CI--Deaf or Hearing?

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Wirelessly posted

usually dinner. Plus we always do our family nights and church lessons in ASL. We also use it to teach some new concepts or reteach vocabulary that she knew in ASL but doesn't know in English.

Wouldn't need to teach and reteach if she was in an environment where she could acquire language naturallly.:roll:
Wirelessly posted

jillio said:
Wirelessly posted

daughter is on a field trip to the zoo with school. I'm as free as a bird :)

You ought to be on the field trip with her. I thought you were sooooo involved.

ok, note taken.

from jillio's school of parenting: parents must volunteer at every school field trip.

(even though field trips are every day in summer school).

got it.
usually dinner. Plus we always do our family nights and church lessons in ASL. We also use it to teach some new concepts or reteach vocabulary that she knew in ASL but doesn't know in English.

sounds like you're teaching her in SEE :hmm:
Wirelessly posted

usually dinner. Plus we always do our family nights and church lessons in ASL. We also use it to teach some new concepts or reteach vocabulary that she knew in ASL but doesn't know in English.

so in otherwords, your deaf child has very little voice off time... and she must fit herself into your schedule, and into your life... you are the parents, you should give yourself into her needs. you Said you use it to teach vocabulary that she knows in ASL, but not english... so you still only want her to really know english... thats how its sounding to me... and using ASL as only a krutch... ASL is her natural language... NOT english... just admit... you are an audist... there is NOTHING you can say that will convince the majority of us that you aren't.
Well, I am deaf, and aiming to become Deaf. I live in a hearing family and the family is not really learning sign, but, my kids asked me today if I wanted to have meal times and family game times to be voice-off to start with so we can all learn ASL. That was a birthday present today from my kids.
Wirelessly posted

posts from hell said:
lol nope.

Bring it on, any more fabrications?

oh, and hearing parents.

Nope. You need to do some fact checking.

where did you see that? :confused:

See, GrendelQ now is resorting to spreading misinformation. I find this very comical.

I have completely 100% confidence in people here on alldeaf knowing that my daughter is not in an oral program. Your posts above shows that I am right.

i'm actually not aware. You are in colorado, right? What Deaf schools are out that way?
so in otherwords, your deaf child has very little voice off time... and she must fit herself into your schedule, and into your life... you are the parents, you should give yourself into her needs. you Said you use it to teach vocabulary that she knows in ASL, but not english... so you still only want her to really know english... thats how its sounding to me... and using ASL as only a krutch... ASL is her natural language... NOT english... just admit... you are an audist... there is NOTHING you can say that will convince the majority of us that you aren't.

Kristina, you have great kids! Happy birthday! :D
By the way -

From a check-out in the PM's I have decided that GrendelQ is now intentionally spreading misinformation about my daughter.

Beware guys. :)

Fucking funny, going that LOW.
Wirelessly posted

Jiro said:
usually dinner. Plus we always do our family nights and church lessons in ASL. We also use it to teach some new concepts or reteach vocabulary that she knew in ASL but doesn't know in English.

sounds like you're teaching her in SEE :hmm:

i don't know SEE. Never have, never will.
See, GrendelQ now is resorting to spreading misinformation. I find this very comical.

I have completely 100% confidence in people here on alldeaf knowing that my daughter is not in an oral program. Your posts above shows that I am right.

OK. Are you now saying you grew up in an ASL language / ASL Deaf school environment? You posted several times about growing up SEE and only late (17-18?) moving to a Deaf school where your eyes were opened and you began learning/using ASL.

Now, you've just posted that you began self-identifying as Deaf 2 years ago. You posted at one point that your daughter is quite a bit older than mine but that she was not at a bi-bi school or program for the Deaf. What type of program IS she at?
OK. Are you now saying you grew up in an ASL language / ASL Deaf school environment? You posted several times about growing up SEE and only late (17-18?) moving to a Deaf school where your eyes were opened and you began learning/using ASL.

Now, you've just posted that you began self-identifying as Deaf 2 years ago. You posted at one point that your daughter is quite a bit older than mine but that she was not at a bi-bi school or program for the Deaf. What type of program IS she at?

Guys, look out, no denial.

be careful with Grendel now. wow.

Thank you, Now I am not even wasting any more time giving you any more answers.
Wirelessly posted

daughter is on a field trip to the zoo with school. I'm as free as a bird :)

Shouldn't it be the other way around? She's the one who went through quite a lot in her very young short life and you're happy to be as free as a bird? I'm feeling sorry for your daughter that she's not getting a break from school even during summer vacation. Be careful about the amount of intensity and focus on her as a deaf implanted kid or it's going to come back and kick you in the ass really hard once she hits her teens and starts rebelling.
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