Copyright Bill Makes It Easier to Target Illegal Filesharing


King=civil rights=govt
Parks=civil rights=govt
Women's rights=govt
Boston tea party=tax protest=govt

RIAA/MPAA=unions=private enterprise

Americans have a RIGHT to a government that is fair
Americans do not have a RIGHT to products/services

And although the Boston tea party did damage products....none of your top examples took products/services for personal use as part of their protest. Rosa Parks even paid her bus fare. In fact her whole story would have been different if she had not paid it.

Unions? I don't support any unions that is corruption, especially RIAA and MPAA are two of them, just FYI since you confirmed that I support unions BUT... depends on unions.
oh?? fair government?? really?? you sure about that government is "for us".... not for corporations with $$$ like RIAA/MPAA?


It should be.....Corporations may hold the lobby but the poorest citizen of the US still has a vote. Hold politicians accountable. It doesn't matter how big and greedy a company is it doesn't change the fact that taking a product or using a service without permission is wrong. me a guy that takes a loaf of bread because he is starving.....I say be lenient. A lady that takes a coat for her child because there is a blizzard.....I empathize.

Taking a game because it's cool and you want to play it.........that's wrong. At least in my world. In my daughter's world too now if it wasn't already.... :lol: She was told this morning (as promised :) ) if I catch her doing it one funds are cut off. Period. That should take care of that.
Unions? I don't support any unions that is corruption, especially RIAA and MPAA are two of them, just FYI since you confirmed that I support unions BUT... depends on unions.

They are all corrupt
ssssssssshhhhhhhhhhhhhh. I am a corrupted Union delegate. :cool2:
I Knew It.... :lol:

Comparing civil right movements to businesses?

If you are going to compare... compare what rock'n'roll did to consumerist culture that created what we know of as "popular culture:" cars, clothes, shoes, motorcycles, records, expendable accounts.

Or the revolutionary effects of Amazon and eBay has on commerce.

Or what WalMart and Lablow did to undercut Safeway-- the bigbox stores.

But of course, the above two examples are nothing compared to the effect of what rock'n'roll did for the teenagers.

The Supreme Court of Canada will throw this proposed out instantly as soon as it becomes a law.