Brain use mouse without hands


Active Member
Nov 29, 2004
Reaction score
You should get HP or Compaq are good than other. I have hear most good one on Hp or Compaq than Dell or other. But Apple is good for school program or something.

Try buy which you want Hp or Compaq...

The consumer indicated that the dell is the top, but from my experience of been having use Compaq is the best and never have had any problem. While other friend has dell who said the dell is the best. I do not believe in a consumer magazine!
please stop, careful, you read again,
I not talk about computer, I say Brain use controller like put your head use play without mouse, keyboard, joystick. your brain move left, right, forward, back, shoot, without your hands!!! please you look video

You should get HP or Compaq are good than other. I have hear most good one on Hp or Compaq than Dell or other. But Apple is good for school program or something.

Try buy which you want Hp or Compaq...

The consumer indicated that the dell is the top, but from my experience of been having use Compaq is the best and never have had any problem. While other friend has dell who said the dell is the best. I do not believe in a consumer magazine!
please stop, careful, you read again,
I not talk about computer, I say Brain use controller like put your head use play without mouse, keyboard, joystick. your brain move left, right, forward, back, shoot, without your hands!!! please you look video

Sis, :dance:Thanks for correcting me on this thread. Please accept my apology.
I prefer to make actual move myself and cause the monitor more 4D-ish feel.
yes, ask Mr. Mxyzptlk. He will glad to teach us :)

oh wait.. he is from 5D? whoops. my bad. :o
0.0 Wow that's really impressive! It felt like real! It looks potiential for gaming of the future!