Best State/Country to Move To?


New Member
Jun 20, 2011
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Let's start with state. I live in NYC, and have been looking at two states, California, and Virginia, mainly because I know people there. Apartments are 1100 for a one bedroom, and about 1300 for a two bedroom in a decent area of Brooklyn (Don't have to worry as much about getting robbed, drug dealers, etc.) You do pay for your own electricity, but gas is included, however a large number of apartment buildings don't want you to have your own washing machine.

Anywho, I was told that in certain parts of CA. 2 bedrooms are about 650-800, but you have to pay sewer, garbage, electricity, and some other things, so the cost might match Brooklyn NYC, but the bonus is whether in CA, or VA you get access to a pool, and of course the warm weather of CA. The minus of course is the earthquakes and fires.

I'm looking for a place that the cost of living is cheaper, i.e. food, clothing etc. Although getting a job is tough all over I'm looking for a state with a high employment rate, as well as great public transport. Although I don't think any state would compare to NYC's public transport, and I'd be forced to get a vehicle anyway. Family oriented, and pet friendly apartments. I'd like to go to California, but I am open to any other states. If you have researched this before, or perhaps live in these states, please share your info. I'd love to make some Cali friends to give me more insight on their state Thanks..
Not move north Canada then. One bedroom apartment my town $1,200 per month, utilities extra.
Brooklyn is fun place to live, why are you looking to move out?