Being as I'm new, Ask me anything you want!


New Member
Oct 5, 2008
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I figured that the best way to get to know the community would be something like this, where everyone can ask me whatever they want.

Mind you, If someone asks an offensive question or something that could start an argument, I will address it as best as possible without the particular subject(s) that might be misunderstood.

I am an open book.
So go ahead and ask!
What do you do for a living..
haha random!
welcome to AD!
First, Thank you!
Second, I'm a college student.
I'm going for my Associates in Science,
with a concentration on Astronomy and ASL.

Other than that, I work at a hotel.
First, Thank you!
Second, I'm a college student.
I'm going for my Associates in Science,
with a concentration on Astronomy and ASL.

Other than that, I work at a hotel.

oo wow.. thats interesting :)
Im a student as well.. someday soon i'll be a certified ASL interpreter..:P
not that you asked :P
but yay.. good to have you here on ad!
what do you like to do for fun?like your interests?
Actually, I WAS going to ask you... haha
I like to read a lot, play video games, play soccer and tennis,
and watch football.
For the most part, I'm a typical guy.
The fun is in the details. hahaha
Actually, I WAS going to ask you... haha
I like to read a lot, play video games, play soccer and tennis,
and watch football.
For the most part, I'm a typical guy.
The fun is in the details. hahaha

COOL COOL!:D see ya around!
Are you deaf?

No, I am hearing.
I've been learning ASL for a while now.
And I'm working on creating an alternative church ministry for deaf and HOH.

I've been told that I cannot discuss religion on here, so that's about as far as I'll go into that. If you would like to know more, feel free to IM me or email me anytime.
Then let's not discuss religious, but talk about why would you create a church? Are you going to be a pastor or what?
A long time ago, I was studying to be a youth pastor.
But I quickly found out that I was different than almost the youth pastors that I knew.
So I kind of gave up on the idea for a while.
Lately there have been a lot of alternative ministries popping up that reach out to the troubled and misguided kids that most churches wouldn't take chances on.
And with that idea, I feel like I can make a difference if I apply that same type of ministry to deaf/HOH kids that deal with the same issues as others.
I haven't figured out whether I should start a new ministry, or expand n already existing one.

I'm pretty set in the idea, overall, but I was also hoping to see if anyone was interested in it? Or thinks that it is a good idea?

Again, no talk about religion directly, but rather, if you as a person would find it helpful to have someone to share your story with who isn't just an interpretor.
Ahh, you're a giver at heart.

Indian Giver.

To tell you the truth, people look at me as an atheist, but I'm not, I just look at things differently.

Anyways, it's best to expand an existing one since the new one is hard due to the location. Find one that everyone would walk to, since the gas is no fun to pay for. Everyday, because of the economy, people are actually losing faith. Unless, they are true believers and they'll walk through the valley of shadows with the hand of thier Lord.

I would walk alone because I chose to.

Good luck. Also, I don't give a crap if they said NO RELIGION TALKING. They can take it and stuff it up their arse.
I would say that I am a giver, but not Indian Giver.
I don't plan on taking anything back.

The people I've met through learning ASL have treated me so amazingly well,
and I just want to try and give something back, you know?

I do agree with expanding an already existing ministry because it would a lot easier.
I'm not one of those people who only talk to or accept people that believe what I do;
I accept any and all point of views as long as they respect mine.

I've contacted a few of the larger alternative ministries and am waiting for replies and then I'll see how it goes from there.

Thank you very very much for your opinion!
It means a lot to me!
I use the username thisisapromise because I've dealt with a lot of people saying "I swear to you..." and every situation that they said that in they abused the phrase.
I've also been married and divorced, so even the idea of a vow has lost most of it's meaning to me.

To me, a promise is something that you can keep between a friend and a friend, a person and their family, and a person and a coworker.
It's somewhat universal in it's application,
and in all of them, there is a little bit of heart too.

It's a more personal term of endearment to me.
I use the username thisisapromise because I've dealt with a lot of people saying "I swear to you..." and every situation that they said that in they abused the phrase.
I've also been married and divorced, so even the idea of a vow has lost most of it's meaning to me.

To me, a promise is something that you can keep between a friend and a friend, a person and their family, and a person and a coworker.
It's somewhat universal in it's application,
and in all of them, there is a little bit of heart too.

It's a more personal term of endearment to me.

hmm, interesting, thank you.
can you surf?

Sadly, no.
I can barely even swim! hahaha
I CAN stay alive in water, if that counts as swimming?
But I'm slowly working on actually being able to swim, so that I can surf.
I've always wanted to and hopefully it'll happen soon!