Confession Time :)

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Yea, Bott, you said that deaf people can't whistle. I googled "inability to whistle" and found out that your facial nerve has to work. My facial and trigeminal nerves don't work right. Weird. TMI: this issue is making me drool at night. :eek3:
I am brutally honest all of the time, sometimes thats good and sometimes not so much.
I hum in my sleep
I obsess over my hair too much
I bite my nails :(
I giggle at everything
I have a small obsession with penguins cause they are fat and waddle so cute! lol

Bold statement. Wow, that is sooo weird that you have an obsession with the penguins. Very interesting. :hmm: :cool2:
A long time ago, my naive mother thought my vibrator was a modern kitchen tool. I was in absolute shock when I walked in to find her using my vibrator to mash potatoes. Then she licked it to taste the potatoes. I wanted to die right then and there.

:laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2:

Oh man, I've heard some good vibrator stories, but this is the best vibrator story ever--better than Warped Pink's story about the bear . . .
A long time ago, my naive mother thought my vibrator was a modern kitchen tool. I was in absolute shock when I walked in to find her using my vibrator to mash potatoes. Then she licked it to taste the potatoes. I wanted to die right then and there.

That is really a very interesting story I have ever read. The vibrator must be a new technology just like everything is new around here as the years go by. I feel sorry for your Mom not knowing what the vibrator for. But the story is cracking me up and I laughed so hard. I am sorry, defbajagal. You are wonderful and thank you for telling us what happened to your Mom and the vibrator. :ty:

I confess that I was not always a good girl when I was young. When my cousins came over to stay with us in the bush in Central Minnesota, we got ourselves in trouble playing with the metal bath tub and threw it in the lake to see if the bath tub can float. We were wrong that it does not float and sank all the way to the bottom of the lake. :ugh: At the time, we could take a bath in the metal bath tub in the house instead of taking the bath in the lake. It was still summer but in the Fall, Winter and Spring we had to use the metal bath tub in the house as it was tooo freezing to bath in the lake. I don't remember if my grandfather and my mother got the metal bath tub out of the lake or maybe they bought a new metal bath tub from the country hardware store. :dunno:

There were other things we goofed off that we thought we could get away with them. :lol:
I confess that I still love to engage in bad behavior with my friends from time to time.

I confess that there are times I dont want to have good manners constantly.

I confess that I used to worry what others thought of me and allowed that to dictate the decisions I have made but no more.

I confess that I am fascinated with the evil world rather than the sin-free world.
I confess, I love to dance!
I love kickboxing , the adrenaline to punch and kick is awesome, note my trainer is HOT!,
I confess , got a thing for foreign men (especially those who speak Spanish) :giggle:
A long time ago, my naive mother thought my vibrator was a modern kitchen tool. I was in absolute shock when I walked in to find her using my vibrator to mash potatoes. Then she licked it to taste the potatoes. I wanted to die right then and there.

OH merde... wow did your mom eventually figure it out?? LOL oh man....
1. im 20 turnin 21 :)
2. i love to ride dirt bike
3 dirt bike is my passion :).
4. what else u want to know about me haha
ooohkaaaay..I'll confess..

I like to sleep with my left index finger in my left nostril
oh shutup..I'm just kidding!!

Ok here's the real one..... I still eat fruit loop cereal

I can whistle and my favorite one is using my fingers to blow a whistle that produce up to 210 db..(Everyone HATE it!!) I usually do that during the football game or other games where I love to watch people in front of me either ducked their head or cover their ears when I blew it..LOL (I did got punched by one of the guy cuz he's mad at me for blowing a whistle)

Umm...lemmee see... Oh... Every morning, when I wake up I grabbed a cup of coffee, grabbed my iPhone and my glasses... and go straight to the toilet.. I just sit there for long long time (reading through my e-mails, reading news on CNN, ABC News, Washington Post, and my investments)
I confess that I still have a phobia about sex. (don't like it)

I confess that I let my insecurities take over at times.

I confess that I dread going outside or going out in public. I have to force myself to do it.
A long time ago, my naive mother thought my vibrator was a modern kitchen tool. I was in absolute shock when I walked in to find her using my vibrator to mash potatoes. Then she licked it to taste the potatoes. I wanted to die right then and there.

:laugh2:That's a good story , totally funny!
A long time ago, my naive mother thought my vibrator was a modern kitchen tool. I was in absolute shock when I walked in to find her using my vibrator to mash potatoes. Then she licked it to taste the potatoes. I wanted to die right then and there.

Oh..I don't have a problem using the vibrator... I used it for concrete..seriously.... I'll let you figure it out why..... <grin>
Yea, Bott, you said that deaf people can't whistle. I googled "inability to whistle" and found out that your facial nerve has to work. My facial and trigeminal nerves don't work right. Weird. TMI: this issue is making me drool at night. :eek3:

I can whistle and whistle at my Cocktiels and they whistle back...been deaf 50 years! So I don't see why deafies can't whistle...does take some practice, tho'. Can also pop and snap my fingers at the same time.
  • I can whistle, learned it by playing the flute.
  • I stay in bed late (no I woke up at 7 AM today) on the weekends.
  • I have also stayed up late playing video games until 8 AM in the morning (in college).
  • I drool a little sometimes while sleeping.
  • Like Shoshana, if I cant understand someone, I just smile and nod!
  • I don't know left from right (except when I am trying to sign left or right in ASL).
  • My favorite colors are green, blue, and purple in that order.

Keep 'em coming people :laugh2:
Yea, Bott, you said that deaf people can't whistle. I googled "inability to whistle" and found out that your facial nerve has to work. My facial and trigeminal nerves don't work right. Weird. TMI: this issue is making me drool at night. :eek3:

I was wondering if I can't whistle because I am HOH. My daughter's mother in law can't whistle and she is not HOH. My granddaughter told her it because she it too old!! Ouch! I am about the same age as my daughter's mother in law!
I can whistle and whistle at my Cocktiels and they whistle back...been deaf 50 years! So I don't see why deafies can't whistle...does take some practice, tho'. Can also pop and snap my fingers at the same time.

This deafie can't whistle because of cranial nerve involvement. My face can not make the shape required to whistle.
A long time ago, my naive mother thought my vibrator was a modern kitchen tool. I was in absolute shock when I walked in to find her using my vibrator to mash potatoes. Then she licked it to taste the potatoes. I wanted to die right then and there.

:laugh2: I don't suppose you were able to tell her what it really was for! :giggle:
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