Co-op or Mulitplayer?

Co-op or Mulitplayer?

  • Co-op, definetly

    Votes: 3 20.0%
  • Mulitplayer, definetly

    Votes: 1 6.7%
  • Both

    Votes: 6 40.0%
  • meh...who cares.

    Votes: 5 33.3%

  • Total voters

Steel X

Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
Reaction score
Which do you perfer the most when playing with others online or in person?

For me, I like co-op in storymode since I find that more fun as a way to earn achievements together as we go thru a very hard mode or whatever.

Mulitplayer is alright thou for some reason, it doesnt really exactly give us the points or achievements in mulitplayer like death match, capture the flag, etc.

I dont see that as fun as co-op do. Besides, Gears of War 2 gives us 5 players to join in co-op online. For Resistance 2 gives about 8 players to join via co-op online as well...making it a hell of a party for teamwork and all.

So I think co-op is tons better for me since I like to complete the mission with other ppl as a team and all.
I agree. I prefer co-op mode because it's fun playing with someone else with the same goals as you do.

With multiplayer games, people tend to focus on themselves and their own personal goals instead of working with others.

The worse multiplayer experience I had was Command & Conquer: Renegade. I would join a game and suddenly see people leaving because they didn't like the team they were on. So, I ended up on a team with half the number of players as the other team. :roll:

The other thing about multiplayer games (from what I've heard from my friends) is the obsession that some people have on achievements. For instance, one achievement involves killing everyone with each weapon. As soon as the game starts, a couple people run off looking for random weapons. As soon as they kill someone, they immediately run away to look for a different weapon leaving the serious players stuck in the game. :roll:
Agreed with Vamp here. Co-op is the best thing right now. It's the next-gen, I mean look at RE5. Video games evolutions within teleology.
Left 4 Dead have pretty cool co-op campaign as well.

I remember Command & Conquer: Renegade... great co-op play!

There are 4 characters (2 per team) that have a weapon that's capable of healing anything... soldiers, vehicles, and buildings. If done properly, you can have a huge mammoth tank shooting everyone and a couple engineers standing behind the tank (out of sight) healing the tank making it almost invincible. ;)
COD WaW have co-op, but it's fun for a while. I prefer multiplayer, because it build ranks, and unlock weapons - more exciting.
I had trouble getting my son's 4X4 EVO game connect to another system for head to head game (two systems in same room connected to Router as "hub"). It's kinda new to me. The only time I finally got co-op game up and running back in 1999, Hasbro Backgammon game. I figured out on my own and joined available gamer to play against each other. My wife played game with woman from Maine for 3 hours and had great chat too. After my Puke Blah (Packard Bell) system crashed, I had to reinstall everything but Hasbro. Didn't play Co-op game ever since.

My sons play Co-op game like Club Penguin, Disney Pirate of the Carribeans ect. We do have PS2 games but didn't use Co-op.

Co-op is something I feel isn't very new at all but more so what video games have ran away from over the years. Growing up with an Atari or NES some of the most fun was playing against my friends or my brothers. With my brothers it would usually continue until we would get pissed off and beat the crap out of each other. ie. Battletoads

Lately over the ensuing years co-op pretty much fell off the map. Have a friend over to play a game. Sorry have to take turns and share the same player and controller. Same thing with multiplayer. Mostly with multiplayer you would always play against each other but never through the story mode. Multiplayer vs. for me is fun but gets old after a while considering how many times can you really reinvent the wheel? Same thing, different look.

Lately though, co-op has been making a comeback. The key to success is to release games that enhance co-op and make it feel like an integrated feature rather than a single player mission tacked on. I think that is the whole point of playing games online.

And even then thats a stretch since its difficult to achieve the same level of socialization. There are many games that allow online multiplayer but for instance you have a friend over. "Hey lets game online" Look around and every "multiplayer" type game is online. "Go home and I'll meet you online".

Sounds rather absurd not to include the option of playing together on the same console much less the same tv, espcially considering the power that is packed into todays games as well as the size of tv's.

Old school we would play Contra co-op in person on a little 19 inch tv. Now thats something I'd be interested in. Modern day co-op in my eyes is not something new but a return to many hardcore gamer's childhood. Its all about recapturing something that has been missing for many years.

My only question is, will they succeed?

So far though I've been very happy with LittleBigPlanet. Amazingly done and the potential is excellent. Now if only my friends were online more often to play then I'd really be in business. ;)
both. I hate playing against computer.... it's so boring. As long as I get to play with or against human.. fine with me. As for games requiring "teamwork" - I can either do it with friends or online friends (aka guilds).
I am guess hard time

I think so guess make sure right. I want to opinion to vote better decided. I think so who cares.
I really like both. But I really hate split-screen.
It would be nice if there was an feature included in a game and the game came with a split-screen adapter for use with multiple televisions.

For instance, you decide to play a FPS Xbox 360 game. The game comes with the split-screen adapter. You plug that adapter in your Xbox 360 and then split #1 into your first television and split #2 into your second television. Now, go to settings and pick something like "Multi-TV Mode" and pick "2 players". Now, the game will change format and the output will be put on 2 televisions. If 3 or 4 people wanted to play, then get 2 additional televisions and plug in split #3 and split #4 into those televisions. Then change the settings to "4 players". :)