Bans 'do not cut abortion rate'

I'm not surprise either. Thank god! I took a physical education for sex education when I was in 5 grader. I know how to protect myself with birth control pills and condom. Many boys asked me for sex. I restrained their ask me. Until I got broke virgin at age 16 by deaf 21 years old man begged me for sex. He had his condom. I had a sinus infection. The students thought I was pregnant because I went to bathroom back and fourth. I told them no! I had sinus infection and bronchitis. They forced me to get a pregnancy test. I told them I was not pregnant. They said if I am preggo what I can do? I told them I was not ready for baby at age 16. They offered me to abortion the baby. They told me how to abort the baby by horseback, punch with my hands on my belly until lose the baby. That's unsafe abortion. In my mind, That is not right. It turned me off and talked with my ex bf who did to me. He said he used the condom to protect me from pregnancy. 1 week later, Finally I got period. Thank GOD!

I know one of my friend is addict to abortion babies about 10 to 12 times. She is heartless to children. Geez! She have her own problem.

It should be abortion blacklist for any women who has repeated abortion and abuse the abortion.
It should be abortion blacklist for any women who has repeated abortion and abuse the abortion.

I saw the graphics on link. The most is African and Latin American. That is not safe abortion. My old friend is white.
Abortion today kills millions (mothers and babies included), if it was illegal and more emphasis was placed on getting moms help in our society, then the number of people that die as a result of abortion would be dramitically lower and not even come close to what it is today.
Abortion is a nessary evil. You don't like it? GOOD! Adopt kids, fight for insurance companies covering birth control (and not just a condom), educate your kids to not have sex early.
Hey, did you know that abortion isn't all black and white? What about the cases where a baby dies in utereo or has VERY profound health disorders, the type where they may not even know their parents or are extremely medically fragile.
You don't like abortion? GOOD. Don't have one!
And I think healthy attitudes towards sex are a MUST! Kristina, that rocks that your kids are that way. Too many teens seem to have really unhealthy attitudes about sex (ie that it's a game or its the quanity that counts rather then the quality. I really wish more teens would understand the simple pleasures of just being with someone you love insanely and passionality!
My kids also know that I screwed up early on and don't want to repeat my mistake. (not that he was a mistake, just given up for adoption) I also had to have a medically needed abortion since if I didn't, I would be dead. I did not want it, but I would have died. It kills me to think about it, but I am dealing with it.
Abortion is a nessary evil. You don't like it? GOOD! Adopt kids, fight for insurance companies covering birth control (and not just a condom), educate your kids to not have sex early.
Hey, did you know that abortion isn't all black and white? What about the cases where a baby dies in utereo or has VERY profound health disorders, the type where they may not even know their parents or are extremely medically fragile.
You don't like abortion? GOOD. Don't have one!

Bold font - Many pro-lifers will not have an abortion. So we don't need a "reminder comment" like this sentence everyone (and you) said. Besides, I already and firmly decided long ago that I am not going to get it. Unless I'm in danger for, mainly, one health reason. So, why are you remind us when you knew so many pro-lifers will not go and get one?

As for adoption, some pro-lifers would love to adopt a child but some people just told them that they don't have to be pro-lifer to adopt a child. After the arguing, pro-lifers lose and decided to not adopt any kid. Now people could mock them for not having any kid from any adoption center. =/ I had that experience before... I saw another pro-lifers got a similar problem. I truly want to adopt a child but I hate it when people complain to me that I am not a (or I don't have to be) prolife if I do. That is why some pro-lifers gave up and got a mock. =/ Allow me to ask you a question, have you adopt a kid yet? If no, then maybe you should not ask us "Don't like it? Don't have one!" Otherwise, they may ask you the same thing; "Don't like adoption? Don't have one!" Since it seems many people tend to be anti-adoption.

Just a thought...

And I think healthy attitudes towards sex are a MUST! Kristina, that rocks that your kids are that way. Too many teens seem to have really unhealthy attitudes about sex (ie that it's a game or its the quanity that counts rather then the quality. I really wish more teens would understand the simple pleasures of just being with someone you love insanely and passionality!

Yes, something that we agree on! ;) It is sad when teens think of "lost your virginity" thing is the must as it seems. Really, being non-virgin does not make you more cool. A wise decision is the best choice for teens. Because I already had seen so dramas between sex and relationships during the high school time (maybe you had seen it) It would be nice if they wait until after graduation, find a good relationship, or marriage. That depends on their preference. Again, educating teens and kids is the key for knowledge. :)
Exactly.. It is the key... Caring parents do hope their children will wait. but with all the peer pressure all we can do is educate..

Children do not always wait.. even though we teach them to.. but we do educate them on the choices and tools they can use.

Even then.. It is not 100 percent... So this is why it is imperative to communicate with the children (teens) about pregnancies and STD and just in general of sex...

I'm not sure if you visit this website, Sex education: Talking to your school-age child about sex -, I really like that. I enjoy to read any subject. :D Sometimes, I do read this, Questions and Answers About Sex.

So, yeah, sadly, it is not so simple. But, like you said, educating and communicating that we only have two best options for them.
All of this assumes that abortion is safe today - and it really isn't (the abortion industry wants you to believe it is though). Women do die today as a result of abortions - not to mention that it kills babies (hardly safe)! And, abortions do major damage to emotional and reproductive health. Abortion can cause fertility problems, miscarraiges and premature birth with future pregnancies.

What you and your agenda -fail- to quote is that a woman is still much more likely to die from pregnancy and childbirth than from an abortion.

Here, have some proof. Need more? Right here.

Next time you try to spin a story, please remember that you're speaking to intelligent people who can look past your rabid "fetuses are precious, precious lives" mindset. A fetus is not a baby. Until it can survive outside it's mother, it is a parasite which she has every right to remove from her body. "the potential to be life" cannot be held as the standard of something being life: that is like calling all semen 'future babies.'

Our precious, precious planet is severely overpopulated. We do not have the money, resources, space, or ability to deal with the increased waste that would be produced if the 42 million or so fetuses aborted every year were carried to term. Support for that many additional children cannot exist when the world already has far too many children to deal with.

Abortion is a SAFE solution, like it or not.
What you and your agenda -fail- to quote is that a woman is still much more likely to die from pregnancy and childbirth than from an abortion.

Here, have some proof. Need more? Right here.

Next time you try to spin a story, please remember that you're speaking to intelligent people who can look past your rabid "fetuses are precious, precious lives" mindset. A fetus is not a baby. Until it can survive outside it's mother, it is a parasite which she has every right to remove from her body. "the potential to be life" cannot be held as the standard of something being life: that is like calling all semen 'future babies.'

Our precious, precious planet is severely overpopulated. We do not have the money, resources, space, or ability to deal with the increased waste that would be produced if the 42 million or so fetuses aborted every year were carried to term. Support for that many additional children cannot exist when the world already has far too many children to deal with.

Abortion is a SAFE solution, like it or not.

I also had to have a medically needed abortion since if I didn't, I would be dead. I did not want it, but I would have died. It kills me to think about it, but I am dealing with it.
(((((Kristina!!!))))) I wish pro lifers would understand that medically needed abortions aren't a black and white issue. If the baby's died in utereo or has a condition that is very grave, a medically nessary abortion should be viewed as akin to turning off life support for a very terminally ill patient.
Karissa, what does adoption have to do with being pro choice?
Just b/c I'm pro choice,it doesn't mean I'm not pro life. I wouldn't have an abortion (unless the baby died in utereo) I support ALL choices. I also think that we need to work very hard on preventing abortion in the first place, with the morning after pill, sex ed, teaching teens and people (b/c teens aren't the only ones who are fucked up with realtionships)about what GOOD healthy realtionships are about. Teen girls are still so prone to be pressured into sex, and we're still so " sex, sex sex!" We need to teach people that when you LOVE a person just being with them, just cuddling with them can be just as good as doing it!
(((((Kristina!!!))))) I wish pro lifers would understand that medically needed abortions aren't a black and white issue. If the baby's died in utereo or has a condition that is very grave, a medically nessary abortion should be viewed as akin to turning off life support for a very terminally ill patient.

I'm pretty positive that many pro-lifers do understand the important reason is a woman's health if she is in a danger. That is why pro-lifers do support abortions for woman's health. Don't you see I said, "Unless I'm in danger for, mainly, one health reason," from my previous post? I highly doubt that we are too stupid to understand the situation. Remember, pro-lifers do have a brain. :D

I can't imagine how someone would be so excited until she told that her baby dies in her womb... Pretty depressing. :(

Karissa, what does adoption have to do with being pro choice?
Just b/c I'm pro choice,it doesn't mean I'm not pro life. I wouldn't have an abortion (unless the baby died in utereo) I support ALL choices.

I didn't say a such thing. What I mean, I noticed pro-choicers tend to be anti-adoption. Here's a few examples: ("Adoption vs. Abortion", and here) and there are some more anti-adoption websites who have a pro-choice POV too. Maybe it is just me. I just hope they can adopt more kids and stay being pro-life since they feel so sick of same comments like this, for an example on the first paragraph.

I also think that we need to work very hard on preventing abortion in the first place, with the morning after pill, sex ed, teaching teens and people (b/c teens aren't the only ones who are fucked up with realtionships)about what GOOD healthy realtionships are about. Teen girls are still so prone to be pressured into sex, and we're still so " sex, sex sex!" We need to teach people that when you LOVE a person just being with them, just cuddling with them can be just as good as doing it!

Absolutely, I agreed. But I feel they really need to upgrade those sex education books and all information. Because some of them are still outdated. Ugh... But, a relationship becomes unhealthy when it involves being mean, disrespectful, abusive behavior, or any vile action, or even controlling. Some people live in homes with parents who fight a lot (or abuse each other). But some people who have grown up around this like that, it can almost seem normal to people. But, no, it is not! It is so unfortunate that many of us learn from the common poor healthy relationships.

So someone who has lived around violent or disrespectful behavior may not have learned how to treat others better, with kindness and respect, or how to expect the same treatment. The world is not perfect, by any means, and sometimes, lives are born with difficult challanges. However, I believe where there is life, there is hope, and a desire to overcome adversity, hardships and terrible pain. So, no, it's not healthy to stay in a relationship that involves abusive behavior of any kind... Qualities like kindness and respect are absolute requirements for a healthy relationship. Sure, being in relationship may be difficult to some people...

Still, I positively believe that pre-teens and teens should learn about the most important thing is a healthy relationship and education, by any means...
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I'm pretty positive that many pro-lifers do understand the important reason is a woman's health if she is in a danger. That is why pro-lifers do support abortions for woman's health. Don't you see I said, "Unless I'm in danger for, mainly, one health reason," from my previous post? I highly doubt that we are too stupid to understand the situation. Remember, pro-lifers do have a brain.
Um no. To many of them it is a black or white issue. To them abortions mean KILLING A BABY! (never mind that the baby might be dead already)
I do agree with getting accurate information out there so that the parents can make an accurate choice. I've heard of parents being told that babies with their baby's condition are always stillborn, and then they find out that there are some babies out there who survived.
And you're misunderstanding those posts. They are NOT anti adoption. They are simply bringing up possible reasons why adoption might not be a viable alternative to abortion.
Pro life people seem to think there are NO downsides to adoption. Sorry but if the kid isn't a white baby, it can be very hard for them to be adopted.
I know it's overdue. Eheh XD I don't feel I want to discuss but I'll make it short.

Um no. To many of them it is a black or white issue. To them abortions mean KILLING A BABY! (never mind that the baby might be dead already)

Yet I see many pro-lifers do support it for reasons of woman's health only if they're in a danger. Hey, it's okay. I'm pretty positive you see differently.

I do agree with getting accurate information out there so that the parents can make an accurate choice. I've heard of parents being told that babies with their baby's condition are always stillborn, and then they find out that there are some babies out there who survived.

Ah, yes. I do remember about those stories.

And you're misunderstanding those posts. They are NOT anti adoption. They are simply bringing up possible reasons why adoption might not be a viable alternative to abortion.

No, it's not about "adoption might not be a viable" in those links. I only gave you an explain of why pro-choicers are tend to be an anti-adoption.

From those links in my previous posts.

"... They argue that abortion is the option that should be available to her. ..."; "... However, I am trying to really understand the viewpoint of "pro-choice" proponents, and in my attempts to do so, I simply cannot understand how someone can be pro-choice without being pro-adoption."; " (also, see in her/his comment) I did recently encounter a person who was very adamently against adoption, but pro-abortion."

Now what do you see what I mean? I understand the writer met a person who is pro-choice but anti-adoption for the first time cos he/she don't see many people is like that. BUT, to me, I see differently. I see some pro-choicers are like that. I don't know about you. It seems you never see them before, aren't you? Just wonder.

Pro life people seem to think there are NO downsides to adoption. Sorry but if the kid isn't a white baby, it can be very hard for them to be adopted.

Yeah, I aware adoption is a tragic choice as well. I believe in pro-lifers must emphasize support for these women during and after their pregnancy. I'm pretty sure that some pro-lifers don't deny the adoption option is not always a simple choice. I don't believe in adoption is absolutely "tear-free" and joyous, either.

But............. Heh, do you realize we get a off-topic discussion? XDDD Well, I'll admit it's my fault. :P It's better go back to on-topic. Hey, at the least, you and I can agree on sex education. So we should discuss that. :)
Not surprised but I believe that women need have think so twice about have pregnant or take care of sex, it does disgusted me when some women has repeated abortion.

I don't agree with banning abortion but I do agree with this statement. I think that's where a lot of people get upset. A woman has a right to her own body, but if she can't control herself enough even when she knows she can't afford kids or if she's with a questionable man (or several men), it's upsetting. I get it: sex is pleasurable.... get some birth control and learn how to use it correctly!

When do you cross the line? When do people learn from their mistakes?
BBC NEWS | Health | Bans 'do not cut abortion rate'

Mods, please lock this thread immediately to avoid unwanted flaming posts only if it starts gettin' uglier. :ty:

Now, discuss away if you may want to.

I don't have any opinion on this link....

I am pro-life but I know there may be circumstances such as life threatening situations where an abortion must be done-in that case it should be called life saving surgery-not abortion. Abortion should be banned forever-it's a senseless way to use birth control. Lets say it like it is, women are the ones who can get pregnant and therefore it is your responsibility to take care of the child. Yes it takes two to tango-but-you are the ones who become pregnant-it is your responsibility-not taxpayers.

The one thing I hate the most is if my taxpayer dollars are used for this horrific process that I am so against when my taxpayer dollars would be better spent for feeding, educating and helping children who are living.
I am pro-life but I know there may be circumstances such as life threatening situations where an abortion must be done-in that case it should be called life saving surgery-not abortion. Abortion should be banned forever-it's a senseless way to use birth control. Lets say it like it is, women are the ones who can get pregnant and therefore it is your responsibility to take care of the child. Yes it takes two to tango-but-you are the ones who become pregnant-it is your responsibility-not taxpayers.

The one thing I hate the most is if my taxpayer dollars are used for this horrific process that I am so against when my taxpayer dollars would be better spent for feeding, educating and helping children who are living.

If abortion is banned so illegal abortion will goes skyrocket so no win situation for pro-life.

I believe that Roe v. Wade should be landmark and allows women to have abortion for any reason at less than 3 month.

Not every BC are effective and some of BC has caused serious issues on some women.
Abortion should be banned forever-it's a senseless way to use birth control. Lets say it like it is, women are the ones who can get pregnant and therefore it is your responsibility to take care of the child. Yes it takes two to tango-but-you are the ones who become pregnant-it is your responsibility-not taxpayers.

The one thing I hate the most is if my taxpayer dollars are used for this horrific process that I am so against when my taxpayer dollars would be better spent for feeding, educating and helping children who are living.
Ummm, the thing is that most people don't use it as birth control. Its used as a BACKUP, for when birth control fails.
You don't like abortion? GOOD. Support laws that ensure that insurance companies cover birth control. Support the over the counter use of the Morning After Pill. But most of all....don't have one!
I find it ironic that you're harping about taxpayer funded abortions when in fact it costs a LOT more in taxpayer dollers to feed and educate kids.
I don't like abortion.....who does? I personally would never have an abortion, but its a PERSONAL choice. NOT YOURS.
Ummm, the thing is that most people don't use it as birth control. Its used as a BACKUP, for when birth control fails.
You don't like abortion? GOOD. Support laws that ensure that insurance companies cover birth control. Support the over the counter use of the Morning After Pill. But most of all....don't have one!
I find it ironic that you're harping about taxpayer funded abortions when in fact it costs a LOT more in taxpayer dollers to feed and educate kids.
I don't like abortion.....who does? I personally would never have an abortion, but its a PERSONAL choice. NOT YOURS.

:gpost: I agree, there are many companies that won't cover birth control. This is part of the issue.
Not a surprise. Abstinence only education does not cut rate of young people having sex either.

abstinence only education doesnt educate people about safe sex either, because in everyone who isnt having sex's eyes no one needs condoms or birth control or anything.........
Not surprised but I believe that women need have think so twice about have pregnant or take care of sex, it does disgusted me when some women has repeated abortion.

There are some men who are very responsible in making sure that he doesn't get someone pregnant. There are some men who aren't. I don't like it when a man refused a condom just because he doesn't like the feel of it or whatever.