Deaf Children and Signing

these oralist need to be deaf and try to learn french or czechoslavakian or something and see how easy it is to learn. Kudos to deaf who somehow manage to learn english and speak it and lipread cause I cannot imagine being able to do that myself if I were deaf. Sign language is so beautiful to watch and if deaf can communicate with each other then that is all that matters not whether they learn spoken language or not. Although living in a hearing world would make it easier if they could learn english but signing should definately be their first language.
And now CIs are used as their justification..oh boy. I am not against CIs and if they help great but to deny them sign language in the educational setting? Come on!

Exactly. And then, when problems do arise, to blame then on everything else but the real cause. And what kills me, is I get told that I am trying to take a parent's decision away, but that is not it at all. I am only saying that if you want to demand the right to make those decision, and justify it by saying "This is my child and I will do what I think is best.", then you also have to accept any negative consequences that come with that decision. That is what I am not seeing. I see parents that demand to be allowed to make the decision,k but when their decision doesn't work out perfectly, they want to balme everyone else. That's my main point. If you are big enough to make the decision and defend it, then you have got to be big enough to accept whatever comes with it.
these oralist need to be deaf and try to learn french or czechoslavakian or something and see how easy it is to learn. Kudos to deaf who somehow manage to learn english and speak it and lipread cause I cannot imagine being able to do that myself if I were deaf. Sign language is so beautiful to watch and if deaf can communicate with each other then that is all that matters not whether they learn spoken language or not. Although living in a hearing world would make it easier if they could learn english but signing should definately be their first language.


Actually, all deaf people whethr they have oral skills or not do learn English. Some may not be so great at writing it but it is better than nothing, right? That's why I have such strong feelings about reorganizing deaf education so more deaf people can have stronger literacy skills.
Exactly. And then, when problems do arise, to blame then on everything else but the real cause. And what kills me, is I get told that I am trying to take a parent's decision away, but that is not it at all. I am only saying that if you want to demand the right to make those decision, and justify it by saying "This is my child and I will do what I think is best.", then you also have to accept any negative consequences that come with that decision. That is what I am not seeing. I see parents that demand to be allowed to make the decision,k but when their decision doesn't work out perfectly, they want to balme everyone else. That's my main point. If you are big enough to make the decision and defend it, then you have got to be big enough to accept whatever comes with it.

U got a good point there..never thought of it that way. I have always blamed the oral specialists not the parents...:giggle:
U got a good point there..never thought of it that way. I have always blamed the oral specialists not the parents...:giggle:

Yeah, the oral specialists are the ones spreading the propoganda, and the parents are the ones buying it without taking time to completely investigate all options. Then when the propoganda does prove to be all it is cracked up to be, the parents want to blame everything and everyone else except those responsible. And if you make such an important decison without checking it out thoroughly, then no one is responsible but you.