Audiologist Just Told Me I'm A Possible Candidate

DeafSkeptic, so sorry to hear the news... Hope those folks from UNC realize that it is up to you only concerning making/breaking appointments. I also have a father that tried to control me but I've stood up to him and told him that I should live my life the way I want to. Maybe you could question him about the reasons why he doesn't think the CI route is right for you?

And how about sending him the link to AD? Before I started following the HA/CI threads, I was anti-CI. They've changed my thinking completely with thanks to people like Boult, sr171soars, R2D2, Lucia and many others. :ty:
I hope this works out for you the way you want. If this is something you want bad enough then you should fight for it. Good Luck !!
DeafSkeptic, so sorry to hear the news... Hope those folks from UNC realize that it is up to you only concerning making/breaking appointments. I also have a father that tried to control me but I've stood up to him and told him that I should live my life the way I want to. Maybe you could question him about the reasons why he doesn't think the CI route is right for you?

And how about sending him the link to AD? Before I started following the HA/CI threads, I was anti-CI. They've changed my thinking completely with thanks to people like Boult, sr171soars, R2D2, Lucia and many others. :ty:

My dad isn't anti CI but he is concerned about my blood sugars and he keeps telling me that surgery will have to be postponed because my blood sugars aren't under control. I did ask him if surgery should be canceled. I wasn't asking him to cancel it for me! I just wanted advice. He keeps telling me that bloods sugars aren't controlled, surgery will be canceled in every email I get from him. Whenever I get one of those emails I get discouraged. Sorry for the misunderstanding.

I'm sure that your son is well aware of the risk of surgery if blood sugars aren't controlled as your grandson is diabetic.

I heard from my Audie last night and she asked me what is going on and I told her the situation and hopefully things will get straightened out. I told her that only Dr. P and me can cancel my surgery.
Just heard from Doctor P. Surgery is postponed and I don't know the new date.
Just comments and maybe offer some hope.


Sorry for the long post.

I've not read the entire post but have read the last couple pages with the surgery being cancelled/postponed. I'm sorry to hear this especially with the emotional rollercoaster that it is making you go through along with the frustration.

When I run into similar situations, I always have to take my personal feelings and emotions out of the picture and look at it based on facts and only then come to a conclussion.

I think I read that your father is an MD. If that is correct, he is very in tuned to the human body and what works and what doesn't. I'm sure or at least hoping your father is trying to look out for your best interest and health even if that means you questioning his judgment or possibly destroying your relationship with him. I take this as he cares a lot about you even though it may be hard to see. He may know something you, I or anyone else is not aware of (stretching here). If it were me, I'd probably ask why he thinks I should not have the surgery right now and what I need to do to get things in order before undergoing the implant surgery. (I hope I'm not preching)

It also sounds like you are aware of things you need to get control of before undergoing the surgery. That tells me you have a pretty level head and are trying to make everything as good as it can be. I also read that you are working on this. Now as I see it, if you were a candidate for a CI and this is what is standing in your way, you CAN and WILL over come it to get what you want. I can say that in the past 4 days I have had my CI activated, I really believe it will make my life so much different in that I will be able to hear what people say without missing much and am sure you will have similar success once the time is right.

With my progressive hearing loss and extreme fluctuating hearing over the past 2 years, I have had times where I couldn't stand it and times where I actually enjoyed it and every single emotion in between. This may sound strange but I believe I have been chosen to go through this experience in life because I am strong enough to handle the physical and emotional strain it has put me though. I also believe we are all given situations that we are fully capable of handling and it is how we deal with these situations that makes us stronger.

Although your surgery has been delayed, it does not sound like it has been cancelled from your latest post. You will have it when the time is right.

Good luck and never ever give up. Learn at least one thing with everything you do including these latest challenges in you CI endevor. Sometimes the learning is as simple as "I won't do that again" or "that was easy".

Anyway, take care and do what you feel is right.

Sorry for the long post.

I think I read that your father is an MD. If that is correct, he is very in tuned to the human body and what works and what doesn't. I'm sure or at least hoping your father is trying to look out for your best interest and health even if that means you questioning his judgment or possibly destroying your relationship with him. I take this as he cares a lot about you even though it may be hard to see. He may know something you, I or anyone else is not aware of (stretching here). If it were me, I'd probably ask why he thinks I should not have the surgery right now and what I need to do to get things in order before undergoing the implant surgery.

It also sounds like you are aware of things you need to get control of before undergoing the surgery. That tells me you have a pretty level head and are trying to make everything as good as it can be. I also read that you are working on this. Now as I see it, if you were a candidate for a CI and this is what is standing in your way, you CAN and WILL over come it to get what you want. I can say that in the past 4 days I have had my CI activated, I really believe it will make my life so much different in that I will be able to hear what people say without missing much and am sure you will have similar success once the time is right.


I think it's a good thing my father is concerned. I'd seek his advice on things. However, I do NOT want him trying to arrange things for me. I can email my doctor even if I can't speak on the phone. That's something only Dr. P and I should be doing. No one else is going to control my surgery.

I wish he'd stop being so negative.

Now on a positive note, my sugars are going down and I think sugars should be in control by my new date. I just found out Dr. P is diabetic himself.
I can say that in the past 4 days I have had my CI activated, I really believe it will make my life so much different in that I will be able to hear what people say without missing much and am sure you will have similar success once the time is right.


How did your CI activation go? You may send me a PM as I don't want to interrupt deafskeptic's thread.
I think it's a good thing my father is concerned. I'd seek his advice on things. However, I do NOT want him trying to arrange things for me. I can email my doctor even if I can't speak on the phone. That's something only Dr. P and I should be doing. No one else is going to control my surgery.

I wish he'd stop being so negative.

Now on a positive note, my sugars are going down and I think sugars should be in control by my new date. I just found out Dr. P is diabetic himself.

I don't blame you one bit for being frustrated with your father. Even if his intentions were good, he still has no right to make decisions on your behalf and to determine if you can tolerate surgery. That should be left up to Dr. P. and your audi.

Perhaps when your CI is activated, your father will have a change of heart.

Since Dr. P. is also diabetic, does he have any suggestions as to how you can keep your blood sugars under control?
Just got email form my father and I'm furious that he thinks he has every right to cancel surgery. I told him he has no right to cancel it for me.
My dad isn't anti CI but he is concerned about my blood sugars and he keeps telling me that surgery will have to be postponed because my blood sugars aren't under control. I did ask him if surgery should be canceled. I wasn't asking him to cancel it for me! I just wanted advice. He keeps telling me that bloods sugars aren't controlled, surgery will be canceled in every email I get from him. Whenever I get one of those emails I get discouraged. Sorry for the misunderstanding.

Wow, negativity! Maybe have a talk with him about how his negativity is affecting you?

Now on a positive note, my sugars are going down and I think sugars should be in control by my new date. I just found out Dr. P is diabetic himself.

I forgot about that fact. Yep, that is true and I'm sure he can related to those issues.
I'm sorry to hear your surgery had been cancelled due to your father's meddling. I'm sure you'll be able to get that blood sugar down to normal level soon, but it takes time as you already know. I think it's great that Dr.P's in a position to sympathize with you as well discuss as you have diabetes, correct me if I'm wrong.

I hope your dad will listen to you in due time. Don't give up or get discouraged. Have hope and patience.

Take care
deafskeptic, I echo Lucia's sentiment -- it's good that Dr. P is a diabetic too and that he (she?) is only postponing your surgery vs. cancelling it. Hopefully Dr. P respects your wishes in keeping everything between you two and not letting your father's wishes override them.

Now on a positive note, my sugars are going down and I think sugars should be in control by my new date. I just found out Dr. P is diabetic himself. Sounds good about your blood sugars! Keep up the good work!

I'm sure Fragmenter and his wife are keeping close eye on Marshall's blood sugars -- his surgery is Feb. 12 and I'm hoping the weather would calm down by then so the hubby and I can drive there for the surgery. We were there for the first one.

(when is your surgery, ds? Feb. what?) Hang in there!
Dr. P is a he. I think new date will be in April. I'm not sure of the exact date as I haven't worked out the date with his nurse. I should be able to reach my target of below 140 by April and I already very close to that goal. April does seems like a very looooong wait!

My Dad finally aplogized. He's not a bad person and he is concerned about blood sugars. However, he does need to understand that just because I'm deaf doesn't mean that I can't do anything for myself.
Ah! Glad your dad apologized! It is very hard letting go of your child (I should know, I have four adults!)...

Dr. P is a he then -- cool!

April won't seem far off as you seem to have TWO goals! Controlling your blood sugar AND getting the CI -- hopefully this will keep you occupied and you'll be surprised when the actual date arrives!


I'm glad your dad apologized -- and that you stood up for yourself telling him that deafness does not make you helpless. :)

I agree with greema. April is a perfect time to have the surgery because it will allow you to get your blood sugars under control by then. You'll be surprised at how quickly time flies.

Just think: Your CI will be activated just in time for you to be able to hear all of the wonderful sounds of spring! :)
deafskeptic, I hope you can have a succesful implant surgery when your blood sugar is appropriate for it :hug:
Encouraging new developments! Your dad saying "sorry", which shows that he really cares about you :) and a new date to work for. Yes April might seem forever but it does give you more time and less pressure to get the blood sugar under control. No one wants to put you at risk in surgery so it's good they are doing this.