Bill Gate Want To Reinvent the Toilet!

Do know why people are not allow to pee and shit outside?? It is for health reasons . If I saw a person peeing and shiting on the ground I would report them to health department .

Lol, it's all lies. I've done it all my life. I'm an outdoor guy and my urine is perfectly full of nutrients. The trees told me, actually, they begged me to pee on them.
Lol, it's all lies. I've done it all my life. I'm an outdoor guy and my urine is perfectly full of nutrients. The trees told me, actually, they begged me to pee on them.

e coli is in human feces ! when I lived in Northern Calif. people where getting sick because they where peeing and shiting too close their water hole! Go ahead and drink your urine but I hope you are not peeing where people have wells to get their water.
OMG that cannot be done out of doors? Is that why people hunt deer to stop that from happening. What about cows should we diaper them. I understand that cows are the chief cause of greenhouse effect because of their burps and gas, maybe we should install filters on the front and back for that as well.
This may all be solved by less people, then we will need less cows, less gas, and maybe less war.
I guess my root question is, where did it come from in the first place “the ground”. I find it hard to care much about some third world $h%t hole when there are people living in pipes looking for food right here in Cheyenne. How about we worry about home first.
Do know why people are not allow to pee and shit outside?? It is for health reasons . If I saw a person peeing and shiting on the ground I would report them to health department .

i wish the guys who walk sodding dogs pass my house stop peeing shiting
e coli is in human feces ! when I lived in Northern Calif. people where getting sick because they where peeing and shiting too close their water hole! Go ahead and drink your urine but I hope you are not peeing where people have wells to get their water.

then make the water hole taller than us, so we cannot poop in it. Com'on, we are stupid, we can't climb a tall water hole beside if one tries, they'll just fall into the hole showing us that it's really stupid to climb one. Also, you are thinking about the cows. Cows keep giving us problems because they want to fatten up the cows with crazy stupid things. STUPID FARMERS, USE WHEAT. I MEAN HONESTLY WHY FEED THEM OTHER THINGS!! THEY ARE COWS, PURE VEGETARIANS! RAWRRRR I'M SO MAD AT THE STUPID FARMERS. They didn't start farming, they got it from their daddy who started it. Of course their daddy so smart to farm but so stupid to teeeeach their little ones. Spoiled ones.
then make the water hole taller than us, so we cannot poop in it. Com'on, we are stupid, we can't climb a tall water hole beside if one tries, they'll just fall into the hole showing us that it's really stupid to climb one. Also, you are thinking about the cows. Cows keep giving us problems because they want to fatten up the cows with crazy stupid things. STUPID FARMERS, USE WHEAT. I MEAN HONESTLY WHY FEED THEM OTHER THINGS!! THEY ARE COWS, PURE VEGETARIANS! RAWRRRR I'M SO MAD AT THE STUPID FARMERS. They didn't start farming, they got it from their daddy who started it. Of course their daddy so smart to farm but so stupid to teeeeach their little ones. Spoiled ones.

This was in the Northmen Calif and people where building houses anywhere they wanted to and there was no running water or power lines . So people had to dig a hole 6 ft deep and lay some lumber across the hole and you sat on the lumber to shit and pee. some people made their shit hole too close to their water supply and was how people got sick. I am not thinking about the cows . Look if you want to be a fool and pee and shit in your back go ahead! Why do yo think there are signs bathroom restaurants and business that sell and serve food . The signs say employees MUCH WASH THEIR HANDS BEFORE GOING BACK TO WORK! There e coli in human shit!
This was in the Northmen Calif and people where building houses anywhere they wanted to and there was no running water or power lines . So people had to dig a hole 6 ft deep and lay some lumber across the hole and you sat on the lumber to shit and pee. some people made their shit hole too close to their water supply and was how people got sick. I am not thinking about the cows . Look if you want to be a fool and pee and shit in your back go ahead! Why do yo think there are signs bathroom restaurants and business that sell and serve food . The signs say employees MUCH WASH THEIR HANDS BEFORE GOING BACK TO WORK! There e coli in human shit!

Hahaha, Nor Cal has towns that doesn't have cops. They also have restaurant that is also a home for a family. There's some weird stuff in Nor Cal, I've seen it and I know what is. But as my step father said, it is what it is. Honestly I think you are speaking of those hilly billies and hippies who don't give a shit about life. I mean I met a girl who lives on the top of the trees and she made the newspaper, now tell me, how do you think she goes potty? I mean you're walking around the nature and sudden HUGE ASS POOP FALLS FROM THE SKY, AND YOU'RE LOOKING UP, surely, it must be god or just people living on top of the trees. :P