Deaf & HoH Party Brochure


New Member
Apr 26, 2013
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Hello! So my friend and I are taking ASL 3 this semester, and our teacher has assigned us with creating a brochure for a Deaf advocacy party. We want to add pictures and information about our local Deaf and Hard of Hearing advocacy center plus anything else that is pertinent. The brochure is mainly for people who don't know much about Deaf culture or resources. We want to make sure our representation is everything that it needs to be. We were wondering if there were any pictures or information the Deaf community especially wants hearing people to know or see. This is about Deaf and Hard of Hearing people, so we figured we should get Deaf and Hard of Hearing people's opinions! Thanks!
it very good.. you are doing very nice job.. i think we should make awareness in common person related to deaf persons.. carry on