Chicken Pox


Active Member
Mar 6, 2003
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Who have had chickenpox? How old were you when you got it? How long did you have it?

I had it when I was like 13 years old or something like that, and it was two weeks for me. :ugh: They itched so bad, especially when I just got out of bath. :ugh:
ummmmm i don't recall that cuz i got it when i was baby that what i was told by my mom ...
Yes, I did for only one time. Thank god I already got vacinnes for it. It happened when I was about 2 years old and mom said it lasted only few days.

I've seen many other children with it while I rode the bus as a young boy.
Got chicken pox when I was 7 years old in Jan 1980 (never forgot). Got bad itchy. Missed school for one week! Still have 2 scar of chicken pox. one near my lower lip and one on stomach.
Originally posted by Lasza
Got chicken pox when I was 7 years old in Jan 1980 (never forgot). Got bad itchy. Missed school for one week! Still have 2 scar of chicken pox. one near my lower lip and one on stomach.

You too? Wow, I got a scar on my forehead. If I pull back my bang, then you'll clearly see my scar. :ugh:
Originally posted by ChelEler
You too? Wow, I got a scar on my forehead. If I pull back my bang, then you'll clearly see my scar. :ugh:

Yep, leave scar on my lower lip permanetly. my grandma who took care of me while i have one. she warned me not itch. but i go ahead itch itch itch on near my lower lip. end up got bad scar. dang! Itching on chicken pox cause some permantly scar.
Yeah, I was at CID "nurse" dorm when I got my chickenpox. :ugh: I hate that fatso! She didn't really understand how miserable I was when she locked me outside on the "fire escape" stairs (fourth floor-top floor of the school building). :squint:

"Bev" was my favorite nurse, because she communicated so well with me and completely understand how I felt. She was the one who warned me about scratching these spots. I thank her for warning me or I'll have thousands of scars all over my body, especially my ass! :rofl:
I got mine when I was... *counts back* 12 years old.. lasted for 8 days..... ugh.......... it sucked. pardon my language, but it did.
i had chicken pox when i was about 9 or 10 years old but my sister got that first person she is worseeeeee bad chicken pox all over on her body even her inside nose and ears etccc gross then my sister want me hugg her make her feel better i said ok walked to her and hugg and kiss her cheek my mom was SCREEEEAMMMMMMMMMMMM AT me NOOOOOOOOOOO MICHIE!!!!!!!! too late next day i got chicken pox from my sister lol!!! my mom had took care of me and my sister poor thing my mom :(
I went "bawk! bawk! bawk!" when I was in elementary school. The best days of my childhood because I didn't like school! LOL
Originally posted by Darlin Tweety
i had chicken pox when i was about 9 or 10 years old but my sister got that first person she is worseeeeee bad chicken pox all over on her body even her inside nose and ears etccc gross then my sister want me hugg her make her feel better i said ok walked to her and hugg and kiss her cheek my mom was SCREEEEAMMMMMMMMMMMM AT me NOOOOOOOOOOO MICHIE!!!!!!!! too late next day i got chicken pox from my sister lol!!! my mom had took care of me and my sister poor thing my mom :(

HAHAHHA :rofl:
I got once chicken pox when I was young boy, but I can't remmy how old I was for that.
i had chicken pox when i was 4 or 5 yrs old

it's perfectly normal for a very young child to get one, but a teenager? I'm not really sure if that is still healthy for her/him...that would lead to some health problems or something like that...just ask the doctor sometime
Chicken Pox are dangerous, I dont know if any of u know that. U only get once in a lifetime but few other peeps I guess dont have the "virus" that can beat Chicken Pox when ur around them again... can get another one. Some peeps gets twice. :D

I got it like around 7 or 8 years old. How Long I am not sure about. :D I hope my daughter get it real young so I dont have to deal later or her dealing with it later. :D
one of my friend from deaf school.. she had chicken pox TWICE !!! whooa sent her home dang!!