Blind Dog = Dead Dog??


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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I am surprised at some people's opinions that a blind dog should be put to sleep because they, well, are blind.

To me this is extreme.
There is, for example deaf and blind Aussie rescue - read this story:

Blind and deaf.. doesn't they deserve to live, to be loved, regardless of their handicap?

I think just by being blind, or deaf the dog or cat does not deserve to be put to sleep, on the contrary, they deserve to have loving homes and dedicated care..
they have to be watched better and steps should be taken to prevent their potential injuries, but otherwise why not let them be and love them?

Audiofuzzy said:
I am surprised at some people's opinions that a blind dog should be put to sleep because they, well, are blind.

To me this is extreme.
There is, for example deaf and blind Aussie rescue - read this story:

Blind and deaf.. doesn't they deserve to live, to be loved, regardless of their handicap?

I think just by being blind, or deaf the dog or cat does not deserve to be put to sleep, on the contrary, they deserve to have loving homes and dedicated care..
they have to be watched better and steps should be taken to prevent their potential injuries, but otherwise why not let them be and love them?


That is so sad and wrong! I agree those animals deserve loving homes. The potential home might have to be a certain way, like to place a blind cat in a home with dogs ready to pounce wouldn't be fair, but there are so many homes where these animals could be very happy!!

My dog Sadie lived to be 18. For the last few years of her life she was blind from cataracts and mostly deaf from I don't know what. But she was VERY happy and she definitely ruled the other dogs in my house ~ there was no doubting she was the boss! Yeah you have to learn other ways to communicate but that's not hard.

Whenever I see a blind or deaf animal in an animal shelter or humane society simply because their owner wanted a so-called "perfect" cat or dog, I just want to shake sense into the former owners. But the animals are better off, they have a better chance for a happy life with someone else. It's terrible, I have heard of people dumping their pets at a shelter simply because they are no longer puppies - then that same person will go in and want to adopt a puppy from the SAME shelter where they just dumped their 7 or 8 year old dog. SAD!!!
Why would put them to sleep because of deaf? I never thought that before... I remember I worked at the animal shelter, I saw a white cat who is full deaf but it doesn't have to put him/her sleep.... I remember my mother's friend from her work who has a deaf German Shepherd, too. I think it's just so stupid to put a dog to sleep for being deaf. What about sign languages? The deaf dogs could understand what the "sign" words are!! Blind? I read your posts on the ugliest dog's topic, well, I don't know whether if the blind dog/cat have to put her/him sleep. I read a lot of stories about blind dogs and cats on the animal magazines. They deserve to live and happily ever in whole lives.
I have a neighbor that has a deaf dog. What was totally strange was that dog's name is my name also. (was going to put a neato smilie here but it's all random and it's a pain in the ass to look for the smilie I'm looking for since they are never in the same place) But, the deaf dog was very friendly but the owner is always having to chase him down since she couldn't get the dog's attention. But once she does, she uses hand signal to guide the dog back to her house and such. I was quiet amazed how she trained the dog. :thumb: (that thumbs up was in the default smilie and was easy to click since I didn't have to go searching for it).

(Noticed that the smilie randomizer is a pain and totally non-user friendly?)
Noticed that the smilie randomizer is a pain and totally non-user friendly?

I certainly do!! (need angry emoticon, not here)

Yeah, deaf dogs need special care too. For instance if you let the deaf dog roam free chances are it may run onto street right in front of a speeding car, or a train tracks, or something, someone that may hurt him.

But my thread is not about deaf dogs, my thread is about BLIND dogs.

Do you feel they should be put to sleep because they can't see?

Audiofuzzy said:
Noticed that the smilie randomizer is a pain and totally non-user friendly?

I certainly do!! (need angry emoticon, not here)

Yeah, deaf dogs need special care too. For instance if you let the deaf dog roam free chances are it may run onto street right in front of a speeding car, or a train tracks, or something, someone that may hurt him.

But my thread is not about deaf dogs, my thread is about BLIND dogs.

Do you feel they should be put to sleep because they can't see?


I don't! Dogs rely so much on the sense of smell that I've known people who never knew their dog was blind until the dog's vet checked the dog's eyes.

The dogs navigate just fine. I even know of someone whose guide dog was mostly blind but continued to guide them; the only reason the dog's vision problems were caught was that the dog had a vet check her eyes. There was also a study which showed that something like 25 percent of the guide dogs in the study had a "vision impairment" of some kind, but their guide work didn't show it at all.
When I was young, I knew there was a dog who was legally blind and 3 legged dog. But every time a kid ride their bike. He will be along the side so close to you and stay with you. He have done that so many times. But now he passed over at an old age. Rest in Peace. Dunno his name lol. He was a cute and friendly dog. Sometime I be afraid cuz he might pushed me into the oncoming car and I had to tell him to go home before I get hurt.
catlover_Amy81 said:
Why would put them to sleep because of deaf? I never thought that before... I remember I worked at the animal shelter, I saw a white cat who is full deaf but it doesn't have to put him/her sleep.... I remember my mother's friend from her work who has a deaf German Shepherd, too. I think it's just so stupid to put a dog to sleep for being deaf. What about sign languages? The deaf dogs could understand what the "sign" words are!! Blind? I read your posts on the ugliest dog's topic, well, I don't know whether if the blind dog/cat have to put her/him sleep. I read a lot of stories about blind dogs and cats on the animal magazines. They deserve to live and happily ever in whole lives.

Well, what "Ugliest dog" topic do with Audiofuzzy's thread here? Audiofuzzy's thread here has nothing do with Sam's condition in Ugliest dog's topic.

Audiofuzzy created his own thread about blind and deaf dogs... It does not relate Sam's condition in other topic... :)

Anyway, I beleive it's CRUEL to keep dogs/cats suffer longer.
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Here, Liebling..

(Fuzzy) Just because Sam is blind it is no reason to put him to sleep. By this way of thinking ALL the blind dogs, young or old should be put to sleep.

(Liebling) To me, yes!
Because I withness myself that a dog of my friend is blind that he can't see anything. His head was hit on the wall and also fall down from downstair because he can't see... He has alot of accidents... His leg was fracture once... operation cost awful alot of money... oh no... Everyone include me suggest my friend to let him go and have his peaceful. It's cruel to see blind and helpless animals because they dont have anything to protect themselves like human... The Vet also suggest her to let him go... She agree at last and realize how suffer he is.

I was taken aback by this opinion, so I wondered if I am the only one that thinks blindness is not sufficient reason to put a dog to sleep..

I do acknowledge your friend's dog was having accidents, but then again I wondered if there wasn't any way to protect the dog better..

Crazymanw00t said:
well if that dog can't walk or eat. Put him sleep.
To me I refuse to put my dogs to sleep if they are not walking or eating I would have to forces my self to put my dogs to sleep. IF the dog is blind. We are responibly to watch where the dog wants to go.. I had good memory of my dog Sweetie. She can't see but I always follow her where she going to make sure she doesn't hurt herself... I always take care of my dog.. She was my baby. When I moved to california My stuipd mom had to put her to sleep because I moved to california. SHe didnt want to take care of her.. She was my baby I missed her alot..
goofyjojo67 said:
To me I refuse to put my dogs to sleep if they are not walking or eating I would have to forces my self to put my dogs to sleep. IF the dog is blind. We are responibly to watch where the dog wants to go.. I had good memory of my dog Sweetie. She can't see but I always follow her where she going to make sure she doesn't hurt herself... I always take care of my dog.. She was my baby. When I moved to california My stuipd mom had to put her to sleep because I moved to california. SHe didnt want to take care of her.. She was my baby I missed her alot..

Yeah I understand your position.

Any animals that can't walk or eat or drink and they are dead already. Animals are required to walk, eat or drink to order to live.
Crazymanw00t said:
well if that dog can't walk or eat. Put him sleep.

Yes, I second that.

It´s cruel to keep sick dogs suffer...
Audiofuzzy said:
Here, Liebling..

(Fuzzy) Just because Sam is blind it is no reason to put him to sleep. By this way of thinking ALL the blind dogs, young or old should be put to sleep.

(Liebling) To me, yes!
Because I withness myself that a dog of my friend is blind that he can't see anything. His head was hit on the wall and also fall down from downstair because he can't see... He has alot of accidents... His leg was fracture once... operation cost awful alot of money... oh no... Everyone include me suggest my friend to let him go and have his peaceful. It's cruel to see blind and helpless animals because they dont have anything to protect themselves like human... The Vet also suggest her to let him go... She agree at last and realize how suffer he is.

I was taken aback by this opinion, so I wondered if I am the only one that thinks blindness is not sufficient reason to put a dog to sleep..

I do acknowledge your friend's dog was having accidents, but then again I wondered if there wasn't any way to protect the dog better..


I´m animal lover. I can see that we have different opinion.

Anyway, it´s still nothing do with your thread here with Sam at Ugliest Contest thread because you mentioned "Young" with no poor healthy and "Deaf" here. :)

wow, I don´t beleive websites saying that blind dogs/cats are well... I had been withnessed myself with my OWN eyes. They doesn´t deserve to stay alive when they are blind. I feel poor animal who suffering thru many accidents. I only do to save their suffering. Remember that the blind pets and human are different.

Blind humans have everything what blind pets doesnt. I asked the Vet what they could help blind pets to see. They said they can´t do anything to make them see. Sad.

For Deaf pets are different but I dont have experience with deaf pets. I would love to adopt them some day. I know Banjo has a deaf dog. I hope he come to answer us here.
As far as I know thru magazines that the pets suffering their deafness because they can´t hear which it´s total different as human... Interesting. Yes they have CI on pets. Some of Germans have CI on their deaf pets. They are happy and can "hear". Interesting to know that there´re big difference between human and animal.
I do acknowledge your friend's dog was having accidents, but then again I wondered if there wasn't any way to protect the dog better..


Should the owner watch blind pets for 24 hours or what?
Liebling I was hoping that by starting this I will find more pet owners who, like me, believe that a HANDICAP like blind or deaf or both is not enough to kill a pet. That they deserve, despite their severe sensory restrictions to live and be LOVED.
I see there are some that think like me, and also I was hoping other who think otherwise will have change of heart.
Yes, as you see - there are dogs that are both blind and deaf and they have very loving, hardworking owners who do everything to keep them happy.
To me, this is proof that a dog CAN be happy under these circumstances- it depends on a human compassion!

An animal have a will to live as long as it eats and drinks. Once it stops to drink and eat - it's time.
But losing sight, or hearing, or ability To walk is NOT, in my opinion, valid reason to put an animal to death- it's convenience for the owner, most often than not.

I also asked you if you think that ALL blind dogs should be put to sleep and you said yes:
By this way of thinking ALL the blind dogs, young or old should be put to sleep.
(Liebling) To me, yes!

I hope I can convince you it's not necessarily true.
You said your friend's dog hit himself on the wall- well guess what :) mine too on occasion despite he is not blind! Just focusing so much on a tasty bit I had in my hand he wasn't watching where's he going.

Or it happened that he was running so fast and looking at the same time at the other dog that he hit (very hard) a park bench. Ouch!
So you see accidents like that are not reserved for blind dogs only.

As for falling of the stairs- I don't know your friend but I suppose she could have installed children's gate at home to prevent fall downs and everywhere else just watch him or keep him on a leash.
There are ways I am sure, albeit I know some misfortunes are unavoidable..

Audiofuzzy said:
Liebling I was hoping that by starting this I will find more pet owners who, like me, believe that a HANDICAP like blind or deaf or both is not enough to kill a pet. That they deserve, despite their severe sensory restrictions to live and be LOVED.
I see there are some that think like me, and also I was hoping other who think otherwise will have change of heart.

Do you want to describe me as bad heart person? Ha, you didnt even know me. :)

Yes, as you see - there are dogs that are both blind and deaf and they have very loving, hardworking owners who do everything to keep them happy.
To me, this is proof that a dog CAN be happy under these circumstances- it depends on a human compassion!

Did I say anything against blind and deaf pets? Please don't twist my word.

An animal have a will to live as long as it eats and drinks. Once it stops to drink and eat - it's time.
But losing sight, or hearing, or ability To walk is NOT, in my opinion, valid reason to put an animal to death- it's convenience for the owner, most often than not.

Remember that blind human and pet are total different.

I beleive is protect the animals from SUFFERING, period.

I also asked you if you think that ALL blind dogs should be put to sleep and you said yes:
By this way of thinking ALL the blind dogs, young or old should be put to sleep.
(Liebling) To me, yes!

I hope I can convince you it's not necessarily true.
You said your friend's dog hit himself on the wall- well guess what :) mine too on occasion despite he is not blind! Just focusing so much on a tasty bit I had in my hand he wasn't watching where's he going.

Or it happened that he was running so fast and looking at the same time at the other dog that he hit (very hard) a park bench. Ouch!
So you see accidents like that are not reserved for blind dogs only.

As for falling of the stairs- I don't know your friend but I suppose she could have installed children's gate at home to prevent fall downs and everywhere else just watch him or keep him on a leash.
There are ways I am sure, albeit I know some misfortunes are unavoidable..


It look like that you have no experience to have blind dogs in real life as my friend where I witness with my own eyes. :) It's easy for you talk here because you never had an experience with blind dogs like what I did :)

I would never talk about deaf pets here BECAUSE I never experience with them but heard alot about it. I beleive it's no problem to have deaf dogs around because they can see. (check my explanation in my previous post).

Of course my cats run senseless hit on the wall but it's not very often as blind pets.

I rather to spend my most time with my children than take care of blind pets for 24 hours. I would not neglect my children to watch blind pets all the time because my children come first before the pets. :) You think you can handle your children with blind dog, then try it. :)

I watch my friend stress with old and blind dog with poor healthy while she has 2 small children, she take care of. It's no good for her and also for her dog, too. The Vet advised her dozen of times to put sleep because medicals on pets cost alot of money where it would never cure. How could she watch the blind dog for 24 hours while she was busy with her family? Her blind dog don't know to walk on right way. Yes, she has shape smell but on wrong way and hit on the wall and legs of table/chair and fall down from stairs alot and have leg fracture once. I withnessed it and told her that it's cruel to leave blind dog like this. Let her go peaceful. Everyone persuaded her to do that. She agreed to let her dog go
I also feel sympathy those who do wrong and put them to sleep. It's sad about that.

If it were for me and I would like to keep dog live and treat them nice and play and pet also take dog out for a walk with me and enjoy and have fun it makes me happy. Because the way I feel when dog is being owned to me that makes me happy and when I go out I still think of my dog and still keep me happy while my dog is at home. I really like that feel happy because I have a dog. If I do not have one dog it would not make me happy that much because of something I didn't feel happy at this moment. I feel sad about those who puts dog to sleep while still alive.
DreamyHawaii said:
If it were for me and I would like to keep dog live and treat them nice and play and pet also take dog out for a walk with me and enjoy and have fun it makes me happy. Because the way I feel when dog is being owned to me that makes me happy and when I go out I still think of my dog and still keep me happy while my dog is at home. I really like that feel happy because I have a dog. If I do not have one dog it would not make me happy that much because of something I didn't feel happy at this moment. I feel sad about those who puts dog to sleep while still alive.

It's no choice when the dogs and cats are sick, have poor healthy etc. etc. that's they can't do anything to keep you happy. Put them in sleep to save their suffering.

Keep dogs/cats alive whom they are real sick is a cruel because they are suffering.