breastfeeding or formula?

honest at first i did had very senstive breast cuz first time breastfeed, after u got it right and get used to it. It was painful for like 3 to 4 days. I didn't give up.

I think its well-feed no matter forumla or breastfeed as long baby is satisfy. I don't agree about "dumb". But due health is very good optinal for breastfeed. Likewise when my son is always sicks and even during baby. My daughter haven't sick at all just small fever from shots and teething. Also the main reason I wish i breastfed my son first place cuz it would help him stop from ezcema. Its quite alot work to take care my son at first with ezcema, cuz he was so bad.

I don't say that i disagree or agree, people have their reason or choices whether if they wants feed baby with breastfeed or forumla, and it not need to be feel guility. You re all good mothers that still "feed" babies no matter what.
Ummm yea with my three kids, I breast fed them, 1st was up to 4 months, 2nd one was up to 3 months, last one was up to 6 months. I truly wanted to breast feed them all till 12 months or whenever they are weaned off but unfortunely I am not able to do that as my breast milk always stop producing after few months. I asked my Dr. why did that have to happen? He says its common that some mothers breast milk will stop after few months. Of course, I took it very hard. Dr. reassured me that first three months is very vital anwyay. I agree wtih him becuz all of my kids hardly ever get sick themselves. All of them are age of 11 to 5. Among them in total of three only got three ear infection and 5 colds all together in 11 years. Whew.. I am glad I get to expereince the breast feed before the formula...

Please dont attack those mothers who don't want to breast feed their children. Its their decicsion to make. Its not for us to judge them..
My sister didn't produce enough milk for her first child, so he was bottle fed after about 6 days of life. She tried to nurse him beyond that, but her body completely stopped producing milk by the time he was 2 wks old. My sister bottle fed him, and also had to supplement that with rice cereal. He was on rice cereal and formula from the time he was two weeks old.

My neice was a slightly different story. My sister produced the milk necessary, but had to stop nursing, because, the baby was born with a metabolic disorder, and needed a special diet. She's now almost 5 yrs old, and still on this special diet.

Both kids are now school age and healthy. I don't think it makes a difference how you feed your baby. Long as the baby is healthy, and Mom is comfortable with her decision. That's all that matters, in my opinion.
I agree with you Sherry! I breastfed my son almost 14 months old and he hardly got sick!!! He get sick 1 to 2 times a year! So I will breastfeed again with 2nd..probably with some formula for daddy to feed when he's home. (still not sure yet) :) I wanted him to bond the baby as well.

Everyone is different. If person is very skinny and underweigh CANNOT breastfeed because of calroires take out of her body. My mom can't breastfeed me cuz of her underweigh. She was disppointed. I got sick many times. :( So now I am doing well since then. Whew!

Some women can't breastfeed cuz of nipple is too small or I can't remember what the word called. Sometimes cannot make any milk. Also if woman got boob reduce job, can't breastfeed either. That's why I waited till I am DONE with kids then I go for my boob jobs. :)

SherryCherish said:
honest at first i did had very senstive breast cuz first time breastfeed, after u got it right and get used to it. It was painful for like 3 to 4 days. I didn't give up.

I think its well-feed no matter forumla or breastfeed as long baby is satisfy. I don't agree about "dumb". But due health is very good optinal for breastfeed. Likewise when my son is always sicks and even during baby. My daughter haven't sick at all just small fever from shots and teething. Also the main reason I wish i breastfed my son first place cuz it would help him stop from ezcema. Its quite alot work to take care my son at first with ezcema, cuz he was so bad.

I don't say that i disagree or agree, people have their reason or choices whether if they wants feed baby with breastfeed or forumla, and it not need to be feel guility. You re all good mothers that still "feed" babies no matter what.
Right I agreed with you. It is up to mother's decsion if she want to breastfeed or not. Some have some reason. Due to health, job, underweigh, etc.

I am going to keep breastfeed with 2nd when I have 2nd baby. :) And keep breastfeed to 1 year to 18 months.
kcrocker said:
Ummm yea with my three kids, I breast fed them, 1st was up to 4 months, 2nd one was up to 3 months, last one was up to 6 months. I truly wanted to breast feed them all till 12 months or whenever they are weaned off but unfortunely I am not able to do that as my breast milk always stop producing after few months. I asked my Dr. why did that have to happen? He says its common that some mothers breast milk will stop after few months. Of course, I took it very hard. Dr. reassured me that first three months is very vital anwyay. I agree wtih him becuz all of my kids hardly ever get sick themselves. All of them are age of 11 to 5. Among them in total of three only got three ear infection and 5 colds all together in 11 years. Whew.. I am glad I get to expereince the breast feed before the formula...

Please dont attack those mothers who don't want to breast feed their children. Its their decicsion to make. Its not for us to judge them..
VamPyroX said:
Breastfeeding develops smarter babies. ;)
care to explain why one lady who never had breastfeeding and she end have PHD and become doctor instructor at medical unversity? :)