

New Member
Feb 25, 2006
Reaction score
Ok I am a bit confused..I see these words "banned" on
some peoples user names (under the advatar) Are they banned for real or it's just there to confuse me? LOL. :mrgreen:
they are real because they got in trouble about spoke nasty language or insult each others.
RainGurl said:
Ok I am a bit confused..I see these words "banned" on
some peoples user names (under the advatar) Are they banned for real or it's just there to confuse me? LOL. :mrgreen:

yes, people with the name banned are banned, but some may not be banned for ever, it depends on how many time they have been banned before. u know like first strike, second strike, third strike and you're out! :smoking:
It generally means people have been temporarily banned. AD's policy is supposed to be a 3 strikes and your out policy, but there have been many exceptions. Some people just put banned on their user title to be idiots.
guido said:
It generally means people have been temporarily banned. AD's policy is supposed to be a 3 strikes and your out policy, but there have been many exceptions. Some people just put banned on their user title to be idiots.

shouldn't have said that... tsk..
Well you can put "banned" under the avatar and still be around! I did that and mod didn't like this and asked me to change that. :giggle:
diehardbiker65 said:
Well you can put "banned" under the avatar and still be around! I did that and mod didn't like this and asked me to change that. :giggle:

darkangel8603 said:
yes, people with the name banned are banned, but some may not be banned for ever, it depends on how many time they have been banned before. u know like first strike, second strike, third strike and you're out! :smoking:
Not So heres what it says in the rules
The Rules

First offense - Warning
Second offense - 24 hours ban
Third offense - 48 hours ban
Fourth offense - 1 week ban
Fifth offense - 1 month ban
Sixth offense - Permanent ban

So its like the NBA Rules 6 Fouls you are out of the game
I only have 1 foul Others may have 2 or 3 fouls
diehardbiker65 said:
With your signature... Im not sure if you really not mean to "Stir" up anything!

Hey, my kids love that siggy ...
It's the only saying I had to go with it.
guido said:
It generally means people have been temporarily banned. AD's policy is supposed to be a 3 strikes and your out policy, but there have been many exceptions. Some people just put banned on their user title to be idiots.

And look who's talking?
See? somebody with "Banned" and still be able to post! If that happens, you know it is just a joke or fake... The real "banned" is when somebody can't post anything.
Oh, ok got ya. So it's a fake ban in otherwords?

Thanks for clearing the confusion.
