Cart What Is It Exactly?


New Member
Feb 2, 2006
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so i heard today from a new deaf friend of mine that i need CART. she sent me a link yeah it kinda helped but omg. im hoh all my life no1 ever told me what CART IS can u believe this !! i cant!! i used the fm in college but it sucks!!!
:) I just went to a Conference last weekend, and they had 2 CART persons there. What the CART is, when someone is signing, the interpreter will voice what the signer is saying, along with that, the CART person will be typing on a stenograph or laptop exactly what the person(s) are saying. Also, the names of the person that is signing will start the sentence so you know who is talking. It's really a wonderful concept, when you can't see the interpreter, you can read the screen. I hope this helps. :)