Court of public opinion looms large in George Zimmerman murder trial

All I can say, Naisho, is that I disagree and think perhaps you haven't seen her commentary over a wide range of topics. I'll just quit right here.

Ah gotcha. I hadn't paid attention to WDYs general perspective so you may have a point I hadn't considered.
Ah gotcha. I hadn't paid attention to WDYs general perspective so you may have a point I hadn't considered.

That's alright, Naisho. I really wanted to stop right here because I am not meaning any harm; just wanting her to see what I think is missing or in slumber at the moment. Something that is deeply American, no matter how you vote.
In my case, I was surprised he didn't get manslaughter and I think the judge was leaning towards it.

Is it criminally negligent, as the head of a neighborhood watch(or just an adult) working with the local police, to not understand when and when not to get involved and the level of involvement? Especially, I might add, when the police had been called.

I agree with the juror that, "his heart was in the right place, but he did a stupid thing". Yet, we can't have everyone doing stupid things when our local police are readily available.

I don't think it is going to be that hard for a civil trial to find him guilty.

I do think it would be really hard for civil rights trial, but they may try anyway.

You can be sure this is far from over.
I agree; morevoer, his lack of judgement, profiling, etc does not rise to murder/manslaughter.

His being properly charged would have gotten him a couple years of prison time but this was beneath the likes of Sharpton/Jackson who make a living on racism. So it all backfired on them and we now have a fine mess on our hands and the people really responsible will just waltz away to strike another day.

well said, Tousi!
In my case, I was surprised he didn't get manslaughter and I think the judge was leaning towards it.

Is it criminally negligent, as the head of a neighborhood watch(or just an adult) working with the local police, to not understand when and when not to get involved and the level of involvement? Especially, I might add, when the police had been called.

I agree with the juror that, "his heart was in the right place, but he did a stupid thing". Yet, we can't have everyone doing stupid things when our local police are readily available.

I don't think it is going to be that hard for a civil trial to find him guilty.

I do think it would be really hard for civil rights trial, but they may try anyway.

You can be sure this is far from over.

Guilty is not a verdict in civil trials. They may perhaps find him liable. Most of the experts I have seen believe they will lose that too. :dunno: But again, being in Florida I don't think the civil suit is a concern. He has a great lawyers, I am sure his assets will be well protected.
Guilty is not a verdict in civil trials. They may perhaps find him liable. Most of the experts I have seen believe they will lose that too. :dunno: But again, being in Florida I don't think the civil suit is a concern. He has a great lawyers, I am sure his assets will be well protected.

I stand corrected: Liable is the correct term.
Sad but when "some" African Americans do stuff like burn the flag, hurt innocent people, riot and destroy property, they are making their race look bad!!! This is what a lot of people including African Americans are saying around here.

Go after the right people, register to vote, sit on the jury.


If Zimmerman got convicted I was was planning on looting at North Georgia Outlet Mall in Dawsonville with the other outraged white country folk who can't stand to see a gun-packing partially White guy like Zimmerman get wrongly convicted.

I was sure that mobs of whites were going to invade the parking lot in their Isuzu Troopers and VW Beetles and Jaguars, and steal high end cookware from Bed Bath and Beyond and golf and tennis equipment from Sports Authority. Maybe even invade a Home Depot for a new John Deere garden tractor or two and some building supplies for a new gazebo for their back yard.

I needed a new road bicycle. Something like a Merckx 525 or Pinarello Dogma. C'mon, tell me I wasn't the only white person who was gonna help myself to free stuff when my brothers don't get justice !?!

(((Sarcasm is now off)))

I don't think rioters make their "race" look bad. It makes rioters look bad ;)

If Zimmerman got convicted I was was planning on looting at North Georgia Outlet Mall in Dawsonville with the other outraged white country folk who can't stand to see a gun-packing partially White guy like Zimmerman get wrongly convicted.

I was sure that mobs of whites were going to invade the parking lot in their Isuzu Troopers and VW Beetles and Jaguars, and steal high end cookware from Bed Bath and Beyond and golf and tennis equipment from Sports Authority. Maybe even invade a Home Depot for a new John Deere garden tractor or two and some building supplies for a new gazebo for their back yard. Kj

I needed a new road bicycle. Something like a Merckx 525 or Pinarello Dogma. C'mon, tell me I wasn't the only white person who was gonna help myself to free stuff when my brothers don't get justice !?!

(((Sarcasm is now off)))

I don't think rioters make their "race" look bad. It makes rioters look bad ;)

My husband, who is black, feels differently. He is sick and tired of the riots and looting being done by black people most of the time. He feels that it creates stereotyping of black people and he doesn't want to associate himself with any of it but people have asked him if he would join any of the protests or riots. He was disgusted.
My husband, who is black, feels differently. He is sick and tired of the riots and looting being done by black people most of the time. He feels that it creates stereotyping of black people and he doesn't want to associate himself with any of it but people have asked him if he would join any of the protests or riots. He was disgusted.

Same with white people are victim of stereotype.

Some people see me as white, described as conservative, NRA supporter, gun owner, redneck, anti-gay rights, love Rush Limbaugh, want Sarah Palin to be president, own big-ass SUV, 100% support Zimmerman, etc. :ugh:

It make me looks like Steinhauer's brother.
My husband, who is black, feels differently. He is sick and tired of the riots and looting being done by black people most of the time. He feels that it creates stereotyping of black people and he doesn't want to associate himself with any of it but people have asked him if he would join any of the protests or riots. He was disgusted.

Tell him I felt the same way when the Neo Nazis went to Sanford last year to "protect white people".

As a "white person" their organization does not represent me. I hope that people of color do not associate me with a hateful organization because of the color of my skin. I perceive rioters the same way, I do not pass judgement on a whole ethnic group because a few members of that group are not behaving.

The racists in both groups will continue to fuel the controversy.
Tell him I felt the same way when the Neo Nazis went to Sanford last year to "protect white people".

As a "white person" their organization does not represent me. I hope that people of color do not associate me with a hateful organization because of the color of my skin. I perceive rioters the same way, I do not pass judgement on a whole ethnic group because a few members of that group are not behaving.

The racists in both groups will continue to fuel the controversy.

Yea....KKK and all that crap.
Same with white people are victim of stereotype.

Some people see me as white, described as conservative, NRA supporter, gun owner, redneck, anti-gay rights, love Rush Limbaugh, want Sarah Palin to be president, own big-ass SUV, 100% support Zimmerman, etc. :ugh:

It make me looks like Steinhauer's brother.

My husband has a big ass SUV that can seat 8 people! :lol: we live in a Redneck area so he is a typical redneck!
Same with white people are victim of stereotype.

Some people see me as white, described as conservative, NRA supporter, gun owner, redneck, anti-gay rights, love Rush Limbaugh, want Sarah Palin to be president, own big-ass SUV, 100% support Zimmerman, etc. :ugh:

It make me looks like Steinhauer's brother.

I'm a white redneck NRA supporting gun owner. Some people get upset when they find out i'm also pro gay rights, think Rush is a hate monger and believe everyone is created equal. For sure, stereotypes are everywhere.
Tell him I felt the same way when the Neo Nazis went to Sanford last year to "protect white people".

As a "white person" their organization does not represent me. I hope that people of color do not associate me with a hateful organization because of the color of my skin. I perceive rioters the same way, I do not pass judgement on a whole ethnic group because a few members of that group are not behaving.

The racists in both groups will continue to fuel the controversy.

I know hate breads hate and all that but i really hate Nazis. :mad:
I'm a white redneck NRA supporting gun owner. Some people get upset when they find out i'm also pro gay rights, think Rush is a hate monger and believe everyone is created equal. For sure, stereotypes are everywhere.

You are more like libertarian.
Hardcore :D people assume i'm conservative though most of the time.

For me, I'm more left-libertarian so many people know that I'm liberal but not same as Obama, Feinstein, Bloomberg and CrazyPaul (gun control).

I'm fine with government handout to needy people but don't interfere with their liberty.

Food stamp and CCW permit. ;)
My husband, who is black, feels differently. He is sick and tired of the riots and looting being done by black people most of the time. He feels that it creates stereotyping of black people and he doesn't want to associate himself with any of it but people have asked him if he would join any of the protests or riots. He was disgusted.

Then your husband has any given day, there are so many, many crimes committed by Blacks here in my was 4 !!...Can't figure it out....and wish so much it was different and we all could get along, you know?...Even when I went to the grocery store for a short run the day after the verdict...and don't believe it was my imagination...several Black people gave me a "mean look"...even a Lady with 2 boys...I just smiled and went on my way....

There are good Black people, no doubt!...It's just the senseless crimes they commit that makes a mark on their race.....The rioting and violence is not necessary...and feel they are doing it for the hell of they can.
Then your husband has any given day, there are so many, many crimes committed by Blacks here in my was 4 !!...Can't figure it out....and wish so much it was different and we all could get along, you know?...Even when I went to the grocery store for a short run the day after the verdict...and don't believe it was my imagination...several Black people gave me a "mean look"...even a Lady with 2 boys...I just smiled and went on my way....

There are good Black people, no doubt!...It's just the senseless crimes they commit that makes a mark on their race.....The rioting and violence is not necessary...and feel they are doing it for the hell of they can.

It looks like you live in bad area?

I'm glad that you weren't beat up.