Disappointed at losing Phonaks

Wirelessly posted (Blackberry Bold )

The vents are made at the same time as the mould is made - if you already have venting you may be able to have it enlarged ... Although it's likely easier just to get new moulds made with a larger vent (your audie can then reduce the vent size in the office with a small piece of step down tubing if needed).
I have just about convinced myself to go ahead and pay for the Naidias and work with the Audi to get them adjusrted properly. I could hear speech distinctly after last adjustment, but speech got progressfully worse. I blamed HAs. Was actually ear infection getting started. I will end up with better dryer methinks. So much to do to get full use from current technology HAs. Thank God for them though.
Here in the uk, vents can be put in afterward the mould is made. My friend had moulds without but couldn't cope with no vents so they just put them in.

I would recommend getting vents if you loss allows it as it allows air to get to ear.

Vents normally work better for people who's low freq is better then highs. Doesn't have to be perfect just better.

My low freq is worse so im not allow vents.
Wirelessly posted (Blackberry Bold )

I have the smallest possible vent - it's basically a pinhole diameter and doesn't impact the sound at all.
I do find having the pinhole vent does help quite a bit.
Upon closer inspection, I find I do have the vents. Diameter is close to round toothpick dimensions. One was partially stopped up with something, {not ear wax}. Ears feel better today after med use. I am only wearing HAs for a total of half a day right now. Will get dryer with uv light next month. FM receiver this month. Might even try listening to commercial FM, {country} with Landmark I will be using as it has entire spectrum of FM channels. Then if I can get the noise problem adjusted out, I will be a happy man indeed.
Those are the kind of vents I have, Ron. Very tiny. Smaller than a toothpick, more like the diameter of a safety pin.