referring to when you say "She"? Teresh?

Far as I can tell, she isn't trying to intimidate anyone. She's merely standing up for what she believes in, and also, dispelling the idea that she has said things she hasn't said. It's awfully hard when people are putting words into your mouth, like they are her. I won't blame her if she were a bit defensive, but from what I can tell, she hasn't gotten a bit defensive.

Others, though.... :ugh:
Throwstones said:
Hey Teresh, you are out of discussion therefore it is already out of order with your issue recently.

You have no authority to tell me I can't speak here. Sorry, but I'm under no obligation to stop talking just because you want me to.

Throwstones said:
Therefore, we will not share with you anymore at all till you have to reconsider with your own heart to open and believe in Him. If not, please leave this room!

I will not leave unless I am instructed by a moderator to do so. The fact that I represent an opinion that is different than yours is not in violation of any rules of this forum.

If you don't like what I have to say, that's too bad. I don't have to leave because I represent a different opinion.
Teresh said:
You have no authority to tell me I can't speak here. Sorry, but I'm under no obligation to stop talking just because you want me to.

I have to bluntly tell you this is a time for you to stop and offend us often here on post/thread. You do not care what we discuss about Jesus; therefore, you chew our ways and want us to deny Jesus the Messiah. Therefore your discussion is out of order. SORRY if you not like the way I talk to you right now. Let it be between you and GOD.

I will not leave unless I am instructed by a moderator to do so. The fact that I represent an opinion that is different than yours is not in violation of any rules of this forum.

If you don't like what I have to say, that's too bad. I don't have to leave because I represent a different opinion.

I will not continue to discuss iwth you at this but I open this forum to anyone who interest in discussing with me and other christians about Jesus .
hottiedeafboi said:
Oceanbreeze, in some way you think just christians, but who start mouth? Teresh. Very offensive by what she said. But, no, I will not, make anyone to believe same way I do, and no, I will not have any bitterness or hatred against her. In my perspective, I have my views as much as hers. No, I will not have any bitterness toward u either.

Just exactly what has Teresh said that was offensive? That Throwstones is a apostatic Jew?

Well, that person is. I'm not into labels, myself, but I don't find that offensive. If others have, oh well, not Teresh's problem. I think you all need to take a deep breath here, and READ the thread. You'll see what I saw as an objective observer. Teresh is calm in the way she makes her points. The rest of you, though...

You're all hyper in your quest to save her soul. Just leave her be. What Teresh said hasn't offended anyone, except those who may be a bit overly concerned about labels.
Throwstones said:
I have to bluntly tell you this is a time for you to stop and offend us often here on post/thread. You do not care what we discuss about Jesus; therefore, you chew our ways and want us to deny Jesus the Messiah. Therefore your discussion is out of order. SORRY if you not like the way I talk to you right now. Let it be between you and GOD.

I will not continue to discuss iwth you at this but I open this forum to anyone who interest in discussing with me and other christians about Jesus .
:locked: :locked: :locked: :locked:
EagleCherokee63 said:
Throwstones said:

I don't think that is going to work. Only Throwstones can request that this thread be locked. It would be a shame, though, to lock the thread just because, you all disagree with Teresh and I.

Just goes to show how intolerant some people are of others beliefs.
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