BREAKING NEWS,=Plot to blow up planes' foiled

Don't you have any idea that terrorist activity within USA have been started back to when??? 1916!!! The first terrorist attack in NYC area was in 1916, and these are the Germany extremist trying to destroy America, just the same way as Islamic extremists!

Yes, that's actually a sabotage in NYC caused by Germans during WWI to stop and destroy the ammunition supply for the allied cause. Since by the time in 1916 til 2001 never had any attacks on america soil by non-military terrorists or sabtoteurs.

During military times Japan attacked America soil at Pearl Harbor in 1941 that drawed America into WWII.

It's anyone's guess America soil will be attacked again, and it wont be surprising with the today's technology. It's scary and we got to live our live and be vigiliant.

1916 Black Tom blast anniversary observed - 1916 Black Tom blast anniversary observed.

Sabotage at Home - Sabotage at Home
During military times Japan attacked America soil at Pearl Harbor in 1941 that drawed America into WWII.

And this is the aftermath

Why dont George Bush use it? That is the question. :dunno:
And this is the aftermath

Why dont George Bush use it? That is the question. :dunno:
To invoke nuclear war would be the wrong thing to do.. We have learned much over the years and it's exactly why there have been mass reductions in the nuclear arseonal. Dropping nukes could mean the end of life as we know it on this planet... Is that something you really want to do?
In my opinion what we need is to focus more energy on catching Osama. The USA needs to focus ALL engery on catching the entire terrorist network. All links of the terorist chain of command need to be broken.

Nukes will solve nothing. There are millions of innocent people. Why should they die because of the few thousand extremists?
In my opinion what we need is to focus more energy on catching Osama. The USA needs to focus ALL engery on catching the entire terrorist network. All links of the terorist chain of command need to be broken.

Nukes will solve nothing. There are millions of innocent people. Why should they die because of the few thousand extremists?

:gpost: very nicely point.. yes i do agree..
In my opinion what we need is to focus more energy on catching Osama. The USA needs to focus ALL engery on catching the entire terrorist network. All links of the terorist chain of command need to be broken.

Nukes will solve nothing. There are millions of innocent people. Why should they die because of the few thousand extremists?

:gpost: Well said, CC Sinned!
Big applause to the British custom security!!
yeah indeed but the threat was not too imminent. UK was pressured by US to bust them early. (there were news of disagreement between US and UK) and UK are pissed off at Blair!

You ask me why?
see this;
TPMmuckraker August 12, 2006 06:17 PM

Daily Kos: Bush Administration Cut Funding For Explosives Detection

and more
AMERICAblog: Because a great nation deserves the truth

Think Progress » 9/11 Commissioner: Terror Plot Shows Danger of Putting ‘All Our Intelligence and Military Resources in Iraq’

Think Progress » Bush Officials Admit Playing Little Role In Foiling British Terror Plot

Think Progress » “While the British terror suspects were hatching their plot,

Think Progress » A “failure of imagination” at Homeland Security

IT'S ALL ABOUT POLITICS! Not serious at beefing up national security!

Have a nice day!

(I had trouble finding the article about UK not happy with UK airports situation but will post as soon as I find it)

Nukes will solve nothing. There are millions of innocent people. Why should they die because of the few thousand extremists?

Because they are responsible for following him and not doing their best to tell american authorities where hes hiding.If i see drug thugs in my neighborhood id tell the police.So arabs should tell US where bin laden is.But they wont theyre scared al queda would harm them if they told.Its like this if you refuse to answer any police questions about the crime that makes you assesory to the crime though.So that should be applied to the people of the middle east too.So i think they had 5 years to tell us where osama is so i say Launch the nuke so bin laden wont create up anymore terrorist ideas.
Since by the time in 1916 til 2001 never had any attacks on america soil by non-military terrorists or sabtoteurs.

There was the Oklahoma City bombing in 1995. That's indisputably terrorism. So, too, was the salmonella attack on restaurants in California in 1984. We've also seen "single-issue terrorism" against abortion clinics and allegedly anti-environmental targets.
Just be thankful the Brits caught the muslim terrorists in time. We own the Brits a big one next time the muslim terrorists try to go to bat and we catch the muslim terrorists trying to threaten the Brits. :cool:
There was the Oklahoma City bombing in 1995. That's indisputably terrorism. So, too, was the salmonella attack on restaurants in California in 1984. We've also seen "single-issue terrorism" against abortion clinics and allegedly anti-environmental targets.

Yes, but I'm talking about foreign attacks on america soil itself, not domestic, but yes your right on that, it is "domestic terrorism" :)