Bye Nokia 6822... Hello Treo 700p

I am thinking about buy Treo 700p it really sound good to me. But i wants to know who ever have treo 700p how much you pay bill every month with no voice plan also if i use aol or msn or yahoo all day will it cost for use or chat on IM ?
RosesNY said:
I am thinking about buy Treo 700p it really sound good to me. But i wants to know who ever have treo 700p how much you pay bill every month with no voice plan also if i use aol or msn or yahoo all day will it cost for use or chat on IM ?

unlimited EvDO (data) plan for $49.99 as I mention on 1st post, it cost more because of high-speed

I able to use AIM under Toccer as I don't have any bug but bit slow but browser is darn fast that usage the data. I am work on finding terminal SHH to see if I able to hook up with ip-relay.
EDGE said:
unlimited EvDO (data) plan for $49.99 as I mention on 1st post, it cost more because of high-speed

I able to use AIM under Toccer as I don't have any bug but bit slow but browser is darn fast that usage the data. I am work on finding terminal SHH to see if I able to hook up with ip-relay.
OK thanks for tell me
EDGE said:
unlimited EvDO (data) plan for $49.99 as I mention on 1st post, it cost more because of high-speed

I able to use AIM under Toccer as I don't have any bug but bit slow but browser is darn fast that usage the data. I am work on finding terminal SHH to see if I able to hook up with ip-relay.

What's about SMS/MMS plan?
Neo said:
What's about SMS/MMS plan?
I no longer need MMS anymore since I have my own hosting email to send pix/msg.

I use 100 SMS two-way plan for 5 bucks. I miss my unlimited incoming SMS under AT&T. whaaa-waa. I am not sure about get unlimited SMS for $15. I know one of my friend who have Treo, she use 3,000 SMS a month. eeek
deafclimber said:
you can email to mobile with sms feature only if u use... - if ur friend has cingular mobile. - if sprint mobile - if tmobile mobile

i dont know verizion email addy for SMS cuz i dont have a friend who has verizon mobile with SMS.

does anyone know verizon's email address for email to SMS ?

EDIT: i found it... it is if verizon mobile.

If you know anyone who is on former AT&T wireless, it's
deafclimber said:
you can email to mobile with sms feature only if u use... - if ur friend has cingular mobile. - if sprint mobile - if tmobile mobile

i dont know verizion email addy for SMS cuz i dont have a friend who has verizon mobile with SMS.

does anyone know verizon's email address for email to SMS ?

EDIT: i found it... it is if verizon mobile.

Thanks god Tmobile and Verizon are short email address like that. I had Verizon for free plan before so I switch to t-mobile cuz I dont like any mobile under Verizon plus so pricy. It's happen last year.
I found one bug on Toccer on my Treo.

When I put away msg and while treo is sleep mode. Until someone im mine. It shaking forever like crazy. I cannot leave like that. Had to reset to stop. So... I won't put away msg like that. T_T
deafclimber said:
you can email to mobile with sms feature only if u use... - if ur friend has cingular mobile. - if sprint mobile - if tmobile mobile

i dont know verizion email addy for SMS cuz i dont have a friend who has verizon mobile with SMS.

does anyone know verizon's email address for email to SMS ?

EDIT: i found it... it is if verizon mobile.

Hello Climber,

My wife attempted to find the free SMS driver for her computer so that she can contact her old friends in South Africa via any cell. Do you know any free driver or is there an online website that she may have to send or receive the SMS?

Interesting, not many deaf friends in South Africa could not afford Sidekick versions, PDAs, BB. Only they can afford is simple cells with low rates. They told us that they wish to reside and otain better opportunies in USA...

Interest I learn about bit about IMAP as I switch from POP3 to IMAP. It's much better as I get true push e-mail on my Treo with ChatterEmail while VersaMail doesn't.

Here is list which support IMAP for real push e-mail, if anyone have smartphone or mobile phone

most webhosting usually have one, which I have.

Anyway, here are free account you can get IMAP account...

AOL (guest account is free)

I have long list, unfortunately, most of them are charge fee. while there is list charge nothing!
EDGE said:
Interest I learn about bit about IMAP as I switch from POP3 to IMAP. It's much better as I get true push e-mail on my Treo with ChatterEmail while VersaMail doesn't.

Here is list which support IMAP for real push e-mail, if anyone have smartphone or mobile phone

most webhosting usually have one, which I have.

Anyway, here are free account you can get IMAP account...

AOL (guest account is free)

I have long list, unfortunately, most of them are charge fee. while there is list charge nothing!

I learn it something. Thanks dude.