Cochlear Implants Decrease Your IQ?

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LOL! There was actually a period when I was very young where I could actually understand a lot of math - one of my uncles is a math genius (one of those MIT types) and he was teaching me math when I was living in Florida at the time. But...after that....I just really suck at math! I dunno what happened...oh well!

I think I can answer. People with ADD struggle when they move from instructor to instructor. I had the same problem. If I got an instructor who understood me, I learned math concepts really well. The problem was consistency. I might do well one year; only to do really horribly the next year. That's why after all these years, I can grasp certain concepts of intro algebra or even probability, but I can't do fractions if my LIFE depended on it!
I think I can answer. People with ADD struggle when they move from instructor to instructor. I had the same problem. If I got an instructor who understood me, I learned math concepts really well. The problem was consistency. I might do well one year; only to do really horribly the next year. That's why after all these years, I can grasp certain concepts of intro algebra or even probability, but I can't do fractions if my LIFE depended on it!

That could be a possiblity.
Neecy, the math class is too easier for me but I had done with Algebra 3.

If anyone who realize "homework" and it confused me because I don't in school anymore.
Neecy, the math class is too easier for me but I had done with Algebra 3.

If anyone who realize "homework" and it confused me because I don't in school anymore.

And you're trying to make a case against CIs?

If I had to argue something, I would try to have a good command of the language and the slang the case was presented in.
You were heading off any possible outlets with your comment, which I quoted...You know, when you said CIs didn't cause ADD?

Sorry, fyborg logic strikes again!

Your logic and my complete inablity to apply any is becoming comical.

I am 26, I am not in high school, and I still do my homework. Everyday. This is how people learn, by doing homework, instead of slewing misinformation.

Yeah... i am 62.. still do my homework... every person learn something new everyday.. never stop...
And you're trying to make a case against CIs?

If I had to argue something, I would try to have a good command of the language and the slang the case was presented in.

What hell are you talking about?
Yes indeed I'm very happy - again I don't know how much is because of my CI and how much because I'm now 34 and perhaps have a more mature approach to studying, but I do notice the help. I'm now taking Calculus and Physics in college, (Monday was the first day of the new term) and am actually enjoying it. My teachers are very easy to understand, and they seem to make a point of looking at me frequently just to 'make sure' I've been following them. Its wonderful to be able to actively participate in a normal "hearing" classroom without an interpereter. Even understanding questions asked by students who sit behind me. I'm loving it.
Its wonderful to be able to actively participate in a normal "hearing" classroom without an interpereter. Even understanding questions asked by students who sit behind me. I'm loving it.

CIs work to help people hear better...they don't give people LDs, ADD or OCC--see?

It's nice to see you're enjoying learning Neecy! I think school became much better for me post-CI because it was easier to follow the teachers and the students.
CIs work to help people hear better...they don't give people LDs, ADD or OCC--see?

It's nice to see you're enjoying learning Neecy! I think school became much better for me post-CI because it was easier to follow the teachers and the students.

DEFINITELY....I never cease to be amazed. Sometimes I even switch my CI off to see how well I could follow the teacher without it and its like comparing apples with oranges. What I find the most helpful is working when the calculus teacher is explaining a question WHILE writing it on the board, and I can copy it down, and "follow" the steps he is explaining without having to stop to lipread him THEN try to write down what he's writing (and while writing it down, miss what he's saying.) The "real time" explanation factor makes a huge difference in my understanding the entire problem.
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