Did many girls take serious study at Gallaudet University?


New Member
Jun 1, 2006
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I am sick of too many women did not serious study at Gallaudet University. I knew some women always think about looking for guys or bother guys at all the time while studying time or else.

I did not understand why did too many women not take serious study to get good grade and plan for get job?

I can read their minds as trying to flirt or looking for guys to date at Gallaudet University.
I noticed that u posted many threads about women at Gallaudet and why they do certain things.

Just like any college, there will always be women who dont take their studies seriously and have men on their minds first.

There are plenty of women who take their studies seriously but do enjoy flirting and socializing at the right times.

Why worry about them? If they want to screw up their lives by not studying and partying too hard, that is their problem.
Hmm, it is normal for female students, especially male students, to have fun at Gallaudet. They are losing their motivation to study, do their homework assignments, etc... it is their problems, not yours.

It is common for them to flirt with others.. it happens to other college/universities, not just Gallaudet.
I noticed that u posted many threads about women at Gallaudet and why they do certain things.

Just like any college, there will always be women who dont take their studies seriously and have men on their minds first.

There are plenty of women who take their studies seriously but do enjoy flirting and socializing at the right times.

Why worry about them? If they want to screw up their lives by not studying and partying too hard, that is their problem.


To thread starter, you shouldn't worry about others. If I were you, I would focus on my studies and get out of college with a degree. Then you can laugh at students who didn't take their studies seriously as they will probably end up working at foods chains or stores.
it's sex and drug that cause boy who give girl a problem. Or the backward that start with girl who give boy a problem. *gasp* what a loophole!

hey, it's their life what they do that make them happy. Just happen.
It works both ways - girls chasing boys, vice versa. If you knew the stories I heard - amazing.
You never know what is around the corner - one of my roommates was a "queen bee". I never knew that until I moved into another room. He was very "popular" at his deaf high school. You would be surprised how many students I knew from that time have died from AIDS.