Deaf View of Deafies from Hearing Family

So you dont like deaf people at all?

no I do hang out with deafies but they get wrong idea of me.. but it's harder to find who I can trust those days that's all.. :)
What's with people that get on ALLDEAF and make comments like this? Are you trying to tear deaf people down when we are trying to build each other up?

nah not me.. I wud say some alldeaf members wud try to set up a wrong idea when they jump to conclusion after reading a thread and sometimes they misunderstand sometimes they want to make sure they get their idea coming cross thru AD right not in wrong and negative way tho.. but so far.. AD is doing much better but last few months ago.. u should had seen some threads.. some catfights and say u are wrong I'm right and blah about some serious issues about politcs and abortion and god too I don't want to get into that.. :P
nah not me.. I wud say some alldeaf members wud try to set up a wrong idea when they jump to conclusion after reading a thread and sometimes they misunderstand sometimes they want to make sure they get their idea coming cross thru AD right not in wrong and negative way tho.. but so far.. AD is doing much better but last few months ago.. u should had seen some threads.. some catfights and say u are wrong I'm right and blah about some serious issues about politcs and abortion and god too I don't want to get into that.. :P

Iam stated that you prefer to hang out with hearing people than deaf people so were you referring to ADers not in real life? Just trying to make sure I am not interpreting your posts in the wrong way.
You should try a political message board containing hearing people for a change (or religion) and what how people jump into conclusion too.
A lot of bitterness in this thread. I finally have an understanding of why some posts in AD are written with the tone they have. I could not understand the near-sighted POV I'd been reading across the board for quite some time. I'm deaf, and I totally accept it. I do give a shit about trying to communicate with others. Otherwise it's a bitter and lonely life, and I've only got one life at that, so I'm gonna make the best of it.

It is obvious how angry some can get just mentioning widening the communication avenues of deaf people. Of course who you socialise 'talk' with is up to you, there is resentment they are asked, I don't understand that bit. It's as if any suggestion deaf isn't all there is to life, provokes all sorts of angers. They mention hearing and speech as something that is deliberate attack on their deaf social lives, which is totally determined by the fact their deafness doesn't really allow for much choice without huge and stressful effort, surely, it can be worth it ?

I can do lots of things to avoid hearing things, but why would I do it, or prefer it ? if we don't step out of the comfort zone how de we know 'they' have it in for us and trying to force their culture out of the way ? Perhaps we really do need to get out of the deaf world more, if only to find out the truth of it. If I had to state who gives me the most stress, deaf people or hearing people, I'd say deaf are far more sensitive, less accommodating, and difficult so far, and wondering if the stress of interacting more with hearing is not as bad as that.

Apart from immediate relatives and children, deaf are the most judgemental !
I was born stone deaf, to a neglected hearing family and have never heard a whisper.

what do I dislike about hearies AND deafies the most? some (I'd say most) of them are simply rude, inconsiderate, arrogant, clueless, abrasive, disgustingly judgemental and stupid at times. especially the drama in deaf community, because of our smallest (read: smallest, the smaller group is, more dramatic) world.

growing in hearing community most of my life, I am more comfortable with hearies, therefore I have more hearing friends. about 70-80% of them on my facebook. so the way I see this, most deafies who grew up in hearing community, with more diversity and variety of friends, with more struggles and hassles they dealt with, are way more mature, wise and nicer. I could name few ADers here without have to asking them if they've raised in hearing community, by hearing families, too. here's saying, "without a struggle, there's no progress" and, "it takes a village" ... so, :P I'll tell ya, I definitely did not lived an isolated life. in other words, no one should mess with us. especially me. I've already had several hospitals and counties hating me now. :lol:

unfortunately for me, not all of them knew ASL before befriending with me and yes, texts, email, relay calls (text) and facebook (again, text) are the easier way to communicate when one can't speak and when the other can't sign. until someone signs. we'll never learn to speak (those with severe hearing loss). if they don't want to learn sign language for one, do you just blame on us for wanting to rely on texts?

however, fortunately for me, 30-40% of that 70-80% are already the certified interpreters (know ASL). the left of it (10 - 20%) are wiser deafies I know. really, I think it's all about "right" people you find; harder when there's no and FAR beyond from equal ratio of deaf and hearing people. for the 'outsiders', for instance, you the 'passivists' too, yeah, I don't give a damn. unless they show any interest. otherwise we're forcing them to change, change their interests, values, perspectives, etc.

and you, passivist, apparently you're much pretty isolated yourself because, clearly, you haven't seen or mentioned ALL the types of deaf people. especially this one, my happy and satisfying side. :|
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Oh brother..some people here are complaining about deafies being judgemental when they are doing the same themselves. Hypocrates.
Oh brother..some people here are complaining about deafies being judgemental when they are doing the same themselves. Hypocrates.
me? sorry if in any way my post sounded somewhat harsh-ish, I do try my best to not. heck, english isn't my first or even second language. :roll:
me? sorry if in any way my post sounded somewhat harsh-ish, I do try my best to not. heck, english isn't my first or even second language. :rolls:

Not you, others who are criticizing ADers. They come here saying harsh stuff about ADers for how they feel about hearing people and say that deaf people are judgemental. If they criticize deaf people for being judgemental, then dont do the same as well to other ADers.

Sure there are deaf AND hearing people who are judgemental..oh well. Life goes on..nobody is perfect.
It is obvious how angry some can get just mentioning widening the communication avenues of deaf people. Of course who you socialise 'talk' with is up to you, there is resentment they are asked, I don't understand that bit. It's as if any suggestion deaf isn't all there is to life, provokes all sorts of angers. They mention hearing and speech as something that is deliberate attack on their deaf social lives, which is totally determined by the fact their deafness doesn't really allow for much choice without huge and stressful effort, surely, it can be worth it ?

I can do lots of things to avoid hearing things, but why would I do it, or prefer it ? if we don't step out of the comfort zone how de we know 'they' have it in for us and trying to force their culture out of the way ? Perhaps we really do need to get out of the deaf world more, if only to find out the truth of it. If I had to state who gives me the most stress, deaf people or hearing people, I'd say deaf are far more sensitive, less accommodating, and difficult so far, and wondering if the stress of interacting more with hearing is not as bad as that.

Apart from immediate relatives and children, deaf are the most judgemental !

well, start counting how many oral -only deaf (be sure to consider the type of hearing loss, because some people have easier time than others because they have more hearing and can benefit hearing aids better) that join the deaf world and take up sign languages (or complain about hard it is to interact with hearing people). people wouldn't say these things if it was that easy.

The grass is not always greener. So you are just going to have to enjoy what you got... and stereotyping always make people mean no matter what group they come from.
me? sorry if in any way my post sounded somewhat harsh-ish, I do try my best to not. heck, english isn't my first or even second language. :roll:

your post is fine, Shel was referring to the post above you.
thank you shel & A. sometimes we can't see what we could affect other, just wanted to make sure.

you both have a good day. :) ciaociao.
I've made the best of my deafness and go out of my way to communicate with others, hearing and deafies both....both sides act inferior to me at times.

I don't dwell on it, knowing I'm doing the best I can with what I have to work with. And I've found that most people are willing to communicate, no matter the language barrier. Never would I "isolate" myself from hearies or deafies, that would be withdrawing from life.