'Baby killer' shouted at Democrat after bill's passage

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people tend to include abortion as women's rights.
Obamacare Is the Next Roe v. Wade <------- Everyone know the next thing will happen is sue the gov't for women's rights.

oh and I do think abortions will be cover under medical insurance... like medicines, IV, etc.

Of course it will. The executive order isn't worth the paper it is written on. The bill isn't complete. Reconciliation is just ahead. The actual 2700 page bill will get bigger and include more.

I love it when statements are so far out there it isn't even necessary to refute them. They do the work for me.

So far out there...??? I'll be the first to admit that my ignorance serves as a great asset when used as a catalyst for learning. Please do indulge me as I am an excellent student.
no, woman's right to access healthcare. oh and I do think abortions will be cover under medical insurance... like medicines, IV, etc.

Since you went back and added to your post, I will reply again.

That is just it....what you think. Your thoughts have been shown to be based on erroneous and untrue beliefs. That is why the links are available. So that you can actually learn and stop believing what isn't true.
oh wait, you actually think medicaid won't cover IV during abortion procedure?
So far out there...??? I'll be the first to admit that my ignorance serves as a great asset when used as a catalyst for learning. Please do indulge me as I am an excellent student.

Who said anything about your academic skills?

If you are interested in learning, links to the bill, to revisions of the bill, and to cliff notes of the bill (for those that are not inclined to actually make the effort to read the actual document) have been posted. All one has to do is use them.
In midterm abortion, women are often put to sleep.

Now you are qualifying it. Only midterm, and only some women.:cool2: And an IV is not the only way to induce sleep.
And, if that abortion is being done to save the woman's life, who are you to determine what medication she can and cannot have covered?
I do think they should have IV and such paid for, but not the abortion itself. They do that in my dentist office, they will cover some things, but not root canal or anything. UNLESS the child is dying anyway (like missing a brain) and there's nothing you can do for him/her , or have died.
I do think they should have IV and such paid for, but not the abortion itself. They do that in my dentist office, they will cover some things, but not root canal or anything. UNLESS the child is dying anyway (like missing a brain) and there's nothing you can do for him/her , or have died.

Then why are you complaining that insurance funds will be used to cover IV meds during an abortion?
"Planned Parenthood receives about a third of its money in government grants and contracts ($349.6 million in FY 2008). In the 2007–08 Annual Report, clinic income totaled $374.7 million and miscellaneous operating revenues $68.9 million. Planned Parenthood is also heavily sponsored by private individuals, with over 700,000 active individual contributors.[7] Large donors such as the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation contribute a substantial part of the organization's budget.[8] Pro-life groups have long advocated the boycott of these private organizations.
Some pro-life organizations have lobbied federal lawmakers to halt government funding for Planned Parenthood.[9]"

Planned Parenthood - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

What exactly does the above have to do with current health reform?

And, such an excellent student should know better than to use Wiki as a source.:cool2:
What make you think I was complaining. Just saying that what I think. I wouldn't complain about IV being covered if someone want a nose job or something.
people tend to include abortion as women's rights.

Abortion is a medical procedure. Women are entitled to health care as determined between them and their doctor. Women are also entitle to the privacy of medical records.
What exactly does the above have to do with current health reform?

And, such an excellent student should know better than to use Wiki as a source.:cool2:

Wiki is a good source if they got their source from a good source.
What make you think I was complaining. Just saying that what I think. I wouldn't complain about IV being covered if someone want a nose job or something.

Oh, I see. So you would consider that elective surgery is to be covered, but medically necessary procedures denied.

BTW..."nose jobs" or any other medically unnecessary surgery is not covered by insurance...nor should it be.
:roll: @ the comments on abortion.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch....

It really doesn't matter which side of the aisle the person is on, the fact that grown men engaged in such name calling is stupid. In fact, the idea that we even had this cat fight over abortion is stupid.

Oh well, I guess they have to fight about something, so it's that.
:roll: @ the comments on abortion.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch....

It really doesn't matter which side of the aisle the person is on, the fact that grown men engaged in such name calling is stupid. In fact, the idea that we even had this cat fight over abortion is stupid.

Oh well, I guess they have to fight about something, so it's that.

There you go!

But evidently there are still those that respond to this nonsense. That is why it continues!:roll: Sad comment on the maturity level inthis country.
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