Can Someone Explain This?

I used to try to make my writing sound sophisticated by using complicated words, but I often mixed up the words and ended up saying something completely different from what I intended! :giggle: I still use words like "amongst" and "betwixt" 'cause they're COOL, but in general my writing is much more concise, I think.

On a side note, I know a 20 yr-old guy in my college class who uses the fanciest words he can come up with all the time. It makes me chuckle.
As a newbie to ASL, trying to fingerspell that sentence absolutely scares the heck out of me.:laugh2:
no that sentences is about how using pyschiatric pills to restore the balance of the brain's chemicals, which in turn restore the ability to faclitate communication with others (intercommunications).Noticed "nevertheless" after the start-off with doctors DON'T scribbles their prescriptions so badly (the chemists must have some form of relationship with that doctor or number of them, even if they are badly written they always got the right medication required for the consumer/paitent. its more about using those simple bullshit words just to fit in letter-counts-Incremental sequence, in other words the very first part of it, is just a 'moot point' it was made 'nearly relevant' but it isn't, it was just a means to ends to fulfil the task of doing that feat to make the next word longer than the previous.

I dont think it was conjured up by somebody unemployed, it is likely a result of some experiements, and possibly with a modified 'logic' borrowed from how word processors works.
“I do not know where family doctors acquired illegibly perplexing handwriting nevertheless, extraordinary pharmaceutical intellectuality counterbalancing indecipherability, transcendentalizes intercommunications incomprehensibleness”.

My interpretation is that the writer is commenting on the illegible handwriting of doctors and comparing it to their vast knowledge of pharmaceuticals. In other words, neither are decipherable or understandable which is funny when you think about it. :lol:

ah, i see that is a paraphrase, to pull it apart and simplify in attempt to decpher this sentence. I dont know if i'd agree with it, however seem believable.
ah, i see that is a paraphrase, to pull it apart and simplify in attempt to decpher this sentence. I dont know if i'd agree with it, however seem believable.

Yes, I wanted to explain what I thought the meaning of that sentence was.

However, others may disagree which is fine.

After all, no two people have the same interpretation of what they read.