Dating Contract 101


New Member
Oct 16, 2003
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After my divorce, a good friend of mine shared some information with me that changed my entire perspective on dating. He told me to sit down and write out exactly what I was looking for in a man, and what I don't want. It is a working contract, one that changes each time I learn something about men. I start out writing all the little things that I want, then I write all the things that have gone wrong in my past relationships so that I never repeat the same mistakes. As my friend said, if I know what I am looking for, I won't dismiss it later. The little things really add up. You may be repulsed by something as simple as a guy popping his knuckles, but when you start dating this gorgeous man you think to yourself "that's not a big deal, I can live with that" but the longer you stay with this guy, the more it grates on your nerves, so add EVERYTHING to your contract, no matter how simple it may seem. If a guy has shown warning signs in past relationships, add those warning signs, so that you IMMEDIATELY recognize them in new relationships when you see them. The sooner you get out of a potentially bad relationship, the less likely you are to get hurt in the end, and the end WILL come if the patterns continue.