CI and Digital HA


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Mar 23, 2005
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I just wonders if both of them are same and sounds clearly?
They are not.
Digital hearing aid is still a regular hearing aid that just AMPLIFY sounds. Just the technology used is different -digital, not analog .

CI does not merely amplify sounds- generalizing very much, the sound is carried via coils to the brain. If your ear nerves are dead it will do the job for them.
Hearing aid can not do that, and can not amplify what is gone.

maybe that will help:

In analog technology, a wave is recorded or used in its original form. So, for example, in an analog tape recorder, a signal is taken straight from the microphone and laid onto tape. The wave from the microphone is an analog wave, and therefore the wave on the tape is analog as well. That wave on the tape can be read, amplified and sent to a speaker to produce the sound.

In digital technology, the analog wave is sampled at some interval, and then turned into numbers that are stored in the digital device. On a CD, the sampling rate is 44,000 samples per second. So on a CD, there are 44,000 numbers stored per second of music. To hear the music, the numbers are turned into a voltage wave that approximates the original wave.

So basically the sound that enters HA is amplified, but in digital HA it is also changed from analog into numbers and then amplified.

Hope that helps.

TrippLA said:
What's amplify sounds?
Amplify means to make the sounds louder. If there is any residual hearing left the HA will amplify whatever hearing is left. A CI bypasses all that when there is no residual hearing and sends the sound straight to the auditory nerve
How about if parent don't want kids to get CI then what other device will sounds much better, just clearly to use oral?
TrippLA said:
How about if parent don't want kids to get CI then what other device will sounds much better, just clearly to use oral?

If the child has a very profound hearing loss then a CI will probably be the only device that can help them to hear and give clear sounds.

At profound levels of hearing loss hearing aids actually are more likely to distort sounds and give excessive feedback. As such hearing aids suit people who have moderate/severe losses better than those who have profound losses.
R2D2 said:
If the child has a very profound hearing loss then a CI will probably be the only device that can help them to hear and give clear sounds.

At profound levels of hearing loss hearing aids actually are more likely to distort sounds and give excessive feedback. As such hearing aids suit people who have moderate/severe losses better than those who have profound losses.

If profound hearing loss then sounds will not clearly when put HA on it?
TrippLA said:
If profound hearing loss then sounds will not clearly when put HA on it?
Yes, like me, I am profoundly deaf, I can wear hearing aids if I want to, I can hear door knocking, phone ringing, dog bark as it is, - I cannot understand people's speech or listen their voice on the phone.

It is useless really because it gives me a headache or tinnitus at the end of the day. - no thanks.
Imagine you ear is a guitar:


The guitar makes very high sound, high, moderately high, lower and very low.

If you cut one, two, three strings off, then some of the sounds will be gone. Totally GONE!

There will be NO sound made from the cut off strings.
If you plug the guitar with strings missing into an amplifier (to make it louder) - only those will sound that remain -
the ones cut off will NOT play - they are gone.
Suppose you have cut off the three strings on the right- snip snip snip.
Now you can't hear them, so
you plug it into amplifier- but you only hear three on the LEFT! the other doesn't work anymore.

If you want the guitar to play these sound again you have to REPLACE the strings- and that is more or less how CI works..
Because the ear nerves are like guitar strings, if they are gone you don't have sound anymore.

HAs work like an amplifier.
Here is an example of an amplifier:


Hearing aid, no matter how strong, is only an amplifier.
CI "replaces" missing strings and thus help create missing sounds.

If profound hearing loss then sounds will not clearly when put HA on it?

Rather not.
because if your h, p, k, t, s, tch, sh "strings" are gone you'll never hear them.

Suppose I ask you:
"See that red truck?"
you probably will hear

" da... red t.ra.."?

if you heard better before, then your memory will help you fill in the dots.
If you never heard well, you may have real problem figuring out what I am saying.

Also, fluent lip reading may help understand, but you still don't HEAR the sounds.

I see, it's too hard for HA to make sounds great as CI does but technology are on max right now.

Does I would have no sounds from HA when talk on lip?
Does I would have no sounds from HA when talk on lip?

You may hear SOME. How much- I don't know. You will see.

Like I said probably not everything. depends on your hearing loss, your hearing memory, lipreading.

You may hear a sound and ask "what is it?" because you don't know or not remember.

But I think if you will be patient and practice listening (just by wearing your HA all the time) you'll get better.

Fuzzy good explaintion, but then how come there's SN losses that respond well to amplification?
Well, I have a friend who I thought for years that she is HOH which it's not. She is really deaf like us. She speak like hearing and can phone... she WEAR HA all her life since she was 6 months old. I know it sounds unbelievable but it's true because I WITHNESSED it in real life... she told me HERSELF.

I suggest her to consider CI but she said that she is happy with HA but why should she change it.

She's not only person I know, but more people. It's BECAUSE they learn to hear sounds and speak with their own WILLING. It's great if you learn anything by your own willing.

I beleive that anyone who can hear and speak well with the help from HA and CI is their own willing because they are interesting to learn anything.

I would ask for CI if I want to learn anything to hear or whatever but I doesn't because I know for the sure that CI is not for me - it's stress to learn anything if I want CI. That's why I rather to wear deaf babies with HA first until I see what they really want to learn anything by their own willing... and determine to have CI.... then..........

Tamara, I'm sure you remember who person, I'm talking about here. You have met her at German coach that's where you met German E**** - she is one who translated everything what the coach driver, Hotel Tourist Guide etc said. Remember her? It's her what I'm talking about.
Liebling:-))) said:
Well, I have a friend who I thought for years that she is HOH which it's not. She is really deaf like us. She speak like hearing and can phone... she WEAR HA all her life since she was 6 months old. I know it sounds unbelievable but it's true because I WITHNESSED it in real life... she told me HERSELF.

It may have been because she got her hearing aids relatively young. At a young age the brain is incredible at being able to use the little it gets to work with and filling in the blanks.

Also I suspect that some people are naturally more wired to spoken language than other people even though they may have a big loss. You see this in hearing people who may or may not have an aptitude to learning foreign languages so I think it's similar with deaf people too. Some deaf people with smaller losses are much more visual. I had a friend who only had a small loss but she struggled with hearing aids and gave up with them in the end and found using sign much more natural whereas there are others with bigger losses like myself who didn't have the same struggle.

It goes to show how different we all are doesn't it?
R2D2 said:
Also I suspect that some people are naturally more wired to spoken language than other people even though they may have a big loss. You see this in hearing people who may or may not have an aptitude to learning foreign languages so I think it's similar with deaf people too.
It goes to show how different we all are doesn't it?

Yep. I'm one of those that have a knack for spoken language with a fairly hugh loss in my HOH days. I just clicked with me for some reason. Heck, I understand people with accents better than my wife who has perfect hearing. I'll never forget her telling me that she couldn't understand why I understood this personnel lady (with a heavy Indian accent) via phone at a company I used to work for whereas she just had a dickens of a time.

One of the problems of having such a "knack" is that one tends to think everybody can do it too! I used to think that other HOH weren't applying themselves since I could do it. It was later in life that I finally figured out that not everybody can do it as easily or even at all.
Liebling:-))) said:
Well, I have a friend who I thought for years that she is HOH which it's not. She is really deaf like us. She speak like hearing and can phone... she WEAR HA all her life since she was 6 months old. I know it sounds unbelievable but it's true because I WITHNESSED it in real life....

Finally! I believe you 110%!!! My wife and her sister is exactly like this! Mookie, do you believe me now????????????
Fragmenter said:
Finally! I believe you 110%!!! My wife and her sister is exactly like this! Mookie, do you believe me now????????????

In strong foreign accents? I don't think so...