Cochlear Device & The Deaf Community: Hearing Within

gnulinuxman said:
By that you mean eradicate it? Come on, your posts are pretty much leading to you wishing that Deaf Culture was gone.

The Deaf Culture will ALWAYS be around forever as long as the world exists. There will always be deaf people born every day. That is the point... it'll blend into a different subculture each generation. But why must our culture function like it did in the 1960's when we're living in the 21st century?

This, too, stumps me.
I think when you bear in mind that a significant percentage of hearing parents of signing deaf children never actually get to an advanced level of signing themselves it is somewhat unrealistic to expect that the rest of the world would sign too. It might seem unfair but that's the reality.

Also like many languages it needs constant practice to keep in memory and most hearing people don't know deaf people who sign.
gnulinuxman said:
What's wrong with learning to sign? Don't you want a full communications toolbox??
gnulinuxman said:
Are you saying you need to flap your jaw just to succeed in the world? :squint:

Why don't you learn Chinese? Don't you believe in total communication?
Cochlear implant myths
from R2D2's signature..

i gotta ask.. on LIE #6

Not true! All major health insurance plans pay IN FULL for the ci surgery and TWO sound processors (body-worn and BTE) and all attachments, and most of them also cover, or reimburse for, all of the replacement batteries, cords, etc.

guess what?? my son's father had the ci surgery not long ago and expect his insurance to pay most of it .. they told him he only have to pay 2 to 3 thous ... but guess what?? he found out he had to pay 13,000.. he's pissed off now. I wonder if anyone else have this plms?
SmileyGin said:
Cochlear implant myths
from R2D2's signature..

i gotta ask.. on LIE #6

Not true! All major health insurance plans pay IN FULL for the ci surgery and TWO sound processors (body-worn and BTE) and all attachments, and most of them also cover, or reimburse for, all of the replacement batteries, cords, etc.

guess what?? my son's father had the ci surgery not long ago and expect his insurance to pay most of it .. they told him he only have to pay 2 to 3 thous ... but guess what?? he found out he had to pay 13,000.. he's pissed off now. I wonder if anyone else have this plms?
Differences in insurance is a problem and results in poor people not being able to benefit.
I'm living in Norway. EVERYONE here is offered CI. The government pays for it. That's how it should be. A decision like yes/no CI should not involve costs of the system!
Cloggy said:
Differences in insurance is a problem and results in poor people not being able to benefit.
I'm living in Norway. EVERYONE here is offered CI. The government pays for it. That's how it should be. A decision like yes/no CI should not involve costs of the system!

Interesting.. his insurance is by Health Advantage- Blue Choice (independent license of Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association)

he doesnt have medicare or medicaid .. he's working a full time job but have health insurance. I told him maybe he should have looked in grants and get some help to pay for that? he said he didn't think of that. Oh well!
SmileyGin said:
Cochlear implant myths
from R2D2's signature..

i gotta ask.. on LIE #6

Not true! All major health insurance plans pay IN FULL for the ci surgery and TWO sound processors (body-worn and BTE) and all attachments, and most of them also cover, or reimburse for, all of the replacement batteries, cords, etc.

guess what?? my son's father had the ci surgery not long ago and expect his insurance to pay most of it .. they told him he only have to pay 2 to 3 thous ... but guess what?? he found out he had to pay 13,000.. he's pissed off now. I wonder if anyone else have this plms?

That's not good! Sorry to hear that - I'm not very familiar with the US health system. I live in Australia and if you are poor (or even rich but don't want to pay for private health insurance) you can get it done for no cost. The only problem is that you have to join a waiting list for that. I have private health insurance and we got started on the process right away.

Ironically it's cheaper here to get a CI than a hearing aid! I had to pay $3,000 for my last set of aids.
SmileyGin said:
Cochlear implant myths
from R2D2's signature..

i gotta ask.. on LIE #6

Not true! All major health insurance plans pay IN FULL for the ci surgery and TWO sound processors (body-worn and BTE) and all attachments, and most of them also cover, or reimburse for, all of the replacement batteries, cords, etc.

guess what?? my son's father had the ci surgery not long ago and expect his insurance to pay most of it .. they told him he only have to pay 2 to 3 thous ... but guess what?? he found out he had to pay 13,000.. he's pissed off now. I wonder if anyone else have this plms?

How much he pays would depend on his insurance. If they approved the implant that approval letter should include what they'll cover. BUT he will be reponsible for all his co-pays and deductibles. In my case I pay around 2000. Not bad out of a 45 thous bill. (so far) What he needs to do is check his policy and see what his most out of pocket expense is. In my case it's 2000 (maybe 2500) not sure if my deductible is included in the part in the max. out of pocket. The info. on max out of pocket expense should be included in the packet he should recieve every year or so.
jag said:
How much he pays would depend on his insurance. If they approved the implant that approval letter should include what they'll cover. BUT he will be reponsible for all his co-pays and deductibles. In my case I pay around 2000. Not bad out of a 45 thous bill. (so far) What he needs to do is check his policy and see what his most out of pocket expense is. In my case it's 2000 (maybe 2500) not sure if my deductible is included in the part in the max. out of pocket. The info. on max out of pocket expense should be included in the packet he should recieve every year or so.

the total of the surgery my sons father had came to 52,000 something.. whew! he should have looked in about getting grants to help pay some? now he will be in debts as he have to pay off for school loan as well as the bills too? ouch!
SmileyGin said:
the total of the surgery my sons father had came to 52,000 something.. whew! he should have looked in about getting grants to help pay some? now he will be in debts as he have to pay off for school loan as well as the bills too? ouch!
try looking into this page;

Off topic...

You crack me up! I just noticed it now...and did a double take. :laugh2:

Your statement "Any fool can criticize, condemn, and complain - and most fools do." is actually on my white board (at work) right now and has been there for a couple of months.

It is definitely a small world.
sr171soars said:

Off topic...

You crack me up! I just noticed it now...and did a double take. :laugh2:

Your statement "Any fool can criticize, condemn, and complain - and most fools do." is actually on my white board (at work) right now and has been there for a couple of months.

It is definitely a small world.

Off topic too...

LOL! I got these quotes from another forum -- the forum owner had put these quotes at the top of the forum AFTER the posters got into silly arguments (and this forum is no different -- LOL)
Well, have a great weekend! (And in case you're noticing a slight difference in my postings -- I had been lazy about using capital letters and punctuations -- it's time for me to express myself the way I should)
There are STILL plenty of hippie leftovers in Austin. Just go to parks and you'll see them living there!
netrox said:
There are STILL plenty of hippie leftovers in Austin. Just go to parks and you'll see them living there!

Cultural shifts since the 70's hasn't done any harm, obviously.
SmileyGin said:
the total of the surgery my sons father had came to 52,000 something.. whew! he should have looked in about getting grants to help pay some? now he will be in debts as he have to pay off for school loan as well as the bills too? ouch!

If you live in an area with LION's clubs, Jaycees and I know around here even the American LEigion has helped with fund raisers and donated to help people with medical needs. One of the big perposes of the Lions and Jaycees is community service type of issues. Around here they've done things like help raise money for people who need help with big bills due to illness, raises money to buy an accessible van for a mom who's son was in a wheel chair and whom she was having a harder time transferring into her non wheel chair friendly car. So it wouldn't hurt to see if they could help.
It is nice to know that there are people out there who do actually take the time (occasionally) to read what I've written. Thank you! Tammy Tillotson
I think the deaf community in general are fearful of CIs mainly because naturally, the parents will be less likely expose the children to sign language resulting more deaf people not being fluent in ASL. If they don't sign, how do members of the deaf community feel connected with them if they can't communicate with them? I don't think it is segregation on purpose even though in some cases it may be true, but it will happen naturally if the CI users don't know sign and can't communicate with deaf signers. Deaf signers who were unable to develop speech and lipreading skills will still be unable to adapt to meet the CI users' communication needs so it will depend on the CI users to learn ASL for the segregation to disappear. If they don't then yes, there will be a segregation within the deaf community even if all deaf signers accept people with CIs. Just the inability to communicate with each other will cause people to gravitate away from each other.

Another fear is that many deaf people have jobs working with deaf people and if a large percentage of future deaf children are being implanted and fully assimilated in the hearing world, it means those services like deaf schools, for example, will change or disappear leaving many deaf signers without jobs or forcing them to work at jobs where communication is a huge barrier.

This is not a personal attack on CIs ..just based on my observations and talking with different deaf signers about CIs.

It is just a feeling within the deaf community and yes, it is a big fear which leads to resentment. I can understand from their point of view cuz even myself, if where I work shut down and I can't find a job as a teacher for the deaf due to my less than perfect speech or inability to read lips to meet the spoken needs of children with CIs that means the end of my teaching career. It may happen or may not happen but that's the fear I have from time to time.

This is not a bashing post so pls don't take what I said too literally. Thanks