Cat Litter

What Type/Brand of Cat Litter do you use?

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I remember I bought all different kinds of cat litters in the past, all smelled bad and so, I decided to buy the last one is Feline Pine. Wow... it smells like Pine tree. Really... The vet was right. I thanked her for the suggestions.
I am happy with the cat litter. :D
After a bunch of trial and error, the only thing my cats LIKE is Scoopaway. I have tried the more environmentally friendly ones or cat friendly (where it's okay if the cats eat it or lick it off their paws), but they don't like it too much or it smells (such as World's Best Litter - Corn based). I have tried Tidy Cat for Multiple cat, Mocha would not piss in it...instead, she'll piss on my clothes or the couch ew!! Johnny cat is not exactly good because it's clay based and difficult to "scoop".

My fiance takes the responsibility of cleaning out the litter boxes every night because we don't want to risk Mocha getting PO'd if there's a dirty litter. Oddly, Mocha only poops in one box, but will pee in the other. Hobbes will take whatever's closer.

A very good rule of thumb is one litter box per cat, plus 1. I know it seems a lot, but it does help to reduce the stress and anxiety for some cats (like Mocha).

After a month of using Scoopaway, I will change the litter to fresh litter and wash the boxes with mild soap and water (I refuse to use will also cause issues for my cats).

Yesterday's News is NOT scoop friendly, but great for declawed cats because it doesn't hurt their paws as much.