Best FB status I've seen in a long time!!


Farting Snowflakes
Premium Member
Mar 22, 2006
Reaction score

*The status belongs to a friend of mine that is professional photographer.
lol I once was shooting a family, and my next family showed up a few minutes early, and I told the mom "I'll shoot Patricia first," and the six year old kid stumbled backwards, hand to her chest, "But Mommy, I don't want her to SHOOT me!!!"

I had to reassure her that I was only going to take her picture, that sometimes we just call it shooting :-X
My last Facebook status resulted me from being estranged from 80 family members. Pffft.
Yea, that friend is also my friend and yes, I have seen it too. Love that post about the little girl overhearing the photographer and saying she doesnt want to be shot. So cute!
From my friend's status this morning...hilarous!

Just finished seabass :) now time to do my little sis
I have a lot of photographer friends on FB who say the same thing. Not exactly "funny" to me, but I find it to be a daily thing. :P