Discovery Zone @ Home?

Damn...expensive to dismantle it and get it shipped ($2K)...PLUS $1,525 to pay for the winning bid. :roll: I wonder where that winner will put it?! :shock:
maybe in her/his backyard ? :lol: if that winner has kids, the kids is gonna love it and play there everyday
I've got a feeling that it's a bullshit bid. Check yesus7777's history. ZERO! Check his location. AUSTRALIA!

Here's what I found...
Date of Bid              Bid Amount     User ID
----------------------   ------------   ---------------
Jun-28-04 16:53:04 PDT   US $1,525.00   yesus7777(0)
Jun-28-04 12:48:37 PDT   US $1,500.00   sevenbutton(36)
Jun-28-04 16:52:25 PDT   US $1,200.00   yesus7777(0)
Jun-28-04 16:51:56 PDT   US $1,075.00   yesus7777(0)
Jun-28-04 16:51:23 PDT   US $1,025.00   yesus7777
I find it odd that the same person made the winning bid four times. Hmm...
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