curious about ur states' law

Originally posted by knightwolf68
updates ...... Dawn's mother drop off the notes at her door as Dawn saw the notes and read and read the articles ... Know what Dawn's mother said ??? "pls read this articles " the Articles said " Parents can prevent from the abuction (sp?) " Dawn feel so offener by these comments ... so Dawn did call her lawyer about these situations...

I think Dawn's mother is doing so wrong to make things worse on Dawn know what i mean ?

Is there any current order that Dawn's parents can hold Dawn's children in effect?

If not, press charge for kidnapping.
Originally posted by SilenceGold
Is there any current order that Dawn's parents can hold Dawn's children in effect?

If not, press charge for kidnapping.
yes dawn's parents have temporary cusduty for now ... I don't know why Dawn's mother doing that to Dawn !! since Dawn is so damn innonces !

also, Dawn is very upset and angry at her mother for trying to put her own self esteem down pretty big times...
Originally posted by knightwolf68
yes dawn's parents have temporary cusduty for now ... I don't know why Dawn's mother doing that to Dawn !! since Dawn is so damn innonces !

also, Dawn is very upset and angry at her mother for trying to put her own self esteem down pretty big times...

Ok, find out why this temporary custody is in effect.

If it's something similar to being unfit mother such as psychology of herself. She should go and take a test to prove it otherwise.

If it is because she doesn't have a job. Notify the Socal Services Dept and ask them to go and investigate Dawn's place of residence and follow the suggestions. Ask them for a letter to prove that her place is suitable for children to live with her.

Those are just examples that can convince a Judge to get the custody of the children back.

This would be important for Dawn to know that she got plenty of support to help her.
updates ..... DAWN WANT ME TO PASS THE MESSAGE AS SHE HAVE READ THIS THREAD AND SHE FEEL SO APPERICATE THAT SOME OF U WERE CONCERN ABOUT HER .... and thanks for that... and she want to tell me Thanks for bring it up about her own issues ...

HEY Dawn , in the case u read this thread .... Ur welcome !!!
HEY Knight.. tell her.. she get my best wish of luck.. dont give up or feel downright... keep your spirits live on.. =)
First of all... Why *dawn's* parents have the custody? WIthout her knowledge? Did she have an interpreter when her parents and police officer shows up at her place?

Dawn's mother drop off the notes at her door as Dawn saw the notes and read and read the articles ... Know what Dawn's mother said ??? "pls read this articles " the Articles said " Parents can prevent from the abuction (sp?)

I do not think her mother is doing it properly to post a notice (article) on her door for her read. It sounds like that she is trying to make things worst. That is *harrassment* She can file for that.

She is being a deaf.. She can sue them for that. For all those cause situtations that she d have gone through. I would do the same thing.. I do not let anyone GET in my way! that is :nono:

If she doesnt get along with her step mother or mother.. She could have keep her words to herself so she wont know that she is moving out of state. I have been researchin some information about move to other state. She CAN.. unless if she is marrying to someone.. or school (in other state) or transfer to other job in other state.

I would suggest her just go Fight for custody and write a complain about this situation to ADA.

If it happens to me I would do something instantly.

quote]wondering about each states since my friend was so furious with Colorado's grandparent's right law ... how sad is that !!!! Does ur state have grandparents' right law ?? so what are their rights ?[/quote]

I think Biological Parent should be first priority than grandparents. If parents cant have them or whatever.. then grandparents can have a custody of their kid(s).
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:bump: KW68 -- any updates on this? I just found this thread and didn't realise that was happening...did Dawn get her daughter back and win the case in court?

Please come in here and update as I'd like to know the outcome...good or bad. I just am hoping it's GOOD!
nope they are still in the fight in court ... also recently that Dawn just lost her job due to high pressure and lack of focus on work due to depression as she really miss her daughter very much ... She doesn't have much times to spend times with her in lately ... Thats what i have know so far ...
Please tell Dawn, Don't give up her hopes.. Be postive stay her job proven she can STRONG how much she can!
Please don't feel down and depression.. I was depression which not good because of missing kids.. I had to stand up and work hard what I'm doing hard work goes through attend court /lawyer.. finally I won the case... Our children returns home w/us.. due CAS is pretty SUCKS and prejuiced and includes neighbour too!

So Please chin up Dawn! Don't let your feeling give up your future.. Important your job needs you the most and can support your living decent and for your daughter too.

Do it! I trust you.... I can feel you can do it! *wink*~:thumb:
Bullym0m said:
Please tell Dawn, Don't give up her hopes.. Be postive stay her job proven she can STRONG how much she can!
Please don't feel down and depression.. I was depression which not good because of missing kids.. I had to stand up and work hard what I'm doing hard work goes through attend court /lawyer.. finally I won the case... Our children returns home w/us.. due CAS is pretty SUCKS and prejuiced and includes neighbour too!

So Please chin up Dawn! Don't let your feeling give up your future.. Important your job needs you the most and can support your living decent and for your daughter too.

Do it! I trust you.... I can feel you can do it! *wink*~:thumb:
yeah i will tell her to check this websites to see what u have to say to her ... smile ... btw, thanks !
for knightwolf

Frankly, I don't think they will award custody to her grandparent, since there is no sign of abuses and neglect,.. they will give the custody to her biological parent ..i'm glad that she have her own attorney. Im pray for her..
by the way , they just trying to do the best for her but in dramtic measures which is so implusive and cruel.. that is not nesscary..
im sorry that she have to go thru terrible ordeal and deal with her copes .. let god give her strength and she can stand up and get her gril back where she belong ..
I've lived with my grandparents and didn't think it was too bad-- but these circumstances Dawn is going through sound just really horrible. I'm no legal expert, but....

The grandparents shouldn't try to get custody without the biological parent's permission at all. Dawn, don't give up and don't let this affect the abilities you have already. Start taking control of your life for your child, and learn from these painful lessons. It'll look better in the court to see a more stable mom methinks-- also, can't you sue the grandparents for emotional distress?

Maybe you can get in touch with grandparents resource center in Denver, Colorado-- since they might help you to determine what is fair and what is not. If you have their backing, then you will have more chance of getting your child back quicker I bet. Just thinking. :)