Cochlear Implant Patients.

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Because they are a new unexperienced doctor. My surgeon happened to be my audiologist. I trust him completely.

Nope. Try again. You are demonstrating serious lack of knowledge in this thread.
I wish I had your ability to play music and to write songs. I don't play music well nor do I have a good grasp of phonics. When I play the piano, everyone leaves the room. The autoharp is the one instrument I play well. I come from a musical family and my sister has been a music major and a music teacher in the past. My nephew Philip who is her son is a music major.

On the other hand, I'm excellent in the visual arts dept and i'm good with Art, Design and crafts. I think that more than makes up for my lack of musical ability.

Absolutely. Creativity is a wonderful outlet, no matter the type.
Heh... Heh... I have this serious temptation to put up late deafened people here such as zebadee against some deaf people here on board.... in an academic bowl competition..

Shows you how much hearing is overrated.. ;)
Nope. Try again. You are demonstrating serious lack of knowledge in this thread.

Well then i would say that they call it practicing medicine because medicine is ever changing. The CI procedures don't change that much. And unless a surgeon has been shown a new way to do the CI surgery he probably sticks to the way he normally does it. I would hardly call that practicing.
In the older tribes and such kids were allowed to get married fairly early around the age of puberty. As puberty in girls ranges from 8-13 jillio could be as young as 33 - 38. But as said assuming jillio waited until she was out of high school she could be as old as 43.

Uh, you might want to google the age range for puberty.:roll:

And there are too many variables you are not considering in your guesses of my age. But that's okay. You don't have the life experience to consider all that could play into it yet. I love watching a kid trying to put together a puzzle without all the pieces.:giggle:
Well then i would say that they call it practicing medicine because medicine is ever changing. The CI procedures don't change that much. And unless a surgeon has been shown a new way to do the CI surgery he probably sticks to the way he normally does it. I would hardly call that practicing.

You might want to do a little research on exactly how the procedure has changed over the years. And they call it practicing medicine even if you are being treated for a cold. It isn't just in relation to CI surgery.:laugh2:
Uh, you might want to google the age range for puberty.:roll:

And there are too many variables you are not considering in your guesses of my age. But that's okay. You don't have the life experience to consider all that could play into it yet. I love watching a kid trying to put together a puzzle without all the pieces.:giggle:

Puberty In Girls

I have googled it. Any other things I should do before starting my recalculation of your age? Did you have a miscarriage the first time? That would make you older. Or was he adopted? In that case you could be in your early 20s.. Either way you are arguing with someone younger than you.
I wasn't referring to you.
I've reread the quote. I assumed this was in a Christain school - hence my comment.

Just to clarify things, I was referring to the BFs of the girls who got pregant in middle school. Now who got them pregent? Most likey it was their BFs and it's quite likey they attended the same school as the pregant girls.
That is pretty apparent. But no one really cares.

Wow It's apparent he is a virgin just by how he post's? Gee I sure wish I knew how to read so far in depth on peoples sex life just by how they talk!
I've reread the quote. I assumed this was in a Christain school - hence my comment.

Just to clarify things, I was referring to the BFs of the girls who got pregant in middle school. Now who got them pregent? Most likey it was their BFs and it's quite likey they attended the same school as the pregant girls.

I went to a public school a minute and a half away from me.. Never went to a christian school. only church.
Puberty In Girls

I have googled it. Any other things I should do before starting my recalculation of your age? Did you have a miscarriage the first time? That would make you older. Or was he adopted? In that case you could be in your early 20s.. Either way you are arguing with someone younger than you.

No, you are arguing with someone older than you. That is your mistake. And you aren't doing a very good job of it, either.

An 18 year old googling the age of puberty in young girls for no apparent reason? :hmm:
Wow It's apparent he is a virgin just by how he post's? Gee I sure wish I knew how to read so far in depth on peoples sex life just by how they talk!

Lack of experience in many areas is apparent. You just have to know where to look. But I didn't say it was apparent he was a virgin. I said it was apparent...meaning that he had no kids.
No, you are arguing with someone older than you. That is your mistake. And you aren't doing a very good job of it, either.

An 18 year old googling the age of puberty in young girls for no apparent reason? :hmm:

You must not have much to do since you seem to love arguing with younger people. Makes me think you haven't grown up.

Maybe i googled it because an elder recommended it. What kind of example are you setting? You're corrupting me! :mad:
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