candy wrapper

wow I'm very impression with your idea... I like that very very very much... I would do the same if my children are toddlers... I didn't think it until today... Really good one..
that's soo cute and very creative idea . Happy Birthday to your daughter!
Oh that's cool, how did you do that? by a computer printer?...
sherry that is soo cool! Never thought of that! dang.. i wish I was that creative! but I'm not :( Great job!
yes computer print. and i have program to create it. Angel

Rebel, haha. I love to creative but i'm not that talentive like i seen other people lol.

I've missed this topic, I'm impressed that you created those candy wrappers, that's a bright idea, How did you do this from a computer? special program or something?
no i got one of my friend, and i use my own creative, and measure up blah blah, but got it right, I use jumbo label address but i use the regular paper instead labels. Becuz of that size. Yeah i have program for that. but my program is very old, and it still work!
Sherrycherish, make the wrappers for Angel and RR wedding and charge them a dollar each. *zoom* :lol: