Cochlear Implants for Healthy Deaf Babies and the Hippocratic Oath

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Yea and she already recognizes all the letters in the alphabet. What do u mean how are they going to become literate in English for her? They are both hearing and just learned ASL two years ago and I have been corresponding with them via email. Their English skills appear fine to me. :giggle:

LOL....yeah I see what you mean shel90, should have had a comma, sorry.

How are they planning on approaching learning, aquiring and becoming literate in English, for her?
LOL....yeah I see what you mean shel90, should have had a comma, sorry.

They are already doing that...fingerspelling and showing English in print. Then when she is in elementary school, she will start transferring her L1 into learning English. Since she is so advanced in language acquistion I dont see her having any problems.

Many many deaf people without hearing aids or CIs have been successful with this approach. I dont see how that is a problem...language acquisition is the development of an understanding of one's world around them and how it works..doesnt matter what language it is in.

My hearing son's L1 is much more stronger in ASL than in English. Many ignorance hearing people ask me if I am worried...I said no.
...language acquisition is the development of an understanding of one's world around them and how it works..doesnt matter what language it is in.

shel90 - I agree with you.
That is what I have been posting in here that the deaf kids needs ASL as a safety net. I like what Jillio says about putting out all options and then drop some options as the child grow older. I love using analogies. I think of Jillio's example as a pyramid with a large base - Strong and very stable. Going by oral method first then add ASL if the oral training is not working out is like an upside down pyramid. Definitely not stable and will tip over.

Freethinker, I personally don't like CI for babies/kids as one death is too much for me. That is just me. ASL is not broken and never was broken. Martha Vineyard back in 18th century is the proof. It is the pro-oralists that was and still is the problem. They put way too much emphasis on speech just because we have voice so that we should use our voice. My thinking: They have hands so they should use ASL. I know they don't like that.

That was a very good analogy, Buffalo!
They are already doing that...fingerspelling and showing English in print. Then when she is in elementary school, she will start transferring her L1 into learning English. Since she is so advanced in language acquistion I dont see her having any problems.

Many many deaf people without hearing aids or CIs have been successful with this approach. I dont see how that is a problem...language acquisition is the development of an understanding of one's world around them and how it works..doesnt matter what language it is in.

My hearing son's L1 is much more stronger in ASL than in English. Many ignorance hearing people ask me if I am worried...I said no.

That is it in a nutshell. Strong L1 language acquistion makes L2 language acquisition infinately easier. As long a child has strong L1 skills, we don't need to worry about them learning an L2 langauge because they have acquired the intuitive knowledge of what language is and how it works. That is then applied to the L2 language. The children we are seeing with problems have not been provided the opportunity to acquire a strong L1 language.
No rockets here

Strong L1 language acquistion makes L2 language acquisition infinately easier. As long a child has strong L1 skills, we don't need to worry about them learning an L2 langauge because they have acquired the intuitive knowledge of what language is and how it works. That is then applied to the L2 language.This statements holds true no matter what the L1 one is. The children we are seeing with problems have not been provided the opportunity to acquire a strong L1 language.

It also holds true for the application that can/is successful to acquire L1. Cued Speech, ASL or oral, hearing and deaf.
Teenager against the Cochlear Implants !

This link is very fascinated !! It breaks my heart !!

Deaf Teenager Against Cochlear Implant

"..title is "Deaf Teenager Against CI."...invites sometimes sound like you are rebellious...No amount of disclaimers like "I don't hate my parents" or "I don't hold a grudge" can change the attitude behind your writings. ...parents or doctor may be stalling hopes that when you mature a little you may change your mind...doing what seems right for you now...Maybe you should consult a couple of other doctors..."
"...did a paper on CIs. It wasn't solely on SL versus CIs but it is on why the gov't should put stricter regulations on giving CIs to children."
"...when I was 16, i decided to stop wearing my CI, the school and my family were totally rude...headache everyday, I am not focused at school, I cannot stand any of the sounds...very unhappy. ...friend told me to try...without my CI for a month...when i took it off, everything was so quiet, my headache disappear...feel better using my hands...more focused at living in a silent world...are you saying that i am not able to decide which college i want to parents said i am old enough...even an adult are still and my parents now support my decison ...
It also holds true for the application that can/is successful to acquire L1. Cued Speech, ASL or oral, hearing and deaf.

ASL is the only one that provides full access from a conceptual level. Conceptual understanding is mandatory for language acquisition to take place.
Kalista did you ever get the information about those CI kids your son meet that do not have good speech. Remember, if you are going to make a judgement like that we need more info such has age of implant, parent support, type of program in.

I don't believe that Kalista was making a judgement. She was sharing anecdotal experience. Why, exactly, is that unacceptable?
Kalista did you ever get the information about those CI kids your son meet that do not have good speech. Remember, if you are going to make a judgement like that we need more info such has age of implant, parent support, type of program in.

I was not judged on those children, want to emphasize that Cochlear Implants will NEVER work for youngest Deaf children successful in their speech. They ALWAYS be Deaf. Sorry, I make you disappoint or upset. In the fact... yes it is true my son heard other children's speech are not correct, their voice sound like Deaf people's voice.

Cochlear Implants and Hearing Aids will not help us (Deaf people). Visual in sign language, read the books, interact with other Deaf people in the social or communtiy, etc... ASL is more primary language in this national.

Oral method is worthless and waste alot of our time !
Cochlear Implants and Hearing Aids will not help us (Deaf people). Visual in sign language, read the books, interact with other Deaf people in the social or communtiy, etc... ASL is more primary language in this national.

Oral method is worthless and waste alot of our time !

"Oral Method is worthless and waste alot of our time" - Now that's a huge insult to Jackie and other oralists. While I don't agree with the philosophy of oral-only education, I do not make statements that it's a waste of "our" time.

BTW - who is "our"? Me? All Deaf people? Give me a break, again stop saying OUR as labeling ALL of us. Instead use, "some of us"

ASL is not my primary language, it's my secondary. Hearing aids helped me hear fire alarms. Hearing aids helped me hear police sirens. Hearing aids help me enjoy music, listening to lyrics, singers, etc. Hearing aids helped me in many situations. It is OKAY that that hearing aids doesn't help SOME deaf people. Hearing aids and CI is NOT for everyone. If I lived in silence, I would go stir crazy! Why? Because I grew up with sounds. If I grew up WITHOUT sounds (i.e. hearing aids and CI), then I would be in a different situation now.
"Oral Method is worthless and waste alot of our time" - Now that's a huge insult to Jackie and other oralists. While I don't agree with the philosophy of oral-only education, I do not make statements that it's a waste of "our" time.

Revise !

Whoever who grew up in oral method, they and I choice ASL because it is our true language.

BTW - who is "our"? Me? All Deaf people? Give me a break, again stop saying OUR as labeling ALL of us. Instead use, "some of us"

Whatever all you want to whine about our perspective.

ASL is not my primary language, it's my secondary. Hearing aids helped me hear fire alarms. Hearing aids helped me hear police sirens. Hearing aids help me enjoy music, listening to lyrics, singers, etc. Hearing aids helped me in many situations. It is OKAY that that hearing aids doesn't help SOME deaf people. Hearing aids and CI is NOT for everyone. If I lived in silence, I would go stir crazy! Why? Because I grew up with sounds. If I grew up WITHOUT sounds (i.e. hearing aids and CI), then I would be in a different situation now.

It is sad, you have so much missing of beautiful ASL language.

According to the hearing aids find too annoying me so much. I can't stand to hearing the phone ring all the day next to my desk. Heard colleagues giggle and laugh. The cars constantly blow the honk. I prefer to keep my hearing quiet and more focus on my work and mental funcional stable. ;)

We have different opinion and happy for who we are. You choice hearing aid or cochlear implant, the sounds will make you happy. Those devices will not make me happy. I born profoundly Deaf, God make me healthy pure female. I should be thankful God. Why should I let man made device inside my body? Deaf is not emergency medical reason.
It is sad, you have so much missing of beautiful ASL language.

According to the hearing aids find too annoying me so much. I can't stand to hearing the phone ring all the day next to my desk. Heard colleagues giggle and laugh. The cars constantly blow the honk. I prefer to keep my hearing quiet and more focus on my work and mental funcional stable. ;)

We have different opinion and happy for who we are. You choice hearing aid or cochlear implant, the sounds will make you happy. Those devices will not make me happy. I born profoundly Deaf, God make me healthy pure female. I should be thankful God. Why should I let man made device inside my body? Deaf is not emergency medical reason.

I'm not missing ASL language. I can sign ASL, I can communicate fluently with any deaf person. I just do not use it on a everyday basis. I use my voice more often than I sign. So, no I'm not "missing" it. I still possess the ability to use sign.

That's why I said hearing aids/ CI is not for everyone. Some people it seems too much, others can't live without it. That's okay that it doesn't work for you. The world *is* noisy. :-D
I was not judged on those children, want to emphasize that Cochlear Implants will NEVER work for youngest Deaf children successful in their speech. They ALWAYS be Deaf. Sorry, I make you disappoint or upset. In the fact... yes it is true my son heard other children's speech are not correct, their voice sound like Deaf people's voice.

Cochlear Implants and Hearing Aids will not help us (Deaf people). Visual in sign language, read the books, interact with other Deaf people in the social or communtiy, etc... ASL is more primary language in this national.

Oral method is worthless and waste alot of our time !

I agree that the oral methos was worthless for you but what works for you does not mean it works for all deaf people.

You are so wrong. I just spent 2 week at this amazing oral school for the deaf. Most kids there got implant before the age of 3 and you could not tell at all that they were deaf.

Yes, I agree with you they will always be deaf but people won't evven know that they are deaf because they speak so well.

Again I am not saying that all deaf children should have implants.

{Mod Edit: Entire unnecessary comment removed--~RR}
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"Oral Method is worthless and waste alot of our time" - Now that's a huge insult to Jackie and other oralists. While I don't agree with the philosophy of oral-only education, I do not make statements that it's a waste of "our" time.

I can really respect that you do not believe in oral only. Just as I can believe that it can be oral only. Honestly my daughter is not oral only now. She has friends that only sign and that ir perfectly OK with me. She doesn't depend on her sign skills to live her normal everyday but those couple of times a month that she sees these friends she enough signing skills to communicate with them.

BTW - who is "our"? Me? All Deaf people? Give me a break, again stop saying OUR as labeling ALL of us. Instead use, "some of us"

ASL is not my primary language, it's my secondary. Hearing aids helped me hear fire alarms. Hearing aids helped me hear police sirens. Hearing aids help me enjoy music, listening to lyrics, singers, etc. Hearing aids helped me in many situations. It is OKAY that that hearing aids doesn't help SOME deaf people. Hearing aids and CI is NOT for everyone. If I lived in silence, I would go stir crazy! Why? Because I grew up with sounds. If I grew up WITHOUT sounds (i.e. hearing aids and CI), then I would be in a different situation now.

"Oral Method is worthless and waste alot of our time" - Now that's a huge insult to Jackie and other oralists. While I don't agree with the philosophy of oral-only education, I do not make statements that it's a waste of "our" time.

Revise !

Whoever who grew up in oral method, they and I choice ASL because it is our true language.

Whatever all you want to whine about our perspective.

It is sad, you have so much missing of beautiful ASL language.

According to the hearing aids find too annoying me so much. I can't stand to hearing the phone ring all the day next to my desk. Heard colleagues giggle and laugh. The cars constantly blow the honk. I prefer to keep my hearing quiet and more focus on my work and mental funcional stable. ;)

We have different opinion and happy for who we are. You choice hearing aid or cochlear implant, the sounds will make you happy. Those devices will not make me happy. I born profoundly Deaf, God make me healthy pure female. I should be thankful God. Why should I let man made device inside my body? Deaf is not emergency medical reason.

It really is OK the way you feel and that your happy but what is not OK is that you think that what makes you happy will make all deaf kids and adults happy.

While I believe in the oral only method for some people, I do not believe that all deaf people should be oral nor do I think or have said the sign is a waste of time.
How you feel if I said that signing is a waste of time. (This is not what I believe, I am just trying to state a point)
"Oral Method is worthless and waste alot of our time" - Now that's a huge insult to Jackie and other oralists. While I don't agree with the philosophy of oral-only education, I do not make statements that it's a waste of "our" time.

Revise !

Whoever who grew up in oral method, they and I choice ASL because it is our true language.

Whatever all you want to whine about our perspective.

It is sad, you have so much missing of beautiful ASL language.

According to the hearing aids find too annoying me so much. I can't stand to hearing the phone ring all the day next to my desk. Heard colleagues giggle and laugh. The cars constantly blow the honk. I prefer to keep my hearing quiet and more focus on my work and mental funcional stable. ;)

We have different opinion and happy for who we are. You choice hearing aid or cochlear implant, the sounds will make you happy. Those devices will not make me happy. I born profoundly Deaf, God make me healthy pure female. I should be thankful God. Why should I let man made device inside my body? Deaf is not emergency medical reason.

I love that the gigging and the cars. I also felt safer when I hear the tornado sirens, myself during the storms a couple of weeks ago.

We deaf individuals are all different. We enjoy different things and feel differently about just about everything. Respect the differences. I respect ASL that is why I am learning it, not because I am bullied into it. I want to learn. I also want to hear as well. I love my CIs, just love them. They have given me sound I have never experienced before. I spent 36 years hoh/deaf.

I am deaf, I suport the children and families. We kept debating and going on in circles. This is not a pissing match. We are not learning from each other, we are just driving others away. A forum that should be used a discussion instead of this stuff!
I agree that the oral methos was worthless for you but what works for you does not mean it works for all deaf people.

You are so wrong. I just spent 2 week at this amazing oral school for the deaf. Most kids there got implant before the age of 3 and you could not tell at all that they were deaf.
Yes, I agree with you they will always be deaf but people won't evven know that they are deaf because they speak so well.

Again I am not saying that all deaf children should have implants.

{Mod Edit: Entire unnecessary comment removed--~RR}

:eek3: at the bolded comment.
I love that the gigging and the cars. I also felt safer when I hear the tornado sirens, myself during the storms a couple of weeks ago.

We deaf individuals are all different. We enjoy different things and feel differently about just about everything. Respect the differences. I respect ASL that is why I am learning it, not because I am bullied into it. I want to learn. I also want to hear as well. I love my CIs, just love them. They have given me sound I have never experienced before. I spent 36 years hoh/deaf.

A friend of mine, he can hear of his own urine and also next the door farts and urine. It is disgusted to hearing other people's fart and urine splash in the toilet. Ewwww..... I prefer Deaf as peace in my ears.

Have you hear other people's fart and burp?
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