Been fit is cosmetic

What I do know about the topic is this: being greatly overweight can kill. If you are looking at dropping 50 lbs, you need to get busy. It will never be easier than to start today.
Nothing attractive about being dead. I never worry about someone's size except how it relates to their overall health.
Thanks for the info. I realize that women use different methods to build muscle. I have to consider my age when I use weights. Harder to build bulk at 59+. There might be something I can do differently. I am not looking to get a lot bulkier, just keep firm and toned.

If you find the link, feel free to share.

okay I found the article, it was on Like I said it's for women, but I'm going to post it because maybe Dreamer will find it interesting. but I'll copy and paste the part I was talking about. Oh and and at the end of the article is a link to part 2, that's where the exercises were given. - Lean, Sexy, & Hard: Weight Training For Women - Part 1!

"It's not important that you move big weights; what is important is that you are selecting and lifting loads that are heavy for you. Over time, you will get stronger and the poundage you can handle will increase. So, for you as a female trainee, a "heavy" load can be defined as a weight that you can lift in good form for 3-6 repetitions. This is in agreement with the recommendations of Canadian strength coach Christian Thibaudeau as he notes, "Women do not have the capacity to recruit as many motor units as men do.

As such, they'll need 1-2 more reps to fully stimulate their muscles. So when training for strength, a man should use between 1 and 5 reps while a woman will benefit more from doing 3-6 reps. Also, most women will need to perform 1-2 more sets of an exercise to achieve the same degree of stimulation as a man, once again because of their lower motor unit activation." The weight training routine that we will outline next month is modeled around these recommendations."

Okay so in part 2 where he outlines the workouts we ladies were supposed to do 6 sets of 5. So you could probably do 4 or 5 sets or 3-5. It doesn't sound like much but you use A LOT more weight than if you were trying to do 10-12 reps 3 sets. Like I would watch girls at the gym doing sets of squats like that (10-12 reps) with like 40-50 pounds on the bar. I started off using like 80 and got up to 110, plus the bar weighs 15 pounds. Dumb bell presses on an incline bench I was using 25-30 pounds each hand. I couldn't move that much weight if I had to do 10 reps. But lets say I did 3 sets of 10 reps, that would be a total of 30 reps. Well I was doing 5 sets of 6, then 10 sets of 3, which is still the same amount of total reps (although that last set or two I might not get all the reps done) with a hell of a lot more weight.

I'd have to look around see if I see anything like this recommended for guys bodybuilding, but you can always give it shot. If it seems like it's making a difference coolbeans, if not, go back to the usual 3 sets of 10-12 :)
Mew why have you been dieting? You must be wicked wicked skinny. I'm only 5'1 and I outweigh you by 5 pounds.

Dreamer, yes there's lots and lots of info on the internet. Diet, try to cut out as much processed food as possible. Basically if there's a commercial for it you shouldn't eat it. Cut out dairy, cheese and milk are baaaad. Fruit actually has a lot of sugar in it, try to cut that to a minimum, veggies are better and complex carbs. Melon right after a work out is good though, they're more hydrating than just water.

You really don't have to mix up the weights that much. You can do the same exercises every week just increase the weight or reps. Don't be afraid to lift heavy either. Women don't have the testerone to get "big". Some pts don't recommend the old standard 3 sets of 10-12 reps. Go 5-6 sets of 5-6 reps with a heavier weight and you'll make more progress building muscles. You want to build more muscle, muscle burns fat. Get your cardio in. HIIT cardio has been found to more effective than straight cardio. You can burn waaaay more calories in a 30 min HIIT than 60 minutes on a tread mill. HIIT is high intensity interval training. Google it. Try HIIT jogging, but there's lots and lots of HIIT workouts.

Oh I'm not dieting... I'm on an evil, evil, evil, evil pill.... Topamax... Number one side-effect... weight loss... They're balancing it out now with other meds so I'm starting to get a little more weight back... :ugh: Thank god... Believe me... I never ever in my LIFE wanted to be this underweight... not for me height... I feel like dog sh*t... That's why I was telling her NOT to try and get a script for a weight loss pill and doctors only write them for MORBIDLY obese people... they tear you apart.... Like this... *tales from the crypt skeleton* I'm starting to get a little weight back... I'm up to 109 today... We'll see if it sticks... *crosses fingers* My point again, was to tell her weight loss pills are not to lose a few pounds, they're for 200+ and they KILL you... Mine was prescribed for a mood disorder... it is off label to treat obesity... yay for me... not... :barf: I was telling her to run away... RUN AWAY!!! Don't take pills to lose weight, BAD NEWS! Go to the gym girl and eat healthy! :( Plus like I said, we don't just hand out pills whoopy doo anyway... :(
It's only going to be covered if it's medically necessary for her to lose weight, as in being obese. You just want to lose some weight no it won't.

Now if she has food allergies maybe she could be referred to a nutritionist and maybe that would be covered. A nutritionist would be more knowledgable and helpful fir that than a PCP

Exactly. A doctor isn't going to speak with her to lose some weight because she's allergic to things. Only if she falls into the category of extremely to morbidly obese will a medical professional or insurance get involved. Other than that, she will have to pay to speak with a nutritionist or find it out on her own, unfortunately for her.
Mew why have you been dieting? You must be wicked wicked skinny. I'm only 5'1 and I outweigh you by 5 pounds.

Dreamer, yes there's lots and lots of info on the internet. Diet, try to cut out as much processed food as possible. Basically if there's a commercial for it you shouldn't eat it. Cut out dairy, cheese and milk are baaaad. Fruit actually has a lot of sugar in it, try to cut that to a minimum, veggies are better and complex carbs. Melon right after a work out is good though, they're more hydrating than just water.

You really don't have to mix up the weights that much. You can do the same exercises every week just increase the weight or reps. Don't be afraid to lift heavy either. Women don't have the testerone to get "big". Some pts don't recommend the old standard 3 sets of 10-12 reps. Go 5-6 sets of 5-6 reps with a heavier weight and you'll make more progress building muscles. You want to build more muscle, muscle burns fat. Get your cardio in. HIIT cardio has been found to more effective than straight cardio. You can burn waaaay more calories in a 30 min HIIT than 60 minutes on a tread mill. HIIT is high intensity interval training. Google it. Try HIIT jogging, but there's lots and lots of HIIT workouts.

that's because muscle is heavier than fat, you have more muscles than Mew...
Diet, try to cut out as much processed food as possible. Basically if there's a commercial for it you shouldn't eat it.

Ditto to this, I used to have problems with mild heartburn and sleepiness all the time and didn't realize it was just due to eating mac'n cheese, pizza, and pop tarts. Even though I was skinny I just didn't feel 100% and when I started to get into veggies and fruits I started feeling a lot better and my heartburn went away completely.
Ditto to this, I used to have problems with mild heartburn and sleepiness all the time and didn't realize it was just due to eating mac'n cheese, pizza, and pop tarts. Even though I was skinny I just didn't feel 100% and when I started to get into veggies and fruits I started feeling a lot better and my heartburn went away completely.
Pop Tarts? Is there anything in those that is beneficial to mankind?
I'd have to look around see if I see anything like this recommended for guys bodybuilding, but you can always give it shot. If it seems like it's making a difference coolbeans, if not, go back to the usual 3 sets of 10-12 :)
Thanks for both of the posts with links. With a full house here, there are days when one set has to do. Time runs out. I just do what I can. With summer coming, I just want to stay firmed up.
Thanks for both of the posts with links. With a full house here, there are days when one set has to do. Time runs out. I just do what I can. With summer coming, I just want to stay firmed up.

You're very welcome :) I learned some things too.

Going the heavy weight with less roes more sets really just seems to increase strength.......but has the side benefit of making you feel totally badass lol.
Looks and tone wise I guess it doesn't matter, except in the case of compound movements. Squats, dead lifts, bench presses etc where you use more than one muscle group, that's what going to stimulate more growth hormone. That I knew, but I didn't know for those exercise the heavy/low rep/high set is better. Very glad I read those!!

I need to get new gym membership again. I finished p90x, again, so now I'm doing Brazil Buttlift. Is rather be in the gym -_-
Awesome info here, I also do calisthenics when gym time isn't possible at times. I perform the exercises like circuit training for 10 sets, all of them to failure. It's too easy at first, so I start the first few by using negatives, or slow back to the starting position. Then I finish it off by dancing to whatever I blast on the boombox! :)
I hope to be able to blast things on the boombox again, hopefully soonish. Well technically I could.......but I couldn't hear it ;)
The flavor.... :ugh: :D

Especially the smores ones.... :D

Ewwwww that's gross :D

I loved the frosted fruity ones, especially cherry. I used to love the crust, I'd break off the edges and eat them last, and they absolutely had to be toasted!