Confession Time :)

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I used to own 2 cockateils! They are fun birds! Although one of them, Lucky, used to hiss at me whenever I opened the cage to take Tweety out. They have since died and I do still miss them. I was very distraught for weeks when each of them died. :(

Awesome birds though. Someday when I can afford it, I want one pit bull, one cat, one fish, and two cockateils. Actually, my boyfriend and I have one fish named Radar and one cat named Tokey, so we're getting there!

Cocktiels are a lot of fun and are very loving birds...Mine will kiss and "snuggle".....They can have a very long life if you keep them out of any drafts (A/C & heat)....I've always had mine by a window or the patio door....they raise hell if I forget to open the blinds so they can see the foliage and other birds out there....Mine do squawk and make a lot of noises at times and bugs the family to death, all except me!...They will out live me, I'm sure of it!...Was thinking of giving them away awhile back...but I can't do it becuz they do love me too much and are spoiled rotten with lots of treats and toys. Both are boys, "Joe" and "Buster".

I confess I really like bi-girls. I hope Im not grossin' ppl. :giggle:

Well, thank you Deaf-Tim. I'm bi.:lol:
I also get what you mean about controlling parents. I changed my name on facebook and blocked them to get them to stop snooping. I'm thinking of changing my name to Kharism for real.
Sometimes in winter I take cold showers to warm up. The cold water closes the skin's pores, thus enabling your body to retain heat better.

It's also a good way to get pneumonia as well!
More confessions:
I love video games! So far, I'm okay at Guitar Hero, Fable II, and Fallout 3. If my boyfriend buys more games, I probably will try them as well.
I wear men's boxers, not even boy shorts for women.
I sleep almost nude. :naughty:
I have gotten drunk without ever getting a hangover.
I like not being sober, makes me a lot less bitchy.
I got moved to production instead of being a sandwich maker at work (where I had to talk to customers) not because I requested a transfer to a different job at Harmon's but because I lost my hearing aid and therefore can't talk to customers. My lipreading skills just aren't good enough. Totally lame but at least I don't have to talk to anybody anymore. :deaf:
My favorite word is "wicked." I can be very wicked indeed, which is one of the minor reasons for leaving Mormonism.
I work on the farm, shovel, move dirt, drive heavy equipment, weld, operate metal saw, drill, use acetylene torch on metal, make concrete and pour concrete..

All barefoot. The only thing that bothers me are the stickers.
PFH, what kind of farm are you talking about?
To look pretty, really. They are in a pretty good sized area to theirselves with all the pasture grass they can have.

Oic, I know a bit about horses. Can you tell me what kind of horses they are? "Pretty" pretty much describes Arabians......
Oic, I know a bit about horses. Can you tell me what kind of horses they are? "Pretty" pretty much describes Arabians......
There are a couple of Poas... Some quarter horses as well i think.

The Poa I know for sure because my friend used to compete with them.
Sometimes in winter I take cold showers to warm up. The cold water closes the skin's pores, thus enabling your body to retain heat better.

Do not think I could do that! Do not like being cold shower. Eek!!!
Wirelessly posted

I am obsessed with being prepared for everything as much as humanly possible - I don't like surprises.
I confess I had really poor sales at the bead show. Very discouraging!
I have fallen in love with the use of the ellipse...
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