Best/Worst Reaction of a person when you told them you were deaf.


Farting Snowflakes
Premium Member
Mar 22, 2006
Reaction score
OK So only family members and a few close friends know I am deaf. For many years I have felt ashamed of letting others know.

I had a couple of classmates from HS find out and they start treating me very badly like I am a freak of nature or something.

Others have been very cool about it.

So whats the best or worst reaction you've gotten from a person when they found out you were deaf/HH/Deaf?:afro:
Worst reaction: I was telling someone online that I was deaf and their reply was, "If you're deaf then how can you read?!?" *blinks*

Common reaction: "Oh I'm so sorry!"

Weird reaction: "Pray to God and he will heal your hearing! I'm so sorry you have been touched by Satan! Go to God and he will make you hear again!".. on and on and on and on... WTF?

Best: "Oh really? Well that's cool, I know a few signs and I can fingerspell... Im sure we can work things out!"
hmm Worst reaction I had was "oh I'm sorry" or "OH excuse me, can you get me someone who can hear?" (at my old job of waitressing at a retirement home, it was a guest)

Best Reaction was... " it's a part of you, and it doesn't change who you are"
I am not deaf, but my son is. And some of the worst reactions I have gotten were, "well, God loves him anyway"; "why don't you teach him to read your lips instead of letting him use sign language?"; "oh, but he's so cute!"

People are ignorant! One lady, on a public transportation, saw him signing with us and said, "Here little monkey boy, would you like a banana?" I was so pissed off! :rl:

What are you gonna do? Aviva
Weird reaction: "Pray to God and he will heal your hearing! I'm so sorry you have been touched by Satan! Go to God and he will make you hear again!".. on and on and on and on... WTF?

My dad's cousin (they aren't close at all) came over to my grandparents house for Thanksgiving one year and when he found out I was deaf, he told my dad to pray and God will heal me. So, we went to his car and this guy prayed and prayed... nothing happened. I was still deaf and then this guy had the guts to tell my dad that it didn't work because my dad did not have enough faith!!!! My father got out of the car and told my mother to grab my brother because we were going home. He still has not spoken to him to this day (25 years now)... I thought it was funny because my dad is one of the most honest christian person I know. Whatever...

I'll have to think on the worst reaction and best reaction and get back to you on that...
Worst reaction: "Oh it's better place for deaf people to have friends on the computer"

Common reaction: "Wow, I never met a deaf before, what's it like?"

Weird reaction: "Um hearing people and deaf people shouldn't social together"

Best reaction: only when they sign back if they know some.
I don't think I have ever had any weird or bad reactions from hearing people and college buddies.

All of my hearing friends ('twas back then when I first met them) notice the CI on my right ear and they just talk to me like a normal guy.

Hell, most of them wanted to learn some signs, so I taught them a few.

Whenever I wanted a pizza, I ask some of the friends to order it for me. I have read horror stories about the relay service, so I stayed a step ahead.

I give my IP Relay number to my friends so I can get to communicate with them, and yes I explain to them beforehand how the relay service works.

I guess I'm just lucky, lol. My friendliness and my speaking abilities got me over 300 college buddies.

I think that most deaf people are unprepared, which results in their frustration. For example, they should've told the relay operators not to explain themselves to the hearing person, like this:

Relay Operator: number calling pls ga

Me: 555-555-5555 (to operator, when he/she answers, pls tell him/her directly "Hey it's me Ben") ga

Now you see? After years of experience and learning in both the deaf and hearing communities (most of them in the hearing, btw), look at me ... a guy who have had zero problems. The deafies who have had frustration are at fault there; they stay so close together and shun the hearing community.

Problem analyzed. The solution is obvious.
A few years back this family with a deaf girl saw my brother and I signing. The girl was 5, just starting school, and the family knew some sign. So they walked up to us. The girl seemed to just be understanding there are deaf and hearing people. She asked my brother if he was deaf and he said yes, and then she looked at me and asked me. I said, "no, I'm hearing." With the most confused expression she asked: "Why?!?" The expression was saying "why would you want to be THAT?" I was very tickled by it and replied: "I don't know, honey. That's just the way I was born. It's not my fault." :)
Worst reaction: I tell them I am deafblind and they still insist on speaking. Even after I've told them how to use my card. :pissed:

Best reaction: When they actually use my comunication card without any prompting. Better still, when they communicate back in the deafblind manual.
Worst reaction: (talk in big stretch lip moving) "blah blah blah"

Common reaction: (point their lip) "blah blah blah?"

Weird reaction: (cover mouth) "blah blah blah?"

Best reaction: (sign) "You're deaf? Awesome!"
worst reaction: loud voice, big mouth that they think I can hear or read. I am pure deaf and am not lipreader!

Best reaction: cool, you are deaf. You can do anything!
weird reaction: oh are you death ?

common reaction: ah cool can you read my lips ?

shocked reaction: oh never mind...
Worst reaction: "Oh you are death and dumb!"

Common reaction: "Oh I am sorry!" and then walking away before giving me a chance to reply

Best reaction: treating me like nothing is wrong with me!
The worst response I ever had was: "Oh can you still have sex?"

To this day, I dont know if it was a pathetic pick up line or just completely moronic question. :ugh3:
I am not deaf, but my son is. And some of the worst reactions I have gotten were, "well, God loves him anyway"; "why don't you teach him to read your lips instead of letting him use sign language?"; "oh, but he's so cute!"

People are ignorant! One lady, on a public transportation, saw him signing with us and said, "Here little monkey boy, would you like a banana?" I was so pissed off! :rl:

What are you gonna do? Aviva

I know how you feel but I am not deaf , at my job as an operator 4-1-1
(1995) during my down time was at my cubicle and an employee saw me practicing signs bec I was still new at that time. She made that rude comment, "oh look , monkey languguage" I can't believe how rude! I just didn't want to argue with her , she's not worth my time and energy for being so ignorant.

The best thing was a new hire lady came to work, she told me her parents are deaf and her signs were rusty. She encouraged me to keep it up.