Attention: Deaf Customers of Financial Institutions

They often use Internet Relay (computer based) - with proxy servers, some free software, a bit of lying (where you live, etc) you can access the USA IP relay from anywhere in the world - then call anywhere in North America.

Crooks and scammers are "tricky" and "innovative" to get what they want.

Also - as we've mentioned before - Relay operators are NOT allowed to "screen called", or interfere with calls - EVEN if they KNOW it's a scammer calling.
Think of it from this perspective .... imagine what would happen if Relay operators suddenly were allowed and legally able to decide what calls Hoh/d/Deaf/SI callers could make ??? This is what you are purposing when you say that the relay operators should "know" and be able to do something about it ... Relay isn't there to "protect" TTY users they're simply there to provide Voice to Text, and Text to Voice translation WITHOUT getting involved. Period.

You asked why businesses don't readily know they're being scammed ... having worked at a business that actually got these calls, I can explain :)
Typically the scammers will call - they don't SAY they're calling from Nigeria (this is information that authorities have found out during investigations, it's not disclosed by the callers). They will call up, and place an order for large ticket items and have them delivered - to a location IN the country (ie in Canada or the USA) and use credit cards to pay for the purchase (fakes, stolen, identity theft etc).
Another scam we saw was the caller saying that they were flying in to buy various big ticket items (much cheaper in Canada/ISA than their country etc ... or they are buying an item to be shipped overseas (many types of businesses deal with international sales on a fairly regular basis - so it DOESN'T raise an immediate "red flags" - the product is either ordered and shipped (then the card is found to be stolen/created but valid etc.). Many times the caller/scammer will say something about how they are setting up a new program for "........." and they're calling because they found online that this was the best place for the prince and products they needed etc ... then they "purchase" $3000 -7000 worth of items (under the premise that they're "starting up a new program" ... the issue is that this exact thing DOES happen legitimately ALL the time - on a monthly bases REAL companies/charities/organizations etc are starting up new programs - so that's not a "Red flag" either...

There are MANY ways that these scammers manage to get products from companies/businesses leaving the businesses in the "lurch" because the card was "valid" when rung through (swiped) etc ... but when the "real card owner" gets the bill - they catch the fraud ... of course this is TONS of legal paperwork, hours and hours of manager/owners time to track everything down etc ... and because most of the time the products are immediately run out of the country, they can't "track them" unless the product is sold to a major store, or goes in for repairs to a major store that voluntarily participates in a program to record and watch for stolen/illegally obtained etc products (including musical instruments, cars, electronics, household items etc)

The problem for businesses is that "weeding out" the real customers from the scammers is often very very difficult. The "defining" telltale hint that it is a scam - unfortunately- is that 90% of these scammers use Relay Operators as a means to do their "dirty work". This is because it allows them to disguise their true location, true name/info, prevents the company from accessing a valid "call back" number, disguises any "spoken language accents" as well as creates an "excuse" for any broken/poor English that may give away a location etc if it was heard by the company.

THAT is why so many businesses are wary of Relay Calls and won't do business transactions via relay and why they may hang up... they've either been scammed themselves in the past, or they've heard from another local business owner about how they'd been scammed - The sad part is that the honest HOh/d/Deaf/SI clients who use Relay end up penalized as well because there's no way for a business employee to know if it's a scam or really a person making a valid request - who happens to be Hoh/d/Deaf or have a SI of some kind ... having witnessed it happen on the business side, I understand the frustration and trepidation that businesses would feel especially because even if directly ASKED, Relay Operators are PROHIBITED from saying if they know/think the TTY/IP caller is a scammer :(

I'm sure if you asked your friends at CHS they'd be able to explain this and other aspects of Relay/TTY/IP/IM relay use that you're not familiar with - and more importantly explain how it impacts you (and it does, even if you're currently, unaware that it does) ~ especially if you want to be able to make educated and informed posts on the topic of TTYs, Relay etc ...

Knowledge is Power
The ability to Listen & Learn, is far more important than the ability to Hear and Know.
jeeze oh my god reason i am shocked!
Whether I should study up on Advanced scams on business utilizing computers/cell phones/relay service in Nigeria in my spare time-interesting.
I will have to check my "friends In Vampire Freaks.Com" what do they do on this urgent problem.
I know the day seems to only 24 hours long and one appears to need some sleep plus a new study on ??? * pending** effective use of time. Gee-can I have enough time to go swimming? My user name is coming on TV shortly on a vitally important matter-Dr Phil's Housewives. Can a widower be a part time house wife? Everything is Important/Urgent!
Enough to make one want to sleep all day! Cheers

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07
Whether I should study up on Advanced scams on business utilizing computers/cell phones/relay service in Nigeria in my spare time-interesting.
I will have to check my "friends In Vampire Freaks.Com" what do they do on this urgent problem.
I know the day seems to only 24 hours long and one appears to need some sleep plus a new study on ??? * pending** effective use of time. Gee-can I have enough time to go swimming? My user name is coming on TV shortly on a vitally important matter-Dr Phil's Housewives. Can a widower be a part time house wife? Everything is Important/Urgent!
Enough to make one want to sleep all day! Cheers

Do you ALWAYS have to be snarky ??? Honestly, is it impossible for you to read what someone says, absorb it, learn from it and be grateful ?

I offered you links and ways to educate yourself on the topic specifically because on a number of occasions you'd decided to post regarding an aspect of relay, ASL, hearing issues etc that you clearly do not understand (because you don't use/have). In many threads, people have talked about Captel, VCO, HCO, IP relay, IM relay, VRS - all of which you've decided to post to, choosing to involve yourself in etc ... without know the details about how the service / language/ technology etc works - as a result saying things that simply don't make any sense including posts regarding:

Captel (which you tried to say was like HCO) - which is in fact a VCO phone for those who exclusively use VCO to place calls and makes calls MUCH easier for many people.

IP and IM relays (which do NOT send email - or antyhing like that) - They are a computer based Relay service that allows people to use the computer to access relay without needing a TTY, a standard phone line etc ... and even more importantly allow users to use relay on their IM enabled Cell Phones (very important for many Hoh/d/Deaf)

ASL - which you clearly have very little if any respect for, and less understanding ... yet you post about fingerspelling, about the "short comings" of ASL - yet you actaully can't hold a basic conversation in ASL and thus have no "real understanding" of the language you're criticizing (do you "knock" German, Chinese, Spanish etc too ??? or just ASL ?

Recruitment - which one doesn't hear, they feel - and has nothing to do with being "real deaf" and is managed with an Audiologist not an ENT


You've elected to continually get involved in topics that you aren't familiar with - so people, including myself offer you resources so you can LEARN about the topics in which you're ELECTED to involve yourself ... yet time and time again instead of saying "thanks" and being appreciative - you respond with some sort of snarky comment.

I still have no idea WHY you are here ... you don't want to learn, you don't want to help others, you're not interested in anything that anyone has to say ... and you're rude whenever someone corrects you about a topic which you are mis-informed or ignorant about ... why ARE you here???

BTW - I joined your "vampire freaks" website for a few days to see what the deal was with it - since you seem to think it's so fantastic there and the people's opinions so valued. Having browsed various "cults" including the ones that you are a member of, all I can say is that it's one of the only sites ever I've actually cancelled and deleted my FREE membership - I honestly couldn't find a single redeeming quality about that site - from the web design & lay out to the topics and quality of the posts.

Hearing's easy - Listening's Hard
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Vampire Freaks.Com isn't mine. I don't own it-Jet Barellson does.
Very interesting to duly informed that all course I took at CHS apparently were insufficient to study many problems within a highly restricted time frame but NOT having anything to do with "coping with YOUR Hearing Loss".
Having been part of V F quite use to a wide range of opinions from drivel to interesting. Easily replicated here.
As for studying listening consider: Listening Wolvin & Coakley 3rd edition Wm C Brown Publishers , Dubuque Iowa.

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07
Perhaps dressed as a hunter with a rifle slunged over your back?

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07
Yeah, that must have been it. Either that or they mistook my cane for a weapon.
One way to fix the Cane- colour- Purple. Hope they recognize you as a customer in the future.

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07
One way to fix the Cane- colour- Purple. Hope they recognize you as a customer in the future.

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07

Cane is royal blue, but I no longer use it. Now, I use a burgundy colored rollator/walker.
Well your bank will recognize you-now- as a customer not a potential robber! Progress!

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07