Defeating Deafness


New Member
Jun 4, 2004
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This site came to my attention. What do we make of this?

Richard's nothing....I can guarentee you that two hundred years from now there will still be deafness...There has never ever been a disabilty cured...ameoirated yes, but cured? No.... Diseases, yes....disabilties NO!
my deafness will not be cured...... where did you find the image/
Yeah i don't think they will defeat it but they will prob will come real close one day when technology gets powerfull enough,if the world is'nt screwed by then
I agree with Richard.

There is no cure for deafness.
Some people are born deaf, and become HOH or deaf later in life.
Richard is deaf ,but hes a very nice, kind and a very smart person.
I've known him and still work with him since 1996.
Dir. of Communication Services
Orange County Deaf Advocacy Center.
I hate that site, and RNID as well as they test on animals. Do we even WANT to 'defeat' deafness. Me I'm all for diversity. If we were all 'normal' what a boring world it would be.
I think the site's broken at the moment, I can only see the word "oak" and nothing else when I click on it.

But let me speculate on what would need to happen to "defeat deafness". Keep in mind I'm only putting this up for the sake of debate and playing the Devil's Advocate.

1. Medical Technology has to advance way ahead to the point where the ability of the brain to receive electro-chemical signals can be restored. This could mean repairing the cochlea, or the neurons connecting the inner ear to the brain, or the tiny hairs on the middle ear that carry the sound waves or whatever else I'm missing. This is a major step, since without repairs to the hardware (or rather, "wetware"), there's no point in trying to repair the "software", except as a matter of improving upon what's already there.

2. Speech Pathology and Neurology needs to advance to the point where you can basically train the brain's speech/language center so that the recipient can make out words/tones/sounds like any hearing person can. This with step 1 would cover any existing deaf/HoH folks.

3. Virology and DNA/Gene Therapy needs to advance to the point where it can identify/stop issues that causes problems for hearing development during the fetal stage. In addition this would apply for diseases/trauma that affect the ear/brain and in turn affects hearing, such as spinal meningitis, very loud music, loud explosion sound destroying the eardrum/ear, etc. There is already limited gene therapy technology for other genetic issues. It's only a matter of time until one is found for repairing hearing development.

When all 3 are in place, then that would probably be the point at which the deaf population starts to diminish. There would of course still be people that choose to remain deaf whether it's a cultural choice, or financial or personal. That would last about 1 to 2 generations before it's gone.
Thirdgencubfan said:When all 3 are in place, then that would probably be the point at which the deaf population starts to diminish. There would of course still be people that choose to remain deaf whether it's a cultural choice, or financial or personal. That would last about 1 to 2 generations before it's gone.

That soon, eh?
*Shudders* I don't even want deafness to be 'defeated'. I like a world with diversity.
nah it wouldnt be from this actual thread that caused him to be banned, its a very good ponderous topic

i reckon just becuase its an old thread it doesnt mean we have to diss it, it's a worthy thread to develop more and sure to have some buzz to see some banter..:)
thridgenfan, i like your thoughts, this is something as part of a post-structuralist thinking in disability theorising
*Shudders* I don't even want deafness to be 'defeated'. I like a world with diversity.

I feel the same too.

I love my life with the Deaf community. I feel much more connected and I see my hubby who is hearing who is in completely different shoes than I am. He doesnt have a community to feel at home with cuz the hearing world is just too big and too broad. Ironically, he is much more involved and connected to the Deaf community than the hearing community.
I think the site's broken at the moment, I can only see the word "oak" and nothing else when I click on it.

If you wait 10 seconds it redirects to a web hosting company: Tincan Limited : Holding Page : Web Solutions

I googled and found that the "Deafness Research UK" organization used to have this name...I wonder if this was their old website. Smart move to get away from controversial terms.