Deaf and HOH are lucky!

Trust me, I was not trying to upset anyone. You got defensive over a comment. I hypothetically called you a prick. It's different.

My only issue with your posts is that you "hypothetically" called someone a prick if they were offended by you. People offend each other here all the time but I never saw them being called a Prick by an ADer. Maybe it tells something about your character?

Anyway, we'll get to know you better the more you post. Welcome.
Wirelessly posted

AshleyRenee88 said:
Wirelessly posted

I was not offended. But some do get offended. As I stated in my first post to you is i figured you did not intend any harm. Which I was trying to get you to understand. Blunt as you may be, I was not the enemy as you thought I was. I do not go around this forum to pick on people. It is not who I am. Now if you re read my first two post. I was actually trying to help you.

Well I do apologize for getting defensive.

Apology accepted.